Detox, or detoxification, is the process of removing unhealthy substances and energies from your life. Within these pages, we focus on physical, emotional, and spiritual detox methods. As your spirituality heightens, you’ll be guided to release anything that no longer serves you, which may include foods, beverages, friendships, relationships, careers, and environments. Throughout this book, we share healing methods that can help you detox your life, which will enable you to experience greater joy.
You deserve to be happy, as we all do, since each of us is born with the same potential for happiness and success. By clearing away the fog of toxins, you’ll be able to plainly see the path ahead. And by working with natural remedies under the watchful eyes of the angels, you will most likely enjoy the process of detoxification.
Detox is often thought of as a purely physical exercise. It conjures up images of cathartic and purgative treatments that rapidly and harshly remove unwanted substances from the body. But this doesn’t have to be the case. The loving guidance of the angels provides you with simple, effective, and safe methods for improving your well-being. By letting go of anything that no longer serves you, you open yourself up to the joy and peace you’re entitled to.
So be willing to release physical and emotional toxins from your life! Let the angels work with you as you proceed on your healing journey. You’ll feel lighter, freer, and happier as a result.
Why Detox?
When you arrive on Earth, you’re only given one body. This is the vessel that carries your soul for the duration of this lifetime. Your precious body is your primary tool for fulfilling what you came here to do, and you must care for it, as it cannot be replaced. When you’re born, you commit to sacred contracts for your life purposes. As you progress through life, you’ll uncover what those purposes are. They fall into two categories: personal and global.
Everyone is born with an individual, personal purpose. This may be learning compassion, healing grief, becoming comfortable with receiving, accepting forgiveness, and so forth. But global purposes aren’t issued to everyone. These are for those who have a mission that benefits the lives of others and may include being a healer or spiritual teacher, writing books, helping the environment, inventing a new product, or being an advocate for those who can’t speak up for themselves.
It’s your job to complete your purpose within the space of this lifetime. If not, you may be sent back to Earth to learn the same lessons again. By completing your Divine mission, you’ll be rewarded with greater happiness and love.
Detoxing your life from lower energies and unhealthy substances allows you to more clearly hear the voice of the Divine—such as God, Jesus, your Higher Self, and your angels. You’ll start to hear these messages very clearly, which will help you discern what your life purpose involves so that you can take guided action as you progress on your path.
Detoxing improves your own well-being, and potentially helps other people as well, as you will become an inspiration to them. By walking your talk, you’ll show others that true health is possible. Additionally, with the energy boost that detoxing gives you, you’ll have the motivation to fulfill your purpose and provide help to others in a big way.
The ego voice tells you that it’s too difficult to let go of old habits. The ego says that you need certain substances, foods, and toxic situations in order to stay “happy” and “secure.” It tells you that if you detox, you’ll become depressed, lose friends, and collapse in a heap.
However, the angels and God love you very much and only want the best for you. So please listen to your Higher Self as it guides you along the path of detoxification. The angels are helping you accomplish this right now.
There are many inherent pluses involved in detoxing. The primary one is that you’ll feel a genuine state of wellness. Other benefits include increased clarity and vitality, heightened intuition, greater self-acceptance, emotional cleansing, abundant energy, and improved overall health.
What to Expect from a Detox
During the process of detoxification, your body removes “toxic waste.” Your detox experience will depend on how much chemical and toxic buildup you’ve accumulated. An Angel Detox takes into account your sensitive nature, combining energetic clearing methods with naturopathic therapies.
If you’re familiar with a standard store-bought detox kit, you’ll notice definite differences with the Angel Detox. Many retail detox packs or cleanses contain laxative herbs and nutrients to increase your bowel function. You think that your body is going through a wonderful cleanse, but in reality, this type of detox is very limited. A standard detox ignores your energy, emotions, and environment. You’ll find a holistic approach the most suitable for your sensitive soul. Plus, it addresses toxins from all areas of your life! In addition, highly sensitive people find a standard detox uncomfortable. We want you to enjoy your detox experience!
