Write about It
Hector Price’s father blamed Ethan for something Hector did. Have you ever been wrongly blamed? If so, what happened? Did you ever find out who really did it and why?
Would it have made a difference along the way if someone had stood up for you—believed in you—the way Chad stood up for Ethan? If so, how?
Manda likes to be in control of whatever is happening. When her family’s move to South Dakota is out of her control, she struggles with not having things her way. Is it easy for you to let go of control? Why or why not? Write about a time when you did let go of control … or didn’t but wish you had.
Polly says, “The Bible says that the Lord sends rain on the just and the unjust. The unjust’ll complain about it, and the just’ll make the best of it. Seems to me like I read too that ‘the just shall live by faith,’ so we got to buck up and believe that we’ll be taken care of. Now I’m gonna get supper and be thankful for what we got.” What problems are you facing right now? How could you live by faith, trusting God to work everything out for your good?
What could you be thankful for, instead of worrying about your problems?
Talk about It
Why do you think Chad and Manda Rush find it hard to show love to their children?
Do you think it’s easier to be kind and loving to others if people are loving and kind to you? Explain.
Ethan’s key, his most prized possession, was stolen by a bully. What did he do? Would you have done the same thing(s)? Why or why not?
Henry tells Ethan, “We couldn’t get along without any of you young ’uns.” If you believe that each of us is special, and God has placed us on this earth for a reason, how might that change the way you treat a brother or sister? A friend?
Imagine It
Imagine you’re Ethan. Your little brother has disappeared, and you can’t find him anywhere. How would you feel? What would you do? Then, once you found him, how would you respond? Would having him missing for a while change how you felt about that sibling? If so, how?
Imagine you’re moving to a new home that is seemingly in the middle of nowhere. What would you want to take with you to remind you of your old home? Why?
Imagine you’re standing in the middle of the scenes portrayed in Psalm 23. Write the words of the psalm on a large piece of paper, then draw what you see. Hang the paper where you can see it every day. Read the words when you’re feeling discouraged or fearful.