Why I Wrote This Book
Minimalist Transformation: How Minimalism Will Simplify And Change Your Life
is my first book in the Instinctive Living Self-development Book Series.
I have been writing blogs and creating content for a very long time. In recent times, it became apparent to me that a book series was my best way to reach out to a wider audience, and to get a little more serious about my writing beyond my blogs and social media.
Like most writers, I have a message to share. It is this calling that, in no small way, has led me to live my life the way I do. As is the case with my blogs, I hope that my books are able to continue sharing my ideas, experiences and knowledge to a wider audience.
All writers want to touch the hearts and reach the minds of their readers. It is my hope that even on some small level, that I am able to do just that.
It is also my hope that this book reminds you that life is full of possibilities and opportunities. Some of these linger tantalizingly close to that edge of awareness that is often never imagined or realized. Others are barely comprehended due to any number of factors in our lives. I will discuss these things throughout the book series.
In choosing the topic of minimalism for this first book in the series, I wanted to discuss it from multiple angles and perspectives. I also knew that based on my life experience, and the way I live my life, that my insights and experience may be of value to others.
The minimalist lifestyle is only limited by your imagination and your ideas about it. This book will further discuss these ideas.
I hope that this book is a catalyst, at least on some level in your life, for you to move closer towards the life you choose to live.