Seven Years Later
“Have a good evening, Dr. Taylor.”
“See you on Monday, Dr. Taylor.”
“Bye, Dr. Taylor. Enjoy your weekend.”
Neil Taylor, Ph.D. stood in the entranceway that led to his office and answered the remarks with quiet waves and an occasional cordial nod of his head. As one of only a small handful of available men on staff, it wasn’t uncommon for the women around him to vie for his attention; or at least, that’s the way it felt. Neil wasn’t complaining about it, though. In fact, though he never voiced it, he rather enjoyed the admiration. Most of the women he worked with were easy on the eyes; however, dating any one of them was totally out of the question. Business and pleasure could make for a lethal mixture, and he loved his job too much to place it in jeopardy.
Neil cherished his profession as Director of Kingdom Builders Academy, the private school that had become an essential part of Kingdom Builders Christian Center. The responsibilities of his vocation made him feel as if he were making a genuine difference in the lives of the children of his community. Under Neil’s leadership, the number of students at the academy had doubled, with a current enrollment of 576 children, ranging from pre-K to fifth grade. And they were a lively bunch.
“High five, Dr. Taylor!” a group of four boys said in chorus as they raced up to the man they saw regularly throughout each school day. Running was disallowed in the halls of Kingdom Builders Academy, but it was the end of the day, and Neil was too tired not to let it slide.
Answering the call of duty, the handsome, well-dressed faculty leader lowered his moderate five foot seven stature to their levels and slapped each of their awaiting palms with his. “Down low, down low,” Neil challenged, dropping his hands so near to the floor that the giggling first and second graders had to practically kneel to reciprocate. “Have a good weekend, boys.” He rubbed their heads in signature fashion. “See you on Monday. Be good now.”
“Okay!” they vowed before dashing toward the three sets of double doors that led outside.
Neil wondered how many of the rowdy boys would keep that promise, but whether they did was out of his control. Once they left Kingdom Builders Academy, they were their parents’ responsibility. But Neil couldn’t help but pray for them. All of the children who spent nearly eight hours with him on a daily basis were special to him.
“Is there anything else you’d like me to do before I leave, Dr. Taylor?”
The question came from Margaret Dasher, Neil’s dutiful administrative assistant ever since he took the job five years ago. Her impaired hearing, coupled with the noise of the dismissed children who crowded the halls en route to their buses or guardians’ cars, made her talk louder than normal. Most days Margaret refused to wear her hearing aid, citing that it made her feel old. Neil was amused by her line of thinking. Seemed to him that she’d feel even older knowing people were practically yelling at her just to be sure she understood.
“Thank you, Ms. Dasher,” Neil said while accepting the folder that his assistant handed him, and quickly scanning the content. “I think that will be all.” Even after years of working together and bonding on a personal level, the two of them still referenced one another by their professional titles—at and away from work.
“Good,” she said, pushing her bifocals up on her nose and flashing a wide grin that displayed the good use of Kingdom Builders Academy’s dental plan. Margaret ran her fingers through her short, graying hair and added, “Got anything planned for the weekend?”
The question was laced with meddlesome inquisitiveness, and Neil shook his head knowingly. “Not really. The weather is nice outside, so I plan to do a little yard work, but it should be a pretty uneventful weekend other than church on Sunday. Will you be there?”
“Of course I will.” Margaret sounded like she was offended that he would even ask. Pausing, she peered at him over the same lenses that she’d just pushed up a few moments earlier. “My niece is coming into town for the weekend. She’s a nice-looking girl with a college degree . . . a teacher, no less. And she’s single. Why don’t you come over for dinner and a chance to meet her? I think you’ll like her. What do you say?”
Neil had a healthy chuckle at his assistant’s expense. Margaret was forever trying to set him up with one of her many female relatives. She seemed to have more available nieces, goddaughters, and cousins than most families, and every time one of them came through Atlanta for a visit, Margaret became an instant matchmaker. Neil had only taken her up on the offer once, and that experience had been quite enough for him.
