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Holy shit, my head hurts.
Summer couldn’t get her eyes to open any wider. It wasn’t quite a squint she was sporting, more like a rapid succession of blinks.
“Ivy, hit the lights.”
She recognized that voice. Teddy. Of course Teddy was there. Her knight in shining armor. Witness to yet another mistake that managed to bleed over into his life now too.
Wait. Did he say Ivy? Shouldn’t she be on her honeymoon?
No. Please no.
“Doll.” His voice was closer now. She tried again to open her eyes. It was easier this time. Darker. “That’s it. Open those beautiful eyes for me.”
“Hey.” It was nice to know she sounded just as awful as she felt.
Trying to move her face to look around, she winced at the shooting pains striking her right in the head. Oh dear. Everything hurt. Even her hair hurt.
“Hey, baby.” Teddy’s meaty fingers lightly ran over her cheeks. “How you doing? How are your pain levels?”
Is fifty fucking million a level?
Before she had a chance to answer, the room was flooded. Ivy was followed in by two nurses and someone Summer could only assume was a doctor. The stethoscope gave him away. Teddy was pushed aside as the women fussed over the machines and the lines currently attached to her.
Once she’d been thoroughly examined, the questions began. More pain-level guessing. Sadly, fifty fucking million was not recognized as an official measurement of pain-level assessment.
She felt Teddy’s hot gaze on her throughout. The longer his stare penetrated her, the more anxious she felt. It was one thing to see her looking like this, it was another for him to witness the result of her stupidity. What must he think of her? It wasn’t cute to be this much of a hot mess so far into your thirties.
Just when she thought she couldn’t possibly feel any worse, the doctor explained exactly what had happened. What her body had been through. And what to expect over the next few days. Goddamn brain swelling. Her brain had actually swelled. She hadn’t even known that was a thing. Scared, overwhelmed, mad as hell. Those sentiments were just the tip of the iceberg when it came to the emotions bubbling up to the surface.
That motherfucker.
“Did you catch him ... Ben?” That question was directed at Teddy as the room began to clear.
“Yeah, doll, you’re safe. He was taken into custody.”
“Before ... I remember hearing Colt. Is he okay?”
She watched as Teddy settled into the chair next to her bed and captured her hand. Lacing his fingers through hers.
“He’s good. He’s actually the one who called the ambulance and got you here. He also restrained Ben until the cops arrived.”
“He did?” Wow. Maybe he wasn’t the devil after all.
“Yeah, doll, he did. I think I’m gonna have to un-bar him from Mickey’s.”
She tried to smile, but it hurt. It was probably a good thing she didn’t allow the mood to lighten though. What she was about to ask Teddy likely wouldn’t go down well.
“Teddy?” She cringed at her scratchy voice.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I need you to do something for me.”
“Anything, baby, anything you need.” He squeezed her hand reassuringly.
Here goes nothing.
“I need some time ... to process everything. Some space. What Ben did ...” She shivered as her mind unhelpfully replayed that night. “Honestly? I’m a mess, Teddy. What he did. What I felt ... am still feeling ... What I’m trying to say is that I’m gonna be a mess for a while and it’s not fair—”
“Whoa,” he cut her off, “if you’re about to say it’s not fair on me ... you can stop right now. ’Cause that is some bullshit. I want to be there for you. I want to help you through this. Please let me. Please, baby?”
You can do this. It’s the right thing to do.
Summer’s eyes closed. Not from the pain in her head this time but from the new ache in her chest.
“You said you’d do anything. This is what I need. This is what I want. My head is all fucked up ... literally. You heard the doctor. Please. If you care about me at all, you’ll do this for me. Please, Teddy.” She wasn’t beyond begging at this point. Anything to make this feeling inside of her go away.
Teddy was quiet for a moment before he surprised her by asking, “How long?”
“I don’t know.”
A weird noise emanated from his chest. A cross between a growl and a groan. Whatever it was, it didn’t sound good. “You’re still in hospital, still recovering ... I only just got you back, and now you’re asking me to walk away? For God knows how long? What the hell, Summer? That’s not fair.”
She opened her eyes and immediately regretted it when she got a look at his. Green flashes of hurt awaited her, causing a sting. “I know it’s not fair. I know I should be grateful you’re even here after what I put you through. I know I don’t deserve you. But ... I need this. I need time to process. On my own. Recover mentally as well as physically. I can’t do that when I’m feeling guilty for dragging you into my drama. This is all my fault. Another bad decision has come back to haunt me, and I can’t stand the thought that you’re now paying the price too. That’s the last thing you need or deserve, Teddy.”
“Jesus Christ, Summer.” Teddy roughly ran his hand over his head. “Grateful? Fucking guilty? You’re breaking my heart here, doll. You’re wrong. This isn’t your fault. Nothing about this is your fault. Don’t you ever let that motherfucker make you feel like it was or that you’re less than. And as for me—”
“I’m not finished. I’ll give you your space, dollface. But this is not the fucking end ... You hear me? I’ll wait as long as it takes. As long as you need. And when you’re ready, I’m gonna spend my life showing you just how deserving you are.”
