Chapter 1. The Ways To Minimalism
I have already briefly touched on some of the approaches, and some of the ways, people move towards a minimalist lifestyle. In this chapter, I will discuss this a little further, and in future chapters, in more detail.
But first up, I think it's important to state what my views and opinions are, and where I stand in relation to this lifestyle. So where do I stand, exactly?
I see minimalism from many angles and points of view. I certainly do not see it fundamentally. And whilst I see real value in many areas of our lives in relation to work life‒
balance, money, spirituality, and health and the environment for example, I do not consciously set out to promote a particular approach. I didn't write this book to preach the way, or the only way, to living a minimalist lifestyle. We are surrounded with choices. I hope to provide and discuss some of those choices in this book.
Life is much more complex than the one-size-fits-all dogmatic approaches that often pervade most areas of our lives. There are many ways to enter a minimalist lifestyle, and many degrees of what it is. Let's look a little closer.
Work-life Balance
Increasing numbers of people are making the connection that work is not an end in itself. Whilst this is very hard to quantify, it is clear that many people are either not happy in their jobs, or they want to spend less time doing them. The good news is that some workplaces are willing to provide some flexibility these days. Technology also opens up working from home opportunities
This is a major reason many people embrace the less-is-more lifestyle. Buying less stuff equals having more money. Or, more to the point, earning less money means reducing the need to spend it. Finding your balance is the key. By minimizing the need for more things, a family can now realistically downsize their home, reduce their spending, and be more comfortable as a result of those changes.
As people start becoming more aware of themselves, their impact on the environment, their needs, and their connections in life, spirituality is often a strong catalyst towards wanting to live a life of less. This is a generalization, of course, as spirituality means different things to different people. Spiritual values can be a very strong driver indeed towards living a simpler, less cluttered life.
This can be a strong motivator in people's lives. Sometimes it is brought about by a health scare, or the recognition that minimalism can help a person focus their attention on what really matters to them, and what they need to maintain a healthy life. I know in my own personal situation that health was certainly one of the major reasons I chose to change things in my life.