Chapter Seventeen


This past week had been extremely taxing to the mind, body, and spirit but luckily with the support of so many quick draws we got our baby back. Unfortunately for her she is on a sort of punishment until further notice but she doesn’t need to be privy to all that just yet. Luckily she isn’t fighting me for freedom too bad, well not right now anyway and that works for me. I think deep down she is basking in the protective bubble of overprotective family. After an ordeal like that for a teenager why wouldn’t she be?

Angie was over the moon with her being back, I think she almost lost all of her mind during this situation. Thank God for Nikki and her having my back, knowing when to fall back even though we had our blow-ups no hard feelings were harbored. Although Angie talked about never letting Jazz far from her sight for the next year she agreed that it may be just a little safer for her to move in with us permanently. I must say even I was a little surprised about that decision. We had a discussion years ago saying that she would spend the first part of her years living with Angie and the last part if I ever left the game living with me.

Jazz was always given the choice in living arrangements but after the past dilemma she made the choice to make this permanent before we could issue our decision. I couldn’t be more at ease with that decision either way. I try not to be overpowering but I considered taking the choice from everyone and issuing my decision, putting my foot down of sorts. Nikki told me that was totally unfair, always the damn voice of reason. When Jazz announced her choice, Nikki just winked and walked away. I know that wink and she was basically saying she knew all along what the decision would be.

“Bae, what do you want for dinner?” Nikki asked in passing thru the sitting area while on her normal cleaning fit. I laughed to myself because she threw the question out and I know she will want my answer when she breezes back through.

“Whatever you cook baby is fine with me.” I said knowing it grates on her nerves when I say that. I was right she stopped dead in her tracks.

“Really Bae? Nothing comes to mind that you want to eat specifically?” She questioned with her hands on her hips.

“Not nothing that’s in the kitchen.” I replied licking my lips. I hadn’t gotten any loving in a good two to three weeks and I must say my hormones are out of control right now. I take it she caught my drift because she smiled wide showcasing those pearly whites.

“And what would that be Mr. Walker?”

“As if you don’t know and if I really gotta tell you then we might have a problem.” Looking her over, she may have been cleaning but damn she looked good in what she calls her one of her house dress that hugged her curves like it was made just for her body. When she walked off with a playful smile I assumed I wasn’t getting to touch them thighs anytime soon so I leaned back on the chaise closing my eyes trying to calm down my stiff member.

Suddenly her presence was made known when I felt her soft and soothing hands massaging my tense shoulders. Her essence was so damn intoxicating, my heart was beating at a rapid pace with every inhale. I needed to be closer to the source of her smell so instead of continuing this massage I pulled her around so she was standing between my legs. Resting my head on her stomach while starting at her ankles slowly running my hands up her long dress until I reached her voluptuous backside only to realize she is barrier-less.

“No panties huh?” I mumbled but I know she heard me.

“The better to tempt you with, my dear.” She giggled. “No for real, I just felt like going commando today. That time of the month is good and gone so I need to air out. Is that okay with you?”

“Do you see me complaining?” I questioned looking up into her desire tainted eyes. She shook her head obviously not able to form a complete sentence as I rubbed her freshly waxed mound. That brought a smile to my face. “Where are the kids? I don’t want to get all excited to not be able to finish what I’m about to start.”

“Um…” She let out a shaky breath because the pad of my thumb was now massaging the lower lips that seemed to be seriously sensitive. Always a good sign. “Th-they are all in the basement. The girls wanted the twins.” Jazz wanted her friends to spend the weekend and we didn’t have a problem with that. Oblivious to the fact that they just helped me out tremendously.

“So we won’t be interrupted is that what you telling me?”

“No interruptions.” She bit her lip letting me further know she is beyond horny too. Little does she know it’s about to be lights out for her by the time I get done loving her. At least she recognizes when daddy is about to power drive her home because she had a flash of worry cross her features seeing the mischievous smirk of mine. She started shaking her head in denial backing up trying to escape the inevitable knowing good and damn well I’m quicker than she is but I love a good chase. “Brock…” No more words were required confirmation had been made, first moves had been initiated, now it’s my turn to finish the job. I owed her some punishment anyway.