“Why are you laughing?” she asked, easily reading his thoughts. “You’re still holding that two-month-old incident against me, aren’t you? Listen, I’ll admit that what happened with you and my late husband’s half brother’s second wife’s oldest daughter was disgraceful, but this is different. Lawrence was a good man—God rest his soul—but his family has always been half crazy, and I should have never even suggested that you go out with that gal.”
Margaret paused long enough to catch the breath that her long spiel had required. Then she shook her head and dove right back in. “But you don’t have to worry about that with the McBride women.” She tilted her head to the side and gave her chest five quick, proud pats like the ladies in her family were Mary’s sisters and Jesus’ aunts. “The McBride women are law-abiding citizens. None of them would ever be caught dead with a bench warrant against them. They would never be so trifling as to get arrested at the dinner table in an upscale restaurant for cutting another girl over some man who was serving time in jail for stealing live shellfish out of the tank at Red Lobster.”
Neil could barely contain himself. It was a situation he could laugh heartily about now, but at the time of the public arrest, it was both unnerving and utterly embarrassing. Fortunately for him, none of the patrons in the restaurant on the night that his “date” had been hauled away in handcuffs were friends or colleagues of his. Had they been, he would have had to resign from the job he loved and move to another city. Maybe even another state. Maybe another country.
Wiping moisture from the corners of his eyes that resulted from his fit of laughter, Neil calmed himself. “Thanks for the invitation, Ms. Dasher, but I think I’ll just spend a quiet Saturday at home, taking care of some things around the house that I’ve allowed to go undone.”
Margaret shrugged. “Okay. It’s your life.”
One . . . two . . . three . . . Neil counted the seconds in his mind, knowing full well that Margaret wasn’t going to leave it at that. If history was any indication, he guessed that it would only be a matter of time before she said more. And he was right.
“I don’t know what you’re afraid of, Dr. Taylor. The Bible says he who finds a wife finds a good thing.”
“Been there, done that, and the souvenir T-shirt that I have is all the memento that I need, Ms. Dasher. I’m not afraid; I’m smart.”
“As the saying goes, marriages are made in heaven,” Margaret quickly emphasized.
“And as another saying also goes, so are thunder and lightning.”
Margaret wasn’t the least bit amused or deterred by Neil’s retort. “Okay, so your first marriage failed. Big deal. So did mine. But I didn’t write off love or marriage because of it. As far as I’m concerned, it was his loss. Any man who is too stupid to appreciate all this deserves to be by himself. And he found out quickly the grass on the other side ain’t always as green close up as it appears to be from afar. And he had the nerves to try and come back to me.” Margaret scowled, propped both hands on her full hips, and began craning her neck back and forth like a chicken on amphetamines. “Please take you back? Are you crazy, fool? Do I have ‘big dummy’ written ’cross my forehead?”
Neil held his hands up in surrender and laughed as he cowered away. “Hey, hey, hey. I’m not him, okay?”
Margaret crossed her arms in front of her body, and the amplified breath she released sounded like one that was meant to calm her. Seconds later, she’d regained her composure and was back to her previous line of reasoning. “All I’m saying is that the last thing you should do is let the person who broke your heart also break your spirit. If that woman didn’t have the common sense to see that you were a catch, then maybe the relationship had to be severed in order for God to send you what you deserve. If you don’t at least open yourself to that possibility, then God ain’t got no choice but to give what He has reserved for you to somebody else who’ll accept it and appreciate it.”
If Neil lived to be a hundred, he still wouldn’t understand why his personal life was so important to Margaret. “I just don’t think it’s God’s will for everybody to marry anyway.”
“Then why does He specifically say in His Word that it’s not good for a man to be alone?” Margaret contested.
“Ah . . .” Neil held up one finger for emphasis. “But let’s also remember that the Apostle Paul, who was a lifelong bachelor, said in the book of First Corinthians that he wished that all men would be like he was. Now, that was a smart man. Wish I’d have taken a lesson from him early on; but better late than never, right? Besides, being without a wife made Paul free to be used by God in whatever way God chose.”
Margaret smacked her lips, and then sucked her teeth in protest. “Bologna! A man can be used by God without being single. To begin with, Paul probably wasn’t the most attractive man in Corinth. The scripture don’t say that, but I’ll bet you anything that if cameras were around in his day and we had a bona fide picture to look at, we’d find out that the real reason Paul never married was because he looked a hot mess and just couldn’t find a woman who wanted to marry his ugly self. He probably just used his servitude to God as an excuse.”
