The team behind this book has no peer. They know their craft. They are devoted to their mission, and most of all they put up with this author. Many of these friends have worked with me for more than thirty years. I’m even more grateful to them today than I was when we began.

Editors Liz Heaney and Karen Hill. You coax, cajole, applaud, and approve. Each paragraph bears your adept touch. Thank you.

Copy editor Carol Bartley. You are to a manuscript what a skilled gardener is to a garden. No weeds permitted.

Steve and Cheryl Green. And so God said, “Let Max have two angels as escorts.” And he sent Steve and Cheryl.

The Thomas Nelson superteam of Mark Schoenwald, David Moberg, LeeEric Fesko, Janene MacIvor, Jessalyn Foggy, and Laura Minchew. I’m honored to work with you.

Research assistant Sara Jones. Thanks for reading the volumes of books. And thanks, most of all, for being my daughter.

Brand team managers Greg and Susan Ligon. No one I know has more energy, savvy, diplomacy, and skill. I’m grateful.

Administrative assistants Janie Padilla and Margaret Mechinus. You are the very picture of servanthood.

Our ever-growing family: Brett, Jenna, and Rosie; Andrea; Jeff and Sara. I’m pigeon chested with pride at the thought of you.

And Denalyn, my dear wife. Every day is made sweeter by your presence. Every person is made better by your words. And every time I look at you, I look at heaven and whisper, “Thank you, Lord.”