After I picked her up by the waist high enough her legs wrapped around me automatically. No matter how many times she tries denying me she knows her body belongs to me and responds accordingly, I don’t even get why she tries to fight it. I will never tire of her drugging kisses, she is still and forever will be my drug of choice. Once her back hit the mattress, her dress and sports bra was stripped off followed by my basketball shorts and boxers. Non-stop kissing, licking, and caressing was being administered from me to every inch of her body, I just couldn’t get enough she didn’t get a chance to do anything but lay back and enjoy. Dominating this session was all I needed to satisfy me at the moment.

“Damn Brock…” She moaned as I penetrated to the hilt in one swift stroke from behind. In and out at a nice fast but steady pace, I needed to get the first nut out the way so I could really get to work. Nothing filled the air besides her constant curses and my name being yelled. She was so loud I wondered if she would break through the soundproof barrier of our room. “What the hell has gotten into you Brock?” She asked now laying on her back legs wide apart and breathing deeply.

“You have to ask? Maybe I need to show you again.” Getting my second wind preparing to go back in those deep waters for some slow motion put her to sleep type of loving. “Remember I owe you that punishment, first lesson out the way and plenty more to come.”

“Oh my…” She gasped on the last of her statement having the breath taken away from these long deep strokes. I crashed my lips down on hers my tongue mimicking the strokes of my lower region.

“I missed you baby.” I breathed in her neck not breaking stride a bit.

“I missed you too daddy.” Her inner muscles locked down while her teeth latched onto my shoulder signaling yet another massive explosion from deep within her core. Switching positions so she was top, interlocking our fingers going higher and higher.

“Make love to daddy like you missed him baby.” And she did just that and then some. She collapsed on top after some serious riding skills I almost forgot who was in charge but luckily I was far from done. Taking the control from there putting her flat on her back with her legs high and wide given me access to all of the sensitive spots. Hitting it over and over caused her to scream my name while damn near ripping the sheets. “Almost there baby!” Stroking her clit, I could feel the sheets being coated with her juices, legs were vibrating literally under my hands, and she clamped down on me sending me through the roof with this one. I know I’m a goner now. We came together, sweaty and sticky from our session, I laid between her still spread legs supporting most of my weight. If we hadn’t messed up the bed seriously I would just let her sleep but we needed a bath and the sheets need to be changed.

After I ran a steamy hot bath sprinkling her jasmine scented bath salts into the tub, I easily picked her groggy body up depositing her into the soothing bath. She whispered a ‘thank you’ as I was leaving thru the bathroom door. Putting on fresh bedding, I washed her up gently, dried her off, and laid her in the nice clean bed. She didn’t attempt to protest, just snuggled into the covers and drifted into a deeper sleep. That session did the exact opposite to me, I was more energized if anything. I took a shower and prepared to go start dinner since it was my fault she was now sleeping peacefully but I wouldn’t change that after effect for nothing in the world. After all that was the goal I set when I started my seduction. Folks can call me pussy whipped all they want and I wouldn’t have it any other way but what they don’t know is I whips my pussy to sleep in that same note.


“Hey daddy!” The girls spoke when I walked into the kitchen. The twins were all smiles sitting in their high chairs near the kitchen counter.

“Hey girls. What’s up boys?” I greeted and they mimicked the girls screaming hey daddy over and over again. Now if that don’t warm a cold man’s heart then I don’t know what would. “What are my girls up to?”

“Oh nothing, just making dinner.”

“Making dinner?”

“Yes sir.” They all replied.

“We thought you and mama could use a break.” Nat replied not stopping her task of cutting the peeled potatoes into squares.

“Yeah and we started another load of laundry too.” Tiff added prepping the biscuits on the cookie sheet.

“Well I’ll be. What’s on the menu ladies?”

“Homemade fried potatoes, oven buttered asparagus, grilled pork chops on the George foreman grill of course, and homemade cheesy garlic biscuits.” Jazz rambled off the menu. My eyes nearly bugged out my head at the sound of the menu.

“Oh and mama made a pound cake earlier this morning.”