A burst of laughter released itself from Neil’s belly and resonated around the workspace. Margaret was as quick witted as any woman he’d ever known. Despite her flippant remarks about one of God’s greatest apostles, she was spiritually grounded too. And even at sixty, with salt-and-pepper hair and a few excess pounds that had settled quite nicely around her hips, she was an eye-catching woman. Nice legs and all. She had that kind of overall appeal that had the potential to make Neil rethink his policy not to date a woman he worked with. As quiet as it was kept, he had always had somewhat of a boyish crush on his older assistant. Neil supposed that if he were a few years older, or if she were a few years younger . . .
Margaret intruded his rambling thoughts with, “You’re too good of a man to be by yourself all this long time, Dr. Taylor; especially at this stage of your life.”
“What stage of my life? You act like I’m an old man or something.” Neil turned his back to her to look at the calendar on her desk, making sure he had no pressing appointments for tomorrow.
“You’ll be forty-five in just a few days.” Margaret said it as though he had no clue. “I’m not saying that forty-five is old, but it’s not young either. And time doesn’t wait for anybody. I remember when I turned forty-five. Seems like yesterday, but fifteen years have passed since then.” He felt her finger touch the back of his head. “You ain’t no spring chicken anymore, Dr. Taylor. Look how your hair is starting to gray.”
“Premature graying is in my genes, thank you very much. And what my genes didn’t jumpstart, my failed marriage did. So citing my graying temples just gives me one more reason to be by myself.”
Margaret ignored Neil’s comment like she hadn’t even heard it. Then again, since his back was turned and she wasn’t wearing her hearing aid, there was a good chance that she hadn’t. Folding her arms in front of her, she quipped, “By the time I was your age, I’d been married twice and had six children. Just ’cause you fall off a horse one time don’t mean you don’t try again. Long as you didn’t break your back in the fall, you’re still good for another ride.”
Neil swung around to face her again. “Horses? Rides? What does that have to do with anything?”
“You need to get hitched; that’s what it’s got to do with anything.” Margaret looked at him like he was stupid. “You need to get hitched right now, while your future wife is still willing to give you some little ones to carry on your family’s name. Nowadays, there are very few women who want to be in their forties with their feet in stirrups, birthing babies.”
Neil shook his head, but he couldn’t help but smile. The way Margaret carried on sometimes, one would think that she worried about him more than his mother did. Her persistence could be irritating, but to a degree, it was also endearing. It was kind of nice to have someone fuss over him the way Margaret did.
“Well, for the record, I have no plans to remarry, but if ever temporary insanity or Alzheimer’s set in and I stupidly decide to do so, children will be optional, so there’s no rush as far as I’m concerned.”
“Optional?” Margaret gasped in dramatic fashion then grimaced like saying the word left a bad aftertaste on her palate. She walked closer to Neil, again looking over her glasses at him like one of those British ladies from Nanny 911. Margaret looked like she was all set to send him straight to the naughty chair. “How can you work around children every day and consider having your own as optional?”
“Working around children every day is probably why I consider having my own as optional.” Neil coughed out a dry laugh. “And please don’t give me the ‘children are a gift from God’ lecture. I’ve heard it more times than I care to tally up. It’s not that I disagree. But be that as it may, my feelings about having kids of my own remain the same. And God knows I’m glad I didn’t have any the first time around. Can you imagine what type of noose would have lingered around my neck if a child were involved?” He shuddered at the thought of it.
“Well, I’m glad you didn’t have any either. That was God’s doing,” Margaret prophesied. “But Dr. Taylor, you’re a natural with the kids in this school. For some of them, you’re probably the only positive male role model they have in their little lives. Besides, children are a blessing from the Lord, and every good man deserves the opportunity to be a father. The Lord in heaven knows we have enough sorry jokers who are running the fields, planting seeds that they don’t even stick around to see grow. So men like you—”
“Men like me will be just fine, Ms. Dasher,” Neil interjected. “I’m not saying I won’t have kids; I’m just saying that it’s not a priority with me, just like a second walk down the aisle isn’t a priority. I can take it or leave it. I like my life.”
