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Thank You!
We express our deepest appreciation for the efforts of the colleagues whose extensive feedback over the years has helped to shape and create this text.
Janice Akao, Butler Community College
Sophia Anong, University of Georgia
Brenda Anthony, Tallahassee Community College
Anna Antus, Normandale Community College
Victoria Arnold, University of Central Oklahoma
Eddie Ary, Ouachita Baptist University
Chris A. Austin, Normandale Community College
Gail H. Austin, Rose State College
Kali Bard, Crowder College
George Bernard, Seminole State College of Florida
Judy Bernard, Bluegrass Community and Technical College
Tom Bilyeu, Southwestern Illinois College
Ross Blankenship, State Fair Community College
William F. Blosel, California University of Pennsylvania
John Bockino, Suffolk County Community College
Karen Bonding, University of Virginia
Lyle Bowlin, Southeastern University
Michael Brandl, University of Texas–Austin
Jerry Braun, Daytona State College–Daytona Beach
Darleen Braunshweiger, Nassau Community College
Jennifer Brewer, Butler County Community College
Robert Brown, Santa Barbara City College
Bruce Brunson, Virginia Tech
Peg Camp, University of Nebraska–Kearney
Mary Ann Campbell, University of Central Arkansas
Ron Cereola, James Madison University
Stephen Chambers, Johnson County Community College
It-Keong Chew, University of Kentucky
Marc Condos, American River College
Mary Emily Cooke, Surry Community College
Trung Dang, Lone Star College North Harris
Beth Deinert, Southeast Community College—Milford
Julie Douthit, Abilene Christian University
Bill Dowling, Savannah State University
Chip Downing, Massasoit Community College
Dorsey Dyer, Davidson County Community College
John D. Farlin, Ohio Dominican University
Garry Fleming, Roanoke College
Paula G. Freston, Merced College
Robert Friederichs, Alexandria Technical College
Mark Fronke, Cerritos College
Caroline S. Fulmer, University of Alabama
Harry Gallatin, Indiana State University
Dwight Giles, Jefferson State Community College
Terri Gonzales, Delgado Community College
Michael Gordinier, Washington University
Shari Gowers, Dixie State College
Michelle Grant, Bossier Parish Community College
Paul Gregg, University of Central Florida
Michael P. Griffin, University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth
Don Hardwick, Bluegrass Community and Technical College
Josh Harris, Clemson University
Monte Hill, Nova Community College–Annandale
Ward Hooker, Orangeburg–Calhoun Tech College
Ishappa S. Hullur, Morehead State University
Samira Hussein, Johnson County Community College
Dorothy W. Jones, Northwestern State University
Richard “Lee” Kitchen, Tallahassee Community College
Jeanette Klosterman, Hutchinson Community College
Robert Kozub, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Margo Kraft, Heidelberg College
page xxixJohn Ledgerwood, Bethune-Cookman College
Marc LeFebvre, Creighton University
Eveline Lewis, Evangel University
Nolan Lickey, Utah Valley State College
Joseph T. Marchese, Monroe Community College
John Marcis, Coastal Carolina University
Kenneth L. Mark, Kansas City Kansas Community College
Paul S. Marshall, Widener University
Kera Mattes, Liberty University
Jennifer Morton, Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana
Allan O’Bryan, Rochester Community & Tech College
Susan Pallas-Duncan, Southeast Community College
Carl Parker, Fort Hays State University
David M. Payne, Ohio University
Aaron Phillips, California State University–Bakersfield
Padmaja Pillutla, Western Illinois University
Mark Pope, University of Texas
Tom Prusa, Rutgers University
Barbara Purvis, Centura College
Brenda Rice, Ozarks Technical Community College
Carla Rich, Pensacola Junior College
John Roberts, Florida Metropolitan University
Sammie Root, Texas State University–San Marcos
Clarence Rose, Radford University
Joan Ryan, Clackamas Community College
Martin St. John, Westmoreland County Community College
Tim Samolis, Pittsburgh Technical Institute
Todd Saville, Kirkwood Community College
Steven R. Scheff, Florida Gulf Coast University
James T. Schiermeyer, Texas Tech University
Beth Scull, University of South Carolina
Joseph Simon, Casper College
Vernon Stauble, San Bernardino Valley College
Lea Timpler, College of the Canyons
Michael Trohimczyk, Henry Ford Community College
Dick Verrone, University of North Carolina–Wilmington
Randall Wade, Rogue Community College
Shunda Ware, Atlanta Technical College
Kent Weilage, McCook Community College
Sally Wells, Columbia College
Micheline West, New Hampshire Tech
Marilyn Whitney, University of California–Davis
Bob Willis, Rogers State University
Glen Wood, Broome Community College
Russell Woodbridge, Southeastern College
Many talented professionals at McGraw-Hill Education have contributed to the development of Focus on Personal Finance. We are especially grateful to Chuck Synovec, Jennifer Upton, Trina Maurer, Erika Jordan, Tara McDermott, and Daryl Horrocks.
In addition, Jack Kapoor expresses special appreciation to Theresa and Dave Kapoor, Kathryn Thumme, and Karen and Joshua Tucker for their typing, proofreading, and research assistance. Finally, we thank our spouses and families for their patience, understanding, encouragement, and love throughout this project.