


Teddy stood by the entrance. Arms crossed. Brow crinkled. And lips twitching. As he watched an extremely drunk Summer try her hand at karaoke. This time it was piña coladas that she was singing about.

Why was she always singing about drinks? And why the heck had he let her leave the house in that goddamn dress? If that tiny piece of blue polyester rose any higher, he was ready to storm the stage and carry her home. Caveman style.

Whoops and cheers from the male punters had Teddy’s blood pressure rising and his fists clenching.

“Easy, man.” Jake clapped his shoulder. “We’re here to take our women home ... not take out every drunk dude in the bar.”

Teddy rolled his shoulders, focusing solely on Summer and how happy she looked. So carefree. And radiant.

That’ll probably be the whiskey shots if I know my girl.

“Fine. Let’s get to it then, before I change my mind.” He grunted as he started to stalk toward the corner table where the rest of the women were gathered.

He’d had to fend off Brady, Duke, and Ace for the chance to pick up the women tonight, all of who were anxious to see their other halves. Everyone knew by now that Lily was pregnant, so Jake had automatically been picked as one of the designated drivers. Teddy, though, had found himself offering free drinks at Mickey’s for his chance to pick up Summer. And not just because she was hilarious after a couple of whiskey shots, no, it was more than that. He missed her. Badly. Even though it had only been a few hours since he’d seen her.

You’ve got it really bad, man.

And didn’t he know it. Feeling actual physical pain being away from Summer was a new, worrying, and scary development that he hadn’t had time yet to decipher.

“Ladies,” Jake greeted as his fingers brushed the brim of his hat. Before the women had a chance to reply, he was already gathering Lily in his arms and cradling her as if she was the most precious thing on the face of the planet. For once, the move didn’t make Teddy’s eyes roll. He finally understood.

“Boo!” Alice heckled. “It can’t be time to go already, I’ve only just convinced Laney here to sing ‘Single Ladies’ with me.”

“Neither of you are single.” Jake smirked, his hands tightening around Lily as if he were scared she was about to run away or worse, join Alice on stage for a “Single Ladies” rendition.

“No shit, Sherlock,” Alice replied, accompanied by an overly dramatic sigh.

Teddy ignored the jibes starting to fly between brother- and sister-in-law and turned his attention back to the stage. Just in time as his gaze collided with Summer’s.

Mid-lyric she jumped and let out a squeal into the mic. He couldn’t have stopped the smile spreading across his face, even if he wanted to. Nor could he stop his feet from moving toward her. Especially after realizing her intentions as the mic thudded against the floor.

Seconds later, Summer was throwing herself off the stage and into Teddy’s arms.

“Teddy!” She shrieked as her fingernails dug into his shoulder blades. “Did you like my song?”

“Yeah, doll, I liked your song.” Humor laced his voice as she wriggled and writhed in his grasp. “How much have you had to drink, baby?” His hands moved to her ass as her legs wrapped around his waist.

“Uh”—she not-so-daintily hiccupped—“two?”

A laugh vibrated through him. “Two what? Bottles?”

Burying her face in Teddy’s neck, Summer started to giggle. Damn. She was adorable.

Enjoying the feel of her secured safely in his hold, he started back toward the table. On the way back, her giggles dissipated, and her intentions turned torturous. Open-mouthed kisses crept up his neck until his steps faltered. “Doll,” he warned in his sternest tone.

Her warm breath sent a shiver down his spine as her lips hovered over his ear. “I want you.” Her voice had taken on a huskier quality, forcing Teddy to stifle a groan. “I’ve been thinking about you all night. How you touch me. How you taste. How you feel inside ...”

Summer’s whispers elicited a primal growl. A growl that undoubtedly hadn’t gone unnoticed. All eyes had been on them since she’d jumped off stage and into his arms. Now he was growling like an animal as his woman’s words penetrated him, making his whole body pulsate. Thank God she was wrapped around him, protecting what was left of his dignity.

“Jesus Christ, you two,” Ivy chastised as Teddy finally made it to the table. “If I wasn’t so close to hurling, I’d suggest that you get a room.”

“Oh, please, like I haven’t walked in on you and Ace re-enacting scenes you’d only find on the discovery channel.” Teddy grinned, loving the shade of red his sister had now turned.

“Okay, children.” Jake chuckled. “Time to go. Me and my lovely wife have plans.”

After a few groans, Jake eventually managed to herd the other women toward the exit. Teddy followed closely behind, Summer still in his arms. Now to get her home. His home. In his bed. Where she belonged.



Teddy tugged at his collar again. Damn monkey suit. After years of uniforms, you’d think he’d be used to being uncomfortable. But three years of flannel seemed to be enough to have his body rebelling.

It’s only for a few hours.

Knocking once on Ivy’s bedroom door, he hadn’t been prepared for the sight that greeted him as it swung open.


“Wow, sis”—he let out a heavy breath—“shit. You look ... fuck.”

“You always did have a way with words, bro.” Ivy shoved his shoulder, a wide smile pulling at her lips.

He needed to pull himself together. Tell his sister she looked unreal. Stunning. Beautiful. But his throat had tightened to the point of pain. It hit him then, hard. Their family was growing. For the first time. Ever. All they’d known was loss. All they’d had for so long was each other. But no more. Today their tiny family unit of two would expand. Not just to include Ace, but to include his family too.

“Hey.” Ivy’s smile wavered as she lay a hand on his chest. “You okay?”

