Smoke stood at the grave of his father, holding his hat in his hands. He was pleased to see that the markings he had chiseled in the rock-turned-tombstone were still quite legible. Preacher was standing some distance away, having told Smoke that he needed some private time with his pa.
“Pa, I’ve settled some accounts. I’ve killed Billy Bartell. He was the man that raped Janey, and in my way of thinking, is probably the one that sent her down the wrong trail. I don’t know where she is now, and to be honest with you, I haven’t been lookin’ for her. I hope she’s alive, and livin’ well somewhere, but I figure that’s none of my doin’ anymore. I set things right for her, by killin’ Bartell. What happens to her from now on is up to her.
“I’m happy to say, I also found and killed Angus Shardeen. I told you he’s the one that killed Ma.
“I’d like to say that ever’thing is all settled now, but I can’t say that just yet. I’m goin’ after the ones that killed you and Luke. I killed Ted Casey already. He was one you didn’t know about. I know the names of the others—Wiley Potter, Keith Stratton, and Josh Richards. I’m goin’ to find ’em, Pa, and I’m goin’ to make things right. I give you that promise.”
Smoke stood there in silence for another moment, then put his hat on, and started back toward Preacher.
“Got things settled with your pa?” Preacher asked.
“He was real proud of you, boy. Same as I am.” The lump in Smoke’s throat wouldn’t let him reply.