POINT: Turning a computer off is like giving it a sweet little nap; there is no way it’s akin to murder. A computer is truly dead only if you dump water on it and watch it fry out. Any other time it’s simply sleeping and waiting to be used lovingly again. It’s not like you’re being malicious when you turn off a computer. Quite the opposite. It’s an act of love that lets that hardworking processor rest its circuits. Turning a computer off comes from a place of care and love. That’s why we all kiss our laptops gently every night when we turn them off.

COUNTERPOINT: When a computer is turned off, all signs of life disappear. Its fan stops moving. It stops surfing the Internet. Its videos stop playing midstream. In short, it is functionally dead. Why would a computer have a “sleep mode” if turning it off was just helping it sleep? You may say that because it can turn back on, it’s not dead. But people are brought back from the dead all the time. What do you think those rub-em-together-and-yell-clear paddles are for?