When Court and Red pulled up to the house that Six-Nine normally frequented with some chicken-head he would bone from time to time. They were so caught up in their own thoughts that they didn’t register things were out of order and it seemed to be a little too quiet around the spot. They were smack in the middle of the hood surrounded by crack house after crack house but not a soul was in sight not even a mouse. It must have been the greed overpowering their senses or they are just too damn stupid to be suspicious. They were currently bickering back and forth about how who needed to get laid the worst, what they plan to do with their cut of the money. Blah, blah, blah…
Court was thinking he wants to kill whoever it is that outsmarted him within the computer department. The petty part of him won’t give this mysterious person props but the professional side of him recognizes talent. He just can’t wait for everything to be over with so he can get his money and go to Vegas to triple it that is if he doesn’t get caught counting cards. Either way he plans to skip town, if not the whole damn country. The shit is going to hit the fan one way or another. Arab better be right about this plan going smoothly and them being millionaires before night fall. He can just taste that money.
Red had his mind on something totally different. Hoes, hoes, and more hoes… But first he wanted to pop back up in Little Rock to pay a little visit to the soon to be widowed Mrs. Walker to offer a shoulder to cry on as well as a dick to sit on. He laughed to himself cause he will pay that ass back for snapping back against his advances. His pride was wounded, he knows he can have any broad he wants and that thick bitch thinks she can jump wrong cause that bitch ass nigga is her husband. When he gone she won’t have that strong arm bastard to protect her. I ain’t trying to wife her I just wanna fuck so I can show her whose boss. Women need to learn they damn place. That’s what’s wrong with these bitches today, that’s why they ain’t got no man. Too damn strong willed…
“Let’s get this over with.” Court exclaimed as they walked to the door. It was too damn creepy around this house. It almost felt like a haunted house.
“Why is it so damn quiet?” Red asked to no one particularly. He was going to knock on the door but it was slightly ajar. That’s weird.
“Maybe we should call for backup.” Court said. He didn’t want to admit being scared but something don’t feel right. The hairs on the back of his neck are standing up. He isn’t for all this hand to hand combat that’s why he works from the computer aspect.
“Quit bitching, he probably was in a rush to smash ole girl and didn’t make sure the door was closed. You know that big lanky bastard is strapped so I know he ain’t even worried.”
“Yo dude, where you at?!” Court yelled from just inside the doorway.
“Well unfortunately it looks like we won’t get a show tonight since I don’t hear shit. I’ve heard his ass in action so either he has killed the pussy or killed the owner.”
“You are a sick motherfucker, do you know that?” Court accused. “Is that all you think about is coochie?”
“You should too unless yo bitch ass is a dookie chaser.” Red looked at Court to wager his reaction to his accusations. He always suspected him to be loose in the booty but never approached the subject.
“What of it?” Court countered.
“AHHHH!!! I KNEW IT!” Red yelled. “That’s just sick.”
“No sicker than your ass raping women when they don’t give in to you willingly.”
“Bitch please; I don’t have to take shit. They want what I got to give whether they know it or not at the time but I put it down.”
“And you snub your nose at me, you don’t even listen to the bullshit you spit.”
“Now you even sound like one, all it took was to expose that ass and you show the true BITCH in you.”
“Fuck you; let’s find Six-Nine so we can get back.”
“Fucking me will never happen. Let me ask you this; are you the giver or the taker?” Red asked with a sour face.
“Wouldn’t you like to know? You seem awfully curious to be as disgusted as you say.” Court said licking his lips to grate on Red’s nerves. During all of the banter they continued to walk from room to room in the house to finally stumble on a closed door.
“Don’t make me kill you now!” Red exclaimed as he turned the knob on the door figuring ole boy must be still sleep.
“Whatever…” The sentence stalled as they hit the light switch to show the horrific sight before them. Some sick motherfucker done fucked Six-Nine all the way up... His naked body was stretched along the table with bruises all over. He was tied down with some serious rope that the hulk couldn’t even break through. But that wasn’t the bad part; someone took a sledge hammer and knocked his head smooth off all the hinges but one. It was barely hanging on by a shred of skin.
“What the fuck!” Red gasped.
Court couldn’t even respond before he turned around to high-tail it up out of there. No sooner than he reached the side of the house he threw up everything that was in his stomach and found some extras along the way. That’s why he wasn’t for this street work he had a week stomach. Whoever did this messed up the killer of the group, he was known as the most ruthless. So if they got him like that then he knows for sure he doesn’t stand a chance.
“I should have never gotten involved in this shit.” He said out loud.
“You got that right.” A deep voice said from behind him before he was consumed in darkness.
Red stood there a few minutes too long accessing the crime scene of sorts. He didn’t even realize that Court had run out like the bitch he is until he went to ask him something. He patted his pockets down only to realize he must have left his phone in the car. “Dammit,” he thought. He took one last look at the supposed coldest killer of the bunch and shook his head. He walked outside to see what looked like Court sitting in the car with his head in his lap. “Scary ass punk, just a waste of space!”