He tried to cough through the tightness and ignored the mist clouding his vision. “Yeah. You look fucking amazing, sis. Goddamn stunning.”

Teddy glanced down at the simple, strapless white dress that hugged her small frame and flared out when it reached her knees. Her crystal-encrusted heels had given her enough height that her face now reached his shoulders, offering him a clear view of her perfectly applied makeup. All made up she should look different. A world away from his tomboy sister who lived in mud-stained jeans and boots. But she didn’t. She still managed to look like herself. She even wore her signature braid. Well, a much fancier version of it.

“Only you could curse in your compliments, Teddy.” A light laugh escaped as she ran her hands self-consciously over her dress.

He tugged one of her hands off the pristine fabric and encompassed it with his own. “Seriously, Ivy. You look beautiful. Ace is gonna lose his mind.” Teddy watched as she sucked in a breath. No doubt trying to reign in the same emotions he was also battling with. “It really is an honor to walk you down the aisle. I’m so proud of you.”

She fell into his arms then. Teddy’s hands gently encircled her, ensuring his hold wasn’t too tight. He was all too aware of the fact that she needed to keep her hair, makeup, and outfit intact.

“I wish they were here,” she mumbled into his suit. He didn’t need her to clarify who she was talking about.

“They are, darlin’, I know it. They’re up there looking down on us. I can hear Mom now, screaming down at me, telling me not to let you cry and ruin your makeup. And Dad, well, he’s trying to get me to hurl a few threats Ace’s way. Something along the lines of ... ‘You hurt her, you die.’”

He heard a watery laugh as she squeezed him tight. “I love you, Teddy.”

“Love you too, sis.”

He kept hold of her. Silence falling between the two of them as they attempted to fight back tears.

Eventually, Ivy pulled away. Her smile firmly back in place. “Let’s do this.”

Holding out his arm, he waited for her to grasp onto him, and then led the way.

Once they were outside, his own grin stretched as wide as it could go. Summer really had done an amazing job of making this wedding special. Chairs stood on either side of the makeshift aisle. Each had a white covering and was completed with a blue silk bow. Blue hydrangeas lined the path toward the stage where Ace stood, still facing the officiant.

As they took their place at the edge of the white carpet runner, Ivy’s hand trembled against Teddy’s forearm. Placing a hand over it, he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “That man loves you more than life itself. You’ve got this, sis. Let’s get you hitched, huh?”

Looking up at him with wide eyes, she gave him a single nod. He gave his own nod to the officiant. All at once, guests rose, music began to play, and Ace turned around.

As they walked down the aisle, Teddy’s gaze was glued to his soon-to-be brother-in-law, who looked positively awestruck. The closer they got, the heavier the rise and fall of Ace’s chest. And the mistier both their eyes became. Teddy may be giving his sister away, but he was leaving her in good hands.



“Have I told you how sexy you look in a suit?” Summer’s hands slipped under his jacket and rested on his chest.

They’d danced through at least four songs, reluctant to let each other go.

“Have I told you how hot you look in this sexy silk dress?” Teddy countered, his hands skimming down until they met the curve of her ass.

Thanks to his amazing girlfriend, his sister’s wedding had gone off without a hitch. They were now all enjoying the dinner and dancing portion of the evening. With many guests still milling by the buffet tables while others, including the bride and groom, swayed on the dancefloor.

“Wait until you see what I’m wearing under it.”

He jerked and drew back just enough to get a good look at her sultry smile. “Baby.” He groaned. “You trying to kill me here?”

Dragging him closer, she tugged his head forward until her lips brushed his ear. “I’m not wearing any panties.”

Lord have mercy on me.

“Summer, I swear to God, you’re gonna pay for that.” He pulled back to see his warning had only made her smile wider. “You think you’re funny, huh?”

“Oh, I know I’m funny.”

A tickling assault followed as his fingers took advantage of their newfound knowledge of her most sensitive spots. “Really? Who’s funny now, doll?”

“No!” Summer laughed, shrieked, and struggled to get away. “Stop it! No fair!” His hands continued their onslaught while he was unable to keep his own laughter at bay. “Oh my God, Teddy! Stop it! You’re making a scene!”

“Guys.” Ace’s commanding tone gave Teddy’s fingers a momentary pause. “Hate to break up the fun, but it’s time for the speeches.”

Summer jumped out of his reach, victory written all over her pretty little face as she pointed in his direction. “Ha!”

Ace looked between the two of them and chuckled under his breath. “You two are ridiculous. Come on, back to your seats.”

They both complied, trying their hardest to keep a straight face as they playfully smacked each other’s asses on the way back to their table.

As he settled into his own seat, he watched as Summer sat down before quickly jumping back up. “What’s up?”

“Shit. The gift I got for Ivy ... it’s back at my apartment.”

“So? We’ll drop it off tomorrow.” He reached for her hand to steady her.

“No, they’re going on their honeymoon tomorrow. I should go get it.”

Was she serious? “Doll, it’ll keep. Sit back down; we’ll give it to her when they get back.”

“No, I’m gonna go get it.” Summer grabbed her keys from her purse and laid it back down on the table, “I’ll be quick. Fifteen-twenty minutes tops.”

“Wait”—he stood—“I’ll go with you.”

“Don’t be silly. You’re giving a speech, remember?” She stretched up to kiss his cheek. “I’ll be back before you know it. I promise.”

After snaring her lips and giving her a good reason to hurry back to him, he begrudgingly let her go. A funny feeling settled in his stomach as she walked away. It had to be the steak he’d eaten earlier. Right?