And with that, Teddy stalked out of the room. She got what she wanted. Hadn’t she? Then why did it feel so wrong?
The next few days were hard. Despite a never-ending stream of visitors, Summer had never felt more alone. It was becoming abundantly clear that she’d sent away the only person she wanted to see.
Every day had become a battle between her heart and her head. And it didn’t help that Teddy was playing dirty.
Shortly after he’d left, Lily dropped off a bag full of things she’d need for the remainder of her stay at the hospital. Packed by Teddy. It contained everything she would have picked out for herself given the chance. From her favorite pajamas, down to the exact number of cotton pads she used to tone her face every night. She wanted to be annoyed at how predictable she was, instead, it only made her ache. Why did he have to know her so well?
He’d also used their friends to sneak in thoughtful contraband for her on a daily basis. The first day it was a box containing three various slices of pie with a note reading, Only forty-four more flavors to go. The second day it was a bottle of her preferred sweet tea. And today, Laney had snuck in her favorite trashy magazines, along with a giant pallet of strawberries. It was official. She was the biggest bitch on the planet.
“So ... are we gonna talk about the proverbial elephant in the room, or continue to pretend everything is fine?” Laney eyed her as Summer bit into another strawberry.
“Um, hello?” Summer gestured over her cotton pajamas. “I’m in a hospital bed after my ex-boyfriend attacked me in an alley, I think we can safely say that everything is not fine.”
“Cute. You know exactly what I’m talking about, Summer. Who I’m talking about. One six-foot-four, grumpy, pain in my ass who has practically been stalking me since you kicked him to the curb.”
“Stalking you?”
“Yes, honey. Stalking me. He calls me day and night to check on you, not to mention all the frigging text messages. How’s she doing today? Has her color returned? Did she manage to keep any food down? The man has it baaaaad.”
Butterflies began to swarm Summer’s stomach. He hadn’t given up on her. She knew he said that he wouldn’t, but doing and saying were completely different things.
“He deserves so much better than me, Lanes.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“Come on, Laney. Be real. I take baggage to a whole new level. I’m like the epitome of damaged goods. Crazy exes. Mommy and daddy issues. An anxiety disorder. Oh, and let’s not forget that if it wasn’t for Teddy, I’d be jobless and homeless right now.”
Her best friend shook her head. Looking almost disappointed. “Well damn. I guess I should start shopping for a new friend, huh? One who isn’t such a disaster.”
Summer shot her a look that hopefully conveyed how not funny she was being. Sarcasm really didn’t suit her. “You really suck at this friend thing. Maybe I’m the one who should be shopping around. Aren’t you supposed to tell me that I’m wrong? Try and make me feel better?”
Laney simply laughed and stole another strawberry. “Huh, let me see. First off, you do have crazy exes ... well, one at least. Your mommy and daddy issues stem from them being total and utter assholes—I’m not sure you can do much about that. De-asshole-ification isn’t a thing yet. And then there’s your anxiety. I get that it’s a bitch ... but it’s also not as uncommon as you might think. Plus, it can be easy to control once you get to the root of it.”
“De-asshole-ification?” Summer couldn’t fight the smile tipping up her lips. “Do you have a point?”
“Of course I do.” Laney paused to chew the strawberry she’d been nibbling on throughout her little speech. “My point is, yes, you have shit going on. But who the hell doesn’t? Or even cares? Teddy certainly doesn’t. Plus, it’s not like you have any more baggage than the next person. If anything, Teddy is the one with baggage in this relationship. Not you.”
“No. He doesn’t. He’s fricking perfect and you know it.”
“Oh, really? So, you don’t think he has just as many insecurities as you? A retired Navy SEAL orphan?”
God, Summer really hated Laney sometimes. And she told her just that. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t. You love me.” She winked and went back to stealing her strawberries.
Two days later, Summer got the all-clear and was currently being discharged. After Laney had given her a stern talking to, she’d been more than motivated to get her act together.
She’d started by giving her statement to Brady and agreeing to press charges. Ben needed to pay. One way or another. She would not live in fear any longer. Lucky for her, he was still being held. Turns out good old Ben had a record. One he’d managed to hide from the aid agency and one that was now preventing him from making bail.
Her mommy and daddy issues were trickier. They weren’t exactly going to be solved overnight, but in the name of extending an olive branch she had given them a call. She’d even told them about what had happened with Ben. They’d been surprisingly sympathetic. Not so much that they were on the first flight to Montana, but enough that they suggested a visit in the near future. That would have to do for now.
She’d also spoken to her doctor about her anxiety. She was in a hospital after all, she might as well make use of all the experts milling around. Dr. Burke had recommended talking to someone as a first step and had helped her get a referral. It was only a matter of time now before she became the poster child for good mental health.
Then, of course, there was Teddy. He never strayed too far from her thoughts. And she’d finally come to a decision. One that was best for both of them.
“Ready?” Laney chirped as she grabbed Summer’s bag.
“As I’ll ever be.”