“I think we may just be out of our league.” Red said out loud as he got closer to the car.
“Two for two, right again!” A voice chuckled from behind. Red stiffened and contemplated on what to do next. Before a rational thought could form he passed out from his pressure point between his shoulder and neck being tampered with. Those damn pressure points are a bitch. It will make the strongest nigga’s body betray them.
Arab was pacing back and forth. Red and Court have been gone for quite some time now. I tried calling them, then Six-Nine again but they all got the same results. Something ain’t right… Arab kept leaving to make phone calls and I’m starting to think ole girl that called me is on to something. If this is all about calling that brat’s daddy then he could do that in the same room as me. He keeps cutting his eyes at me like he feeling guilty about something. I haven’t said much since receiving the very cryptic phone call from the so called informant that says she recognizes talent. Talented I am, if I don’t say so myself. I can always find the one that will turn on his crew in a heartbeat. I just might have to be that snitch nigga today though cause I will be damned if I don’t get in on this big deal of Arab’s. If I gotta shoot my way out of this and go into hiding so be it but if there is money to be made I want my cut.
“Yo, why you keep zoning out and shit.” Arab shouted getting my attention.
“Just trying to figure out what’s taking them so long to come back.”
“I gotta take this call. Try them again…” He said walking into one of the rooms. I slowly crept up to the room that he was in to listen to the conversation. I will get some answers tonight.
“What do you…” Obviously he was cut off. “No, no there’s no problem with the deal. The situation is under control.” He assured. What situation and what deal?
“How would you know that?”
“Actually I planned to leave in the next 20 minutes to the location so everything will be all set. Has the money been transferred into the account?”
“Two million wasn’t the deal…” He whisper shouted. Two million dollars?
“I want the other three before you leave the property with the girl.” He said. So this two timing bastard done sold that girl and wasn’t planning on sharing shit. So that birdie was telling the truth. “Yes, yes that will be fine. 6:30 tonight…”
“What about the other matter that we discussed?” Damn what other matter. “Will my guy have any issues snagging the wife?” The wife, oh so this dude has been up to a lot more than what he has let on. Looks like I didn’t give this bitch enough credit, he would be a damn mastermind. Slick bitch…
“That’s good, real good…”He chuckled. “Yes I have your informant’s payment the way they requested.”
“Goodbye Madame.” He ended the call and sighed. “Looks like I need to hang on to the last loose cannon until this deal is completed.” I assume he said to himself. I walked back to my original place and waited for him to return mulling over all the information I just received. I know that loose cannon he was referring to must be me because that call must have been to alert him that his deal with Brock has been botched. I’m gonna stick to this dude like glue. I think it’s about time I make a deal of my own. After all Brock was a business man if anything else. He should be grateful for someone to serve Arab’s head on a platter to him.
“Too much time has passed we have to relocate.” He announced when he walked back into the room. Showtime…
“Alright Boss, where are we going to relocate to?” I asked. He regarded me for a minute before he smiled and continued. Power hungry dumb-ass.
“I have some property on the outskirts of town so that is more secluded for the possible war that may arise.”
“What do you need me to do?”
“Since it’s just me and you now, more money for us to split when he finds out that we mean business. He will be more than willing to clean out his accounts to save his precious little girl and then we kill him. Fuck it!”
“What makes you so sure this will work?”
“Let’s just say I have an inside source.”
“And if he doesn’t hand over his funds easily?” I pressed.
“Someone that I trust has his accounts wide open for us to wipe out then we will hop a private jet out of the states before the other shoe drops.”
“What about the girl?”
“You are starting to ask a lot of questions all of a sudden.”
“Just trying to understand everything so I know what to do and when it needs to be done, you the boss.”
“The girl will be left with her dead father’s body on her hands, so whatever happens after we leave town has nothing to do with us.” He said avoiding eye contact. Lying sack of shit can’t even lie straight.
“I will bring the van around back, Boss.” He smiled satisfied with my reply. Time is of the essence but it ain’t on his side little do he know.
Both of the dread-filled males woke up a couple of hours later with severely bad head banger headaches and couldn’t for the life of them figure out where they were. And then as if a light bulb went off everything came flooding back to them like a flood gate had been opened up. They looked around at their surroundings just a little more closely and it dawned on them that they were at their warehouse where they do business at. Oh shit, how did they get back here? Furthermore who is behind this? If it is that Little Rock crew, how did they know about their place? They both were thinking that the other must have snitched their location out. They looked at each other with so many suspicions and questions but neither wanted to be the first to speak.
“So quiet now, neither one of you punks have anything to say?” They heard a voice they hadn’t heard before ask.