“We got to help and put the icing on it.” Nat threw in before I could respond. I didn’t even see it sitting in the corner on the glass cake dish.

“No need to ask who taught you all how to cook like that huh?”

“You already know.” They replied giggling.

“Well I guess I’m not needed in here huh?”

“No sir but the game is on though.”

“What about you boys y’all going with me?”

“No sir, they are chilling and snacking as you can see.” Their serving trays had cheesy gold fish crackers scattered on it as they fed themselves handfuls at a time. They grinned wide at me acknowledging their skills.

“So bossy, just like my wife.” I remarked going to do as I was told taking a seat in the family room watching the football game. Checking my text messages and voicemails of the family checking in. I responded to all the messages drinking a beer relishing this moment of peace. All family is counted for and safe.

“Daddy!” Jazz yelled about an hour later.

“Yes Jazz.”

“You and mom’s dinner is ready for you to take upstairs.” I chuckled at her demanding tone. She may be enjoying this too much.

“Yes ma’am, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you girls were trying to get rid of me. What’s up?”

“Nothing daddy, we just want you and mama to relax for a change. That’s all, I promise. We have the boys all set with some macaroni and chicken strips.” I smiled cause they thought of everything. They smiled a triumphant smile because they knew that I didn’t have a comeback.

“Well I thank you for me and your mama. Let me know if y’all need anything then.” I said grabbing our food that they put on a tray and everything. We had drinks in our little mini fridge in our sitting area. I left them to it with a kiss on the forehead for a job well done.

I got our plates all set up in the sitting area and went to wake up my lovely very naked wife. The covers had slid down slightly exposing nothing but breasts sending my dick in full salute. If I didn’t know she needed nourishment of a food source I would be filling her up with more of this vitamin D. DAMN, I swear I will never tire of this.

“Bae, wake up.” I ran my fingertips down the side of face pushing her hair behind her ear. She stirred but didn’t quite wake up. “Wake up baby girl. It’s time to eat.” She moaned in her sleep mumbling something incoherently. “Baby girl, you better quit moaning before I give you something to moan about.” I warned but she heard me loud and clear.

“That wouldn’t be so bad would it?” She giggled drowsily cracking her eyes open.

“Oh it’s like that, huh.”

“Always.” She smiled. “But no for real what time is it?” She started sitting up revealing more of nakedness. I almost couldn’t focus.

“Um… It’s 7:10, why?”

“Damn Brock, why did you put me to sleep like that? You knew I had to start dinner and get the kids situated.” She said jumping out of bed in search of some clothes. I passed her one of my t-shirts that reaches mid-thigh on her frame.

“Relax, I knew what I was doing but the girls beat me to any dinner preparations and are taking care of the boys as we speak.”

“Beat you to dinner preparations?” She questioned with her naturally arched brows raised.

“Yeah they cooked and basically told me to get out. Made our plates to go in a matter of speaking. So let’s stop all this talking and get to eating. You know unless you want me to snack on something else that is.”

“Oh no, let me get some of my energy back before we go for round…?” She thought for a minute unable to recount jack.

“Exactly so come on.”

“Aww I owe my girls big time for this one. Everything looks so good.” I nodded my head in agreement as we said grace and dug in.

“Damn Bae, you taught them well.”

“I know right.”

We finished our dinner and cuddled on the couch watching a movie until the need to check on her babies got to be too much. Nikki slid on some bottoms saying she was taking the dishes to the kitchen knowing full well she was just going to check some things out throughout the house. She came back all smiles straddling my lap instead of taking the seat next to me. Obviously she lost the pants on the way to this seat cause she was bare assed again in only my shirt.

“What’s up daddy, you ready for the tables to be turned?” She asked ridding her body of the big t-shirt.

“Shit I’m always ready. I’m assuming everything is all good downstairs.”

“Yes, the girls gave the boys their baths and put them to bed. They are in the media room watching movies again with the baby monitor. It’s just me and you big daddy. Let’s practice going half on a baby all night but first let’s visit 69th street for some seriously freaky play!”

“Shit you ain’t got to tell me but once!” Her lips attacked mine in one hellava lift off kiss sealing the deal to a good night indeed. Shit I love my wife, my lifeline.