In the early stages of detoxing, you might experience headaches, fatigue, anger, frustration, and an increase in bowel movements; and you may have some issues with your skin as your body releases toxins. The reason for these short-lived encumbrances is the circulation of waste. Your body has to get the toxins moving before it can clear them out of your system.
Energetically, the liver is where you house anger. So, as the liver is kicked into action, you may feel temporarily moody. As long as you continue with your detox, you’ll find that these symptoms dissipate rapidly. Generally speaking, they’ll only last for a couple of days, but if they persist, consult with your local naturopath to make sure that your detox is balanced.
Take time to sit down and have heart-to-heart conversations with the angels. Archangel Raphael (the Healing Angel) will join Archangel Michael (the Angel of Strength and Courage) as you undergo your detox. Write down your thoughts, feelings, and questions in a journal; and consult with the angels on any concerns you have. You might start with: What else can I do to enhance my detox? or Why am I experiencing headaches today ? Wait for your Higher Self to provide you with the answers.
Anything that you see, hear, feel, or think is a Divine message from the angels. Make notes so you can reread them at a later date. You’ll see that your communications with the angels become clearer as you proceed. The messages that come through may be long and detailed, or you might receive small and succinct communiqués that have deep and profound meanings. But no matter what type of message you receive, know that the angels are watching over you during the entire process and want you to succeed!
What the Angels Say about Detoxing
You, like everyone, have guardian angels with you at all times. They are nondenominational guides assigned to you as part of your creation. Angels are part of human physiology, like a heart or liver; and they’re committed to helping you live a long, healthy, and happy life. Your angels are invested in you and the fulfillment of your purpose.
For this reason, you may hear or feel your angels nudging you to detox. This may come in the form of repetitive thoughts or feelings urging you to give up toxic behaviors. You may shrug off this guidance because it’s inconvenient, or it seems contrary to your prayers for a better career, relationship, and so forth, but we urge you not to do this.
Know that both of us have also received and followed this type of guidance with great success. Watching our friends, family, clients, and students deal in various ways with their inner guidance to detox, we have found that:
• Some people ignored it.
• Some delayed it.
• Some tried to bargain or negotiate with the guidance ("I’ll give up this, but not that").
• Some argued with it.
• A few chose to follow it.
In the latter case, we’ve watched lives transform rapidly. For example, one of our friends saw all of his career dreams come true once he finally surrendered and followed his inner guidance to quit drinking alcohol and coffee, go vegetarian, and give up two toxic relationships.
You, too, can receive clear guidance from your angels by asking them, on a regular basis: “What changes would you like to see me make in my life right now?” Notice the feelings, thoughts, and visions you get right away … even if you don’t like what you receive (for example, a message to give up your favorite food). Remember: your angels have been with you your whole life, and they know you better than anyone. All they want for you is your good health, happiness, and peace.
If you’re unsure that you’ve accurately heard your angels, say:
“Angels, please give me a clear sign in the physical world that I will easily notice and understand to let me know that I’ve correctly heard you.”
Once you know that your angels are guiding you to detox from a substance, relationship, or situation, say to them:
“Angels, please give me the courage to make this change in a healthful and harmonious way.”
By working with the angels, you can also lose cravings so that there’s no willpower involved. I (Doreen) was able to stop drinking alcohol and coffee and stop eating animal products and refined sugar because the angels completely eliminated my desire for these items. The same has happened to many other people, and it can happen for you if you ask for the angels’ help.
The angels can’t violate your free will, and can only help you if you ask. It doesn’t matter how you ask for help, but only that you do ask for help: You can ask God directly for assistance; you can pray to Jesus or a saint; or you can visualize, affirm, or write your request. Your prayer can be a supplication (an appeal for help) or affirmative (thanking the Divine ahead of time for assisting you). All communication with the Divine that is sincere and love based works.
