Albania has no special procedure for amendment. A constitutional amendment is enacted as any other piece of legislation.
§153: The National Assembly shall be free to amend all provisions of the Constitution except those within the prerogatives of the Grand National Assembly.
§154: 1. The initiative to introduce a constitutional amendment bill shall belong to one-fourth of the members of the National Assembly and to the president.
2. An amendment bill shall be debated by the National Assembly not earlier than one month and not later than three months from the date on which it is introduced.
§155 1. A constitutional amendment shall require a majority of three-fourths of the votes of all members of the National Assembly in three ballots on three different days.
2. A bill that has received less than three-fourths but more than two-thirds of the votes of all members shall be eligible for reintroduction after not fewer than two months and not more than five months. To be passed at this new reading, the bill shall require a majority of two-thirds of the votes of all members.
§158: Only a Grand National Assembly is able:
—to adopt a new constitution
—change the territory of Bulgaria
—change the form of state structure
—amend §5 (2) and (4) (relating to the direct application of the Constitution and the application of international agreements)
—amend §57 (1) and (3) (irrevocability of human rights)
—amend Chapter 9 (pertaining to the method of amendment)
This Appendix was compiled by Christian Lucky.
§160(1): A two-thirds vote is required in the Assembly to call a Grand National Assembly.
§162: At the Grand National Assembly, a two-thirds majority vote is required on three different days for any proposal to be effected.
§162(1): A Grand Assembly can only resolve the constitutional amendment bills for which it was elected.
§87: The Chamber of Representatives may call a referendum on a proposal for the amendment of the Constitution, a bill or on any other issue falling within its competence.
The president of the republic may, on the proposal of the government and with the countersignature of the president of the government call a referendum on a proposal for the amendment of the Constitution.
In such a referendum a decision is made by the majority of the voters who voted provided that the majority of the total number of electors have taken part in the referendum. Decisions made at referenda are binding.
§136: The right to propose an amendment of the Constitution of the republic belongs to at least one-fifth of the representatives of the Chamber of Representatives, the president, and the government.
§138: A decision to amend the Constitution on the basis of a prior opinion of the Chamber of Counties is made by the Chamber of Representatives by a two-thirds majority vote of all representatives.
The Hungarian Constitution has no special method outlined for constitutional amendment, save that under §24(3), the affirmative votes of two-thirds of the members of Parliament are required.
§160: Amendments are made by a joint resolution of the Sejm and Senate passed by a majority of two-thirds of votes.
§161: Appears to give the president final power to ratify an amendment proposal that has passed the Sejm and Senate.
§161(1): Appears to require that a national referendum take place on any proposed amendment endorsed by five hundred thousand citizens. The referendum comes after the proposal has passed the Sejm and the Senate and before the proposal goes to the president for signature. That is, there can be no referendum unless a proposal has passed the Sejm and the Senate. If the referendum fails, then the proposal is dead. If it passes, then the president is compelled to sign it.
§146(1): Revision of the Constitution may be initiated by the president on proposal of the government, by at least one-fourth of the number of deputies or senators, as well as by at least five hundred thousand citizens with the right to vote.
§146(2): The citizens who initiate the revision of the Constitution must belong to at least half the number of the counties in the country and in each respective county or in the city of Bucharest at least twenty thousand signatures must be recorded in support of this initiative.
§147(1): The draft proposal [of an amendment] must be adopted by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members of each chamber.
§147(3): The revision shall be final after approval by a referendum held within thirty days from the date of passing the draft of the proposed revision.
§148(1): The provisions of this Constitution with regard to the national, independent, unitary, and indivisible character of the Romanian state, the republican form of government, territorial integrity, independence of the judiciary, political pluralism, and official language shall not be subject to revision.
§148(2): No revision shall be made if it results in the suppression of the citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms, or the safeguards thereof.
§148(3): The Constitution may not be revised during a state of emergency or war.
§92.3: When the president is unable to perform his duties, the acting president of the Russian Federation does not have the right to submit proposals on amendments to the constitution.
§134: Provides for the initiation of constitutional amendments by the president of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, the State Duma, the government of the Russian Federation, legislative (representative) organs of subjects of the Russian Federation, and also by a group composed of at least one-fifth of the members of the Federation Council or deputies of the State Duma.
§136: States that amendments to Chapters 3–8 of the constitution are adopted if approved by a majority of at least three-fourths of the total number of members of the Federation Council and at least two-thirds of the total number of deputies of the State Duma, and come into force after they have been approved by the organs of legislative power of at least two-thirds of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
§135: By contrast, stipulates that revisions of Chapters 1, 2, and 9 (outlining basic rights and amending procedures) of the constitution must first be supported by a vote of three-fifths of the total number of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma. In this case, in accordance with federal constitutional law, a Constitutional Assembly will be convened. This Constitutional Assembly either confirms the immutability of the constitution or elaborates a draft of a new constitution, which is adopted by the Constitutional Assembly by a vote of two-thirds of the total number of its members or is submitted to a nationwide vote. If a nationwide vote is held, the constitution is considered adopted if votes for it are cast by more than one-half of voters casting their votes, provided that more than one-half of voters have cast their votes.
§66.5: States that the status of a territorial subject of the Russian Federation can be changed only with the consent of that subject, whether it be a kray, oblast, city of federal significance, autonomous oblast, or autonomous okrug.
§168: Allows initiation of amendments by no fewer than twenty deputies of the National Assembly, by the government, or by thirty thousand voters.
§169–170: Ratification may be by a two-thirds majority of all deputies voting or by a national referendum, if demanded by thirty deputies.
§256: Allows initiation of amendments either by one-third of the members of each house or by petition of two million electors, with ratification by either two-thirds of the members of each house or by an all-Ukrainian referendum.
§257: No amendments to the Constitution may be introduced that are directed against the independence and territorial integrity of the Ukraine; that are aimed at altering the rule of the Constitution, restricting defined forms of property, or limiting human rights; or that are added under the condition of an emergency.