Thanks are due to the reporters, editors, and producers of the mass media who report so many abuses of corporate and institutional power that they neglect to make aggregating connections and then proceed to overlook those who try to do so. Recognition is also due the Independent media people who do not overlook patterns, connections, and citizen activity directed to change conditions for the better. I take all these reports seriously and thank them for their finest moments that render this book an understatement.
Further acknowledgments are extended to my agent Jay Acton, my editor, the so-steady Bridie Clark, and to Marcia Carroll, Alan Hirsch, Peter Maybarduk, Tarek Milleron, Claire Nader, Laura Nader, John Richard, Robert Weissman, Terri Weissman, and Elizabeth Wood. They know their contributions to this work and my gratitude for their efforts.
This book is not about my current political campaign. It is a book about the prevalence of abuses of concentrated power in our country that transcend any election cycle.