“I don’t have shit to say.” Red was the first to speak. Suddenly in walked those Little Rock nigga’s dressed in all black wearing some deadly grimaces.
“I’m truly disappointed.” The one known as Brock said rubbing his chin. “After all you left a message with my wife for me, now look at you. I know all about you Reginald. Normally I have another treatment for rapists but I have some anger I need to get out so I will spare you.”
“Look…” Court started but was cut off by another rather large guy who came from behind.
“We finally meet, Courtney Ford, correct?” He questioned. “You know you would be an alright Hackman if you would have been trained under me.”
“FUCK YOU!” Court grew some backbone. “I am damned good.”
“Obviously not good enough, am I right?” This dude was taunting his ass.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“That’s not important plus it’s not like you will live to look me up to test my theory anyway.” He chuckled at the defeated look on Court’s face.
“You just signed your precious baby’s death certificate.” Red tried calling their bluff.
“OH don’t try and pull my card, you WILL meet your maker soon enough.” Brock stated confidently.
“Don’t worry your partners will join you soon enough.” Darryl said clenching his glove covered fist. “So you will be far from lonely.”
“Look at the bright side, that giant Seth is there warming up your seat. Since he was the first one out the gate but please believe he won’t be the last.” Dre said preparing to throw some serious head shots at Court for degrading his craft with his sloppy work. Unlike Court, Dre enjoys getting his hands dirty every once and a while. Not the least bit squeamish.
The boys split up with Brock and Big Jim on Red leaving Dre and Darryl for Court. They were about to deliver a grade ‘A’ ass whooping on these weak boys.
Just a couple of hours ago Red made fun of Court for being gay but he was shedding tears and sobbing like the bitch he truly is. Brock was dropping some serious do-lows on Red from his core to straight head shots. The best blow was the upper cut to his chin that made him bite the tip of his tongue off. Big Jim was standing behind the stool that he was tied to making sure he doesn’t fall over, they don’t want him to miss any of this beat down. It is a special gift just for him; he needs to get his fill with no distractions. They heard the bone on the left side of his jaw crack and the next blow allowed it to penetrate through the skin covering his cheek. Should have stuck to modeling, this life wasn’t meant for a pretty boy.
Dre, on the side where Court was tied down with Darryl standing behind the chair to spot him was working his midsection so tough they heard when his first rib broke slightly piercing his left lung. Not enough to kill him yet of course, he just moved to the other side. He dropped one hell of a blow to where his stomach was that made his intestines drop. Well since he rides the Hershey highway anyway, his butthole wasn’t in all that good of shape so it just emptied. That got everyone’s attention and gave them a much needed laugh. At the smell and feel of his own feces on the outside of his body against his will, he didn’t even bother throwing up this time. He just fainted instantly, welcoming the darkness. Such a weakling to be in this business should have been an accountant.
After they were beat to a slightly unconscious state, the boys prepared them for the next phase of this little lesson. They put on some rubber gloves and one after the other they carried the battered bodies to the next room that will be their final resting place. Once they had them all set up they left the warehouse to get on with what was next to come. This crummy crew was so unprepared for this type of action.
Red and Court slowly came to for the second time tonight confused as hell but the pain was coming from their entire body this time not just their head. It hurt to breath, to open their eyes, hell it even hurt to swallow. ‘Why did they leave us alive,’ was all that kept running through each of their minds? That was the worst mistake that they could have made if they just assumed them to be dead. ‘Now how can they get out of here?’ They questioned.
As they continued to look around where they were being held, the place was very dark where there was only a sliver of moonlight seen. They assumed they were just laying on some hard surface only to figure out that they were actually nailed down to two separate wooden tables. ‘NAILED DOWN? WHAT THE FUCK?’ Silence overcame the room; even their grunts of pain came to a screeching halt as they saw a dark image in the distance slowly approaching.
Court and Red felt a sudden gush of cold air that caused their balls to draw up. As they looked down as best they could, they noticed they weren’t wearing any pants. They then looked at each other with dread clear in their features. Then the footsteps were heard coming at them slowly, not just any footsteps, these were really heavy. As the steps got closer they sounded like it was various steps not just of one big something. Suddenly the silence erupted into mysterious dark growls of something unexplainable. The two victims frantically searched for the source of the growls. That’s when they tore their eyes from the dark figure to stare into two pairs of glowing eyes that were advancing slowly towards where they lay.
The GHOST stood in his own shadow and he uttered the one word command to open up the gates of pain on these simplistic crooks. “JAZZ...” It was said with such authority yet not quite a shout or scream. A pair of jet black Timberwolves jumped on the tables and mauled these gutless dicks starting at their shrunken testicles. The nailed down boys let out ear shattering screams like the little girls they are. It didn’t take long for the pets to not only castrate these girls but they ferociously began eating upward. By the time GHOST called off his dogs there was nothing left but a pile of insides stewing in its own blood...