Hi, I’m Reshma, and I’m the founder of Girls Who Code.
Do you know what coding is? It’s essentially telling a computer (or an iPhone or a robot!) what to do. But did you know that it’s also about creating, imagining, and inventing awesome things based on anything you’re interested in, and above all, having fun with your friends?
Girls Who Code teaches girls in middle school and beyond to write code. We help girls get inspired by all the things they can do when they learn to code—from creating a game that raises awareness about global warming to making a lighting system that can sense the beat in music and create light displays to match. When you learn to code, the possibilities are endless.
When I first started Girls Who Code, I realized that there was a need for books that described what it’s like to actually be a girl who codes. I always say, “You can’t be what you can’t see.” And that’s true for books, too! We need to read stories about girls who look like us in order to be inspired to try something new.
In this book, you’ll read about a girl named Lucy and her group of friends who embark on an adventure to learn to code. Lucy and her friends are just like the girls in our programs—they want to build cool things, meet other amazing coders, and have fun!
My hope is that you’ll read this book and get inspired to join our movement of tens of thousands of girls across the country—and the globe—who are changing the world through code.
Happy reading—and coding!
Reshma Saujani