I went back to the Sands and did a late shift in my pit. Jerry was nowhere in sight. Maybe he and Mack Grey had found something else to do, or maybe they really were in his room watching movies. Maybe they actually got along.
I kept my eyes peeled for Hargrove, or any other cop. When they didn’t show up by three a.m. I started to wonder what was going on? Phil’s body must have been found by now.
It was almost four a.m. when Jack Entratter appeared as I was getting ready to hand my pit off. He looked as if he had dressed quickly after somebody woke him up. His suit and white shirt were wrinkled, and he wasn’t wearing a tie.
‘Eddie,’ he said, waving to me.
My replacement moved into the pit and I joined Jack on the casino floor.
‘What’s up, Jack?’
‘I just got woke up by the cops,’ he said. ‘They were lookin’ for you and Jerry.’
‘No,’ he said. ‘I don’t think Hargrove would’ve called. He would’ve wanted to surprise you.’
‘Are they comin’ here?’
‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘I called our lawyer, he’s on his way, too. Can you think of any reason why you shouldn’t be here when they get here?’
I scratched my cheek and said, ‘It might not be so bad if it’s not Hargrove. Maybe he’s . . . off.’
‘Yeah, maybe.’
‘I’ll get a hold of Jerry. He’s probably in his suite.’
‘I’m wonderin’ Jack said, ‘if we should bring Bing in on this?’
‘Let’s not wake him and Kathy up just yet,’ I suggested. ‘We can do that if the cops ask for them.’
‘OK,’ Jack said. ‘I’m goin’ to my office to take some bicarbonate before they get here. Although I doubt very much it’ll help.’
‘I’ll come up after I talk to Jerry,’ I said.
‘Yeah, OK.’
He didn’t ask me to come to his office and make the call. I was glad. Let him have his bicarbonate in peace.
I decided to go to Jerry’s suite instead of calling. I only had to knock once and he answered.
‘Hey, Mr G.’
‘Guess I didn’t wake you.’
‘Naw, come on in.’
As I entered I noticed that the TV was on, and Mack Grey was asleep sitting up on the sofa.
‘How long has he been asleep?’
‘I think he nodded off halfway through The Charge of The Light Brigade.’
There was a room service tray with a metal pot of coffee and a few cups.
‘Anything left in there?’
He nodded. ‘Might even still be warm.’
I poured and sipped. Just warm enough not to be cold.
‘What’s up? Cops around?’
‘That’s what I came to see you about,’ I said. ‘They’ll probably be here within the hour. Called Jack Entratter already.’
‘That’s the odd part,’ I said. ‘It’s not him. Not yet, anyway.’
I noticed we were both speaking in hushed tones so as not to wake Mack.
‘So what do we do? Wait for them to come lookin’?’ he asked.
‘No, I told Entratter we’d come down to his office and wait.’
‘That’s real cooperative of us.’
‘Yeah, it is.’
‘You talk to the sister?’
‘Adrienne,’ I said. ‘Yeah, we . . . talked. She’s gonna try to come up with a name for us, somebody doin’ business with her brother and DeStefano who might be targeting Vince next. She’s also tryin’ to get me a meeting with Vince.’
‘She’s bein’ helpful, too.’
‘Yeah,’ I said. ‘We’re all bein’ so damned cooperative.’
‘What should we do with Mack?’ he asked.
‘Let’s just let him sleep, for now.’
‘OK,’ Jerry said. ‘I’ll change.’ He was wearing a t-shirt and trousers. I knew he’d want to change into a sports jacket, though. Even if he wasn’t going to wear his gun beneath it – I hoped. Jerry was only casual when he was at home.
I finished my lukewarm coffee while waiting.
‘I’m ready,’ Jerry said, when he reappeared.
‘Jerry . . .’ I said, eyeing him.
He held his jacket open and said, ‘No gun, Mr G.’