“How long has it been since you’ve been on a date?”
“Counting the unforgettable one you set me up on?” Neil grinned at his own facetious remark while he fished in his pocket for a peppermint. He always kept a few on hand. It was a habit he’d picked up as a teenager, after years of seeing his now deceased father nurse on the candies religiously.
“No, I mean a real date,” Margaret clarified, tossing him a don’t-get-smart-with-me look. “I’m talking about an evening out with a special woman that you really cared for. A woman that you saw as having the potential to become the next Mrs. Neil Taylor.”
“I’d have to give you two different answers in order to accurately address both those statements.” Neil stepped back into his office space with Margaret following close behind. Placing the folder in the middle of an already cluttered desk, he turned to face her, leaning back and using his desk for support. “The last time I went on a date with a woman that I really cared for was about two, maybe even three years ago. And I can’t say that I’ve ever been on a date with a woman that I would classify as a potential wife other than when I dated Audrey . . . and a lot of good that did me.”
Removing her reading glasses from her bulging eyes, Margaret’s jaw dropped. “You’ve never—not even once—been on a date with a woman you’d consider marrying material since you dated your ex-wife?”
Neil shook his head truthfully. “Never. So maybe now you can understand why I’m content. I mean, if the right woman happens to come along, fine. But if she doesn’t, God has given me the wherewithal to be content in whatever state that I’m in. I’m not a man who is in need of the constant company of a woman. Anything a woman can do, I can do just as well. My parents made sure that their children were well-versed on how to do everything for themselves. Thanks to them, I’m just as skillful with domestic work as I am with manual labor.”
“Yeah, well, there’s one thing that a woman can do for you that you can’t do for yourself just as well. You might be saved, and you might be self-sufficient, but you’re still a man.”
Chuckling, Neil said, “I knew you’d go there sooner or later.”
“And I’m sure you’ve got a comeback prepared,” Margaret replied. “But I don’t care what you say; you know I’m right.”
“Excuse me.”
The words, accompanied by several knocks on the frame of the door, caused both Neil and Margaret to turn. Standing in the doorway was a child dressed in Kingdom Builders Academy’s signature blue-and-grey uniform, and an unidentified woman who nearly made Neil swallow his dissolving breath mint.
His eyes locked onto the attractive, spruce lady, and against his will, they started at the bottom and scanned her petite, yet exceptional form. Her leather pumps bled the same red of her tapered skirt suit. Her legs flaunted sculpted calves. Hair that was braided so neatly that it looked as though it could have been styled just before she arrived at his doorway cascaded past her shoulders. Her skin tone was like Hershey’s Kisses....
It was a face that was oddly familiar, and Neil found himself thumbing through his long term memory bank for clues of where their paths had crossed. She was too young to be a former schoolmate, but probably too old to be one of the little ones that his mother used to babysit in their home. He hoped beyond hope that their former meeting—whenever and wherever it was—had been a pleasant one.
Her physical appearance stirred something inside Neil, but the sparkle from an impressive wedding set on her left hand drew an imaginary line that hindered his mind from crossing into impermissible territory.
Margaret was the first to step forward. “Yes, ma’am? May I help you?”
“I hope so. My name is Shaylynn, and this is my son—”
“Chase Ford.” Neil found his voice just in time, and then walked toward Shaylynn with an extended hand. “We know Chase very well. He’s a great kid. I believe he’s this month’s star student in Miss Berkshire’s class. You should be very proud, Mrs. Ford.”
“I am. Very much so.” Her beaming smile served as an ‘amen’ to her statement.
“I’m Dr. Neil Taylor, the director here at Kingdom Builders Academy.”
“Oh.” Shaylynn’s face brightened even more. “I’ve heard a lot about you from my son, Dr. Taylor. Chase speaks of you often.”
“I told her you give good high fives,” Chase reported, simultaneously raising his palm in the air and gaining the response from his administrator that his gesture requested.
“May we help you with something, Mrs. Ford?” Margaret repeated her earlier inquiry, ending the fleeting horseplay.
