[Author’s Note ]
Clean Break is a cautionary tale that begins with a narrative about my own journey through divorce, a narrative that is broken into three parts and which is intended to illustrate why I came to the decision to find a different solution to divorce and to contrast traditional divorce proceedings with The Fairway Process, to which the reader is introduced.
To achieve my goal of providing an object lesson, events described and opinions expressed are loosely based on my own experience, in part on the experiences of others who have shared with me the details of their divorce, and in part from my own imagination in order to complete the narrative. Dates, place names, personal names (with the exception of my own), and personal details are fiction. The words and actions of the fictional characters in the story do not directly reflect the words or actions of any particular person or persons.
The objective in writing the book is not recrimination, but to create a parable through which I hope to steer readers to a less painful, less expensive approach to resolving their divorce, and one that is humane and caring as best as can be managed in the circumstances.