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Abrār (6 Farvardin 1370 / March 26, 1991).
Adineh 72 (Mordād 1371 / August 1992).
Āyeneh-ye andisheh 4 (Bahman 1369 / February 1991).
—— 5 (Esfand 1369 / March 1991).
Ettelā‘āt (16 Esfand 1369 / March 6, 1991).
—— (21 Esfand 1369 / March 12, 1991).
—— (27 Esfand 1369 / March 18, 1991).
—— (19 Khordād 1370 / June 9, 1991).
—— (20 Khordād 1370 / June 10, 1991).
—— (21 Khordād 1370 / June 11, 1991).
—— (22 Khordād 1370 / June 12, 1991).
—— (4 Khordād 1371 / May 25, 1992).
—— (12 Ordibehesht 1372 / May 2, 1993).
—— (15 Shahrivar 1372 / September 7, 1993).
—— (6 Mehr 1372 /
September 26, 1993).
—— (12 Mehr 1372 / October 4, 1993).
—— (12 Abān 1372 / November 3, 1993).
—— (4 Dey 1372 / December 25, 1993).
—— (5 Khordād 1377 / May 26, 1998).
Film, no. 34 (Esfand 1364 / March 1986).
——, no. 104 (Farvardin 1370 / March 1991).
——, no. 108 (Tir 1370 / July 1991).
——, no. 125 (Tir 1371 / July 1992).
——, no. 135 (Dey 1381 / January 1993).
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——, no. 205 (Khordād 1376 / June 1997).
——, no. 207 (Shahrivar 1376 / September 1997).
——, no. 221 (Tir 1377 / July 1998).
——, no. 262 (Āzar 1379 / November 2001).
——, no. 264 (Bahman 1379 / February 2001).
——, no. 270 (Khordād 1380 / June 2001).
——, no. 271 (Tir 1380 / July 2001).
——, no. 272 (Mordād 1380 / August 2001).
——, no. 275 (Mehr 1380 / September 2001).
——, no. 280 (Bahman 1380 / January 2002).
——, no. 287 (Tir 1381 / July 2002).
——, no. 288 (Mordād 1381 / August 2002).
Jām-e jam (9 Tir 1388 / June 25, 2009).
Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi (12 Esfand 1369 / March 3, 1991).
—— (15 Esfand 1369 / March 6, 1991).
—— (23 Esfand 1369 / March 14, 1991).
Kehyān-e farhangi (Bahman 1371 / February 1993).
Keyhān (7 Esfand 1369 / February 26, 1991).
—— (8 Esfand 1369 / February 27, 1991).
—— (12 Esfand 1369 / March 3, 1991).
—— (23 Esfand 1369 / March 14, 1991).
—— (25 Esfand 1369 / March 16, 1991).
—— (26 Esfand 1369 / March 17, 1991).
—— (21 Farvardin 1370 / April 10, 1991).
—— (1 Ordibehesht 1370 / April 21, 1991).
—— (2 Ordibehesht 1370 / April 22, 1991).
—— (5 Ordibehesht 1370) / April 25, 1991).
—— (21 Ordibehesht 1370 / May 11, 1991).
—— (29 Ordibehesht 1370 / May 18, 1991).
—— (30 Ordibehesht 1370 / May 19, 1991).
—— (31 Ordibehesht 1370 / May 20, 1991).
—— (1 Khordād
1370 / May 22, 1991).
—— (8 Khordād 1370 / May 29, 1991).
Omid (12 Esfand 1369 / March 3, 1991).
—— (19 Esfand 1369 / March 10, 1991).
Resālat (2 Esfand 1369 / February 21, 1991).
—— (5 Esfand 1369 / February 24, 1991).
—— (14 Esfand 1369 / March 7, 1991).
—— (25 Esfand 1369 / March 16, 1991).
—— (7 Farvardin 1370 / March 27, 1991).
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—— (14 Farvardin 1370 / April 3, 1991).
—— (4 Ordibehesht 1370 / April 24, 1991).
Rooz Online (2 Aban 1380 / October 24, 2010).
Salām (26 Mordād 1376 / August 17, 1997).
Sorush (28 Khordād 1384 / June 18, 2005).
Zanān (Ordibehesht 1376 / May 1997).