“Yes, I hope so. I was wondering if it were possible for me to use the telephone to call for assistance.” Her chocolate cheeks flushed in embarrassment and her eyes darted toward the floor for a moment before she looked at Margaret again. “I carelessly locked my cell phone and other personal belongings in the car with the engine still running, and I need to get the door open as soon as possible.”
“Sure.” Margaret rounded her desk and pulled a large, worn telephone book from her drawer. “We have several locksmiths in the area, but they can charge an arm and a leg just to unlock a door. It’s highway robbery, really. It’ll probably be better for you to just call your husband and get him to come and bring the spare keys, if you have some.”
“My daddy’s in heaven.”
Chase’s announcement seemed to freeze both time and everyone who was in the room. In slow motion, Neil turned to look at the women, who were standing near his assistant’s desk, and he noted a look of bewilderment on Margaret’s face that indicated that she didn’t quite understand the child’s reply. Neil understood perfectly, but no response seemed appropriate, so he remained quiet.
“My husband is deceased,” Shaylynn clarified, breaking the awkward silence.
“Oh. I’m . . . I’m sorry,” Margaret stammered. Her countenance fell like she’d known the woman’s husband personally. “Bless your heart, sugar. You poor thing. And left with such a young child, too. Lord have mercy, Jesus.”
The pretty woman lifted her chin. “It’s okay,” she assured, all the while appearing as uncomfortable as Neil felt.
“When did it happen? How did he die? Did this happen recently?”
Neil cringed at Margaret’s probing questions. They were far too personal to ask a woman they’d met less than five minutes ago. His mind raced for something to say that would end his assistant’s interrogation, but Neil could think of nothing.
“It happened some time ago. May I?” Shaylynn reached for the phone book, seeming to want to avoid the current subject matter and get to the business of making her call.
“He must have been very young,” Margaret pressed as though clueless. Neil looked at her, not believing her audacity. When Shaylynn didn’t reply, Margaret’s comeback was even blunter. “How old was he when he died?”
Finding his voice and making an executive decision to interrupt, Neil said, “You know what? Don’t worry about making the call, Ms. Ford.”
Mrs. Ford.” Shaylynn’s correction was sharp and abrupt, though her follow-up was less abrasive. “It’s Mrs.”
Another awkward moment passed, and in spite of the fact that Neil could make no sense of Shaylynn’s statement, he respected her wishes. “I can get the door open for you, Mrs. Ford. I keep a special tool kit in my car, my office, and my house for emergencies like this. It’ll only take a few seconds to get the car door open.”
“You don’t mind?” Her tone was hesitant, her expression almost childlike.
“Not at all. Why don’t you and Chase go out and wait by the car? I don’t want it to be left unattended too long with the engine running.” Neil chuckled. “I might not be the only one around here who can open a locked car. You all just go and stand guard. I’ll join you in just a second.”
“Thank you, Dr. Taylor. I appreciate it.”
“My pleasure.”
With Shaylynn and her son out of listening range, Neil took quick steps into his office and retrieved the tool kit from a place on his shelf. He could hear the click of Margaret’s shoes against the tiled floors as she followed him, and from his side vision, Neil could see her standing in his doorway.
“You may want to go ahead and leave before another crisis arises that keeps you here working overtime,” he suggested.
“Did you hear what that child just said?” Margaret asked.
“Who? Chase?”
“No. His mother.”
Neil gave Margaret a cross look, and then closed his office door. The volume of her hearing impairment–induced voice was way too loud for his comfort. Standing with his back leaning against the door and facing her, he said, “Actually, what you were saying out there was far more attention-grabbing than anything Chase’s mother could have possibly said. I can’t believe you asked that lady all those personal questions.”
In defense of her actions, Margaret replied with, “No question is off limits when she’s the one who opened the discussion. If she hadn’t said he was dead, I . . . we never would have known it, and I wouldn’t have asked any questions. I was just trying to show some concern. What was I supposed to do, just stand there like you did and say nothing? How much sense would that have made?”
“First of all, she didn’t volunteer the information of her husband’s death,” Neil argued. “Chase did. And you can’t possibly expect a kid his age to know any better. It wouldn’t have been so bad if you’d stopped after offering your condolences. But asking how, when, and where the man died was just a little too much. You asked his age and everything.”
