advanced (ad-VANSED)
more difficult or demanding
choreograph (KOR-ee-uh-graf)
to create and arrange movements that make up a routine
dismount (DIS-mount)
a move done to get off an apparatus
flourish (FLUR-ish)
to develop and succeed
hesitate (HEZ-i-tate)
to pause before saying or doing something, especially because you feel nervous or unsure
participate (pahr-TIS-uh-pate)
to join with others in an activity or event
rehearsal (ri-HUR-suhl)
a practice, especially for a performance
routine (roo-TEEN)
a performance that is practiced repeatedly to be performed
showcase (SHOH-kase)
to display something or someone boldly
sign language (SINE LANG-gwij)
hand signs that stand for words, letters, and numbers
split leap (SPLIT LEEP)
a jump up with your legs spread out in opposite directions