[Acknowledgments ]
Creating this book was an unforgettable journey for me, one I could never have completed had I not surrounded myself with supporters whose guidance, wisdom, encouragement, and unconditional caring gave me the strength and the courage to persevere.
The friends and associates to whom I own debts of gratitude are far too many to list, and for those mentioned below, please know that words alone can scarcely convey the depth of my gratitude or the fullness of my heart.
Instrumental in bringing this book to life were the following dear friends:
Stephen Lund, a gifted writer who walked with me through the entire journey of this book, taking my drafts and thoughts—transforming them into this book. For your commitment and skill, Stephen, I am forever grateful.
My agent Kathy Hemming and my editor Don Loney who believed in this book and in me.
Les Hewitt (author of The Power of Focus), who mentored me through the lengthy and laborious process of writing a book, providing feedback and insights that really helped me raise the bar on what this book should be.
Dr. Peter Gregg (Success Lab Inc.), whose coaching and encouragement impelled me to take risks not only in writing a book but in challenging the status quo and launching an alternative to the present system of divorce.
Dr. Dennis LaMothe—my psychologist, my friend, my light in the darkness—who gave me the gift of reality and taught me to create healthy new beginnings not only for myself but for so many others.
James Burgin and Jon Ward (Brandwithin), whose creative insights helped shape the vision of this book and the identity of Fairway Divorce Solutions.
My dedicated partners—Steve Booker, Shawn Boos, and Steve Nielsen—who have remained steadfastly by my side, believing in my vision, and allowing me the time and the space to write.
My Mom—the best mom I could ever have dreamt of having—who has always been there for me and my children.
My Dad, who has always believed in me and whose wisdom has been his greatest gift.
My sister Andrea and brother Jamie, whose unconditional love, patience, and loyalty never go unnoticed or unappreciated.
Susan, whose lifelong friendship and love are gifts I’ll forever treasure.
Lloyd, a true friend whose love and support helped me through the toughest journey of my life.
My EO forum group, who showed unflagging loyalty, skill, and sensitivity in encouraging me to follow my passion.
The Fairway Divorce Solutions Team, who believe so strongly in the vision of a new and better approach to divorce, and who have committed so much time and so many resources to seeing it come to fruition.
All the authors I reference in this book, whose wisdom and forward thinking have enriched my life and inspired me to create and articulate a new divorce paradigm.