Margaret smacked her lips in protest. “For your information, I did not ask where he died. You’re putting words in my mouth. And none of that is the point, anyway, Dr. Taylor.” Margaret rerouted the conversation back to her original point. “Even though her husband is dead, she insisted on being called Mrs. Ford.”
“So what?” Neil pretended not to find it peculiar. “Lots of widows still use their married title.”
“I’m a widow. I don’t use it.”
“That doesn’t mean that a woman who decides to is an oddball.”
Margaret paused like she was thinking it over. “Okay, I can agree with that, I suppose. But she corrected you. She insisted. That’s what makes it strange. I could kind of see her reasoning if he’d just died last week or last month. Even a few months might be understandable. But she said he died some time ago, like it might have happened some years ago. Yet it was like she got offended when you called her Ms. Ford.”
“What can I say, Ms. Dasher? Women are strange creatures sometimes,” Neil said. “Another reason that I’m cool with being by myself.”
Margaret followed again as Neil opened his office door and walked into her workspace on his way to the hall. “You know that you and I are going to finish that whole ‘I’m cool with being by myself’ conversation next week, right? Don’t think for a minute that I’m letting you off the hook that easily.”
“The thought never crossed my mind,” Neil said as the two of them stopped briefly in the school’s lobby.
The halls were clear now, and through the main glass doors, he caught a glimpse of Shaylynn and Chase standing beside a silver Chrysler that shone like it had just been rolled out of a showroom. Where do I know her from? The nagging question almost haunted him as they exited the school building.
“I’ll see you at church on Sunday,” Margaret said as she waved at him just before making a beeline to her car, one of a very few that still remained in the faculty lot.
With his eyes locked on his destination, Neil was almost too absorbed to hear his secretary bid farewell. His sights were fixed and his gait was quick. There was a woman that needed to be rescued, and the case in his hand equipped him to do it.
“Thanks again,” Shaylynn said as soon as Neil reached her car. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I don’t think I’ve ever locked myself out of my car before. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“It could happen to any of us,” Neil said. He slipped a pair of sporty sunglasses on his face and pulled an apparatus from the case in preparation to work his magic. “It’s easy to get distracted when there are a bunch of children around, I suppose.” Neil purposely looked at her and smiled when he spoke. He wanted Shaylynn to get a good look at him in his Ray Bans. He’d gotten many compliments on how debonair the eyewear made him look. He hoped she approved too.
“I suppose,” Shaylynn agreed.
“Whoaaaa.” Chase stretched out the word. “Cool glasses, Dr. Taylor.”
Not exactly the person he was trying to impress, but Neil appreciated the praise anyway. “Thanks, young man.”
If he didn’t think that Shaylynn was sharp enough to pick up on his game, Neil would have pretended that the job of unlocking her car door was harder than he’d thought. He would have loved to have an excuse to talk to her longer, maybe get to know her better; maybe figure out why she looked familiar to him; maybe find out why she was still Mrs. Ford though her husband was deceased. But with his tools, the job was a simple one, and the door was unlocked in a matter of seconds. As soon as the lock disengaged, Neil reached for the handle and opened the door for her to enter her car.
“Thank you so much, Dr. Taylor.” Shaylynn slid onto the polished black leather seat and turned to watch as Neil helped her son secure his seatbelt. “Thank you,” she repeated.
Neil closed Chase’s back door first, and then stood by the still-open driver’s door. Shaylynn’s skirt stopped just above her knees, and the sight didn’t escape Neil. Man, does she have nice legs! “You’re welcome, Mrs. Ford. Have a pleasant weekend.” The moment the words came out of his mouth, Neil again caught a glimpse of the diamond solitaire on her finger. Even his expensive shades couldn’t minimize the sharpness of the sparkle that it created as it kissed the sun’s rays.
“You do the same,” she replied while allowing him to shut her door as well.
Neil took several steps backward, and then returned Chase’s wave as he watched the New Yorker pull away from the campus. Although he had been mortified by Margaret’s probing questions, Neil couldn’t help but wonder the same things she had wondered. Just how long had Mrs. Shaylynn Ford been widowed, and what was making it so hard for her to let go?