Letting go of addictions, unhealthful lifestyle habits, and unbalanced friendships heightens your connection to the angelic realm, as you’ll release the psychic fog created by toxins. This fog stems from chemicals and negative energies, so the angels urge you to let this go. By working with the angels, you’ll find that your appetite for healthful, nutritious foods will increase, and you’ll become aware of how your body reacts to artificial substances. You may want to try a vegetarian diet for a week, or you may feel drawn to freshly squeezed juices. All of these examples are ways in which the angels are answering your prayers.
Sometimes you may accidentally ignore the angels’ guidance, so definitely ask them for help in hearing the messages you’re supposed to take to heart. Or, you can ask them how your detox can be more successful. You’ll find that they will reply with dietary or lifestyle advice. The angels know how you can benefit most right now, and by following their messages, you’ll be led to a path of absolute joy.
The Life Force of Food
The angels classify foods and drinks according to how they impact your vital energy and inner light. Natural, fresh, and organic fruits and vegetables have the highest vibrations, as they are both nutritious and are also filled with an inherent vibrancy. The sunshine that they absorb is held within their cells. As you consume these foods, your body welcomes the healing energy of the sun, and you begin to glow and grow radiant.
Processed and artificial “foods” have the lowest vibrations. These items serve no benefit to your body or energy. Similar to the nonnatural way they’re produced, they provide you with an artificial sense of energy or satisfaction, and your body receives no reward for taking them in.
Even lower on the energy scale are those foods that contain, or are grown with, pesticides (“-cide” comes from the Latin caedere, which means “to kill”) and have very low vibrations. Genetically modified (often called GM, GMO, or GE) foods have herbicides and pesticides grown into them, so they’re the lowest-vibrational items of all.
At the time of this book’s publication, genetically modified foods are unlabeled in the United States and Canada (in other countries, GMOs must be labeled). So, the only way to avoid GMOs in North America is to buy certified organic versions of the following foods:
The angels guide us to eat and drink organic foods, which are harvested without the use of chemicals and pesticides. Organics are also usually grown with love, by farmers who care more about health and the environment than profit. Animals on organic farms typically lived better lives; ate organic feed; and produced higher-energy milk, eggs, and flesh.
The ego tries to trick you by telling you that organic foods are more expensive. When comparing the surface price of organic versus nonorganic food, it may appear more costly. For example, organic tomatoes might seem more expensive than the nonorganic ones, but you’re paying for the tomatoes that didn’t make it to the store. No chemicals are used, so some might be eaten by bugs. The ones that survived will be well worth the investment. Organic food tastes like food should.
Remember those times when you cut open a tomato and you could smell it? These days, conventionally grown tomatoes have little smell, taste, or texture compared to those of the past. This is what organic food is all about: going back to a natural way of growing and harvesting foods, which is more sustainable, as it involves working closely with nature.
The angels show us a vision of interconnectedness when farming. The butterfly and the bee pollinate the flower and allow the tomato to grow. Some tomatoes might become the home for caterpillars. This leads to the next generation of pollinating butterflies. If pesticides and chemicals are used to kill the caterpillars and bees, the cycle of growth stops. The angels ask us to respect the land and the way our food is created, and to give a few pieces to the creatures that help us live healthfully.
Your grocery bill will likely go down when you follow a natural diet. As you transition to healthy, fresh produce, you’ll no longer crave expensive, processed meals. It’s actually very cost-effective to eat in a wholesome manner.
The angels guide sensitive people to avoid or reduce eating animal products because the animals’ treatment affects the energy of the meat, dairy, and eggs. When an animal suffers, that suffering energy (including adrenaline) goes into the animals’ flesh, and this extremely low vibration passes into those who eat these products. However, some believe that blessing the product and thanking the animal it came from can raise the vibration and purify the energy.
Also, in the past, some indigenous peoples silently asked animals for permission before hunting and killing them. However, in those days, animals lived freely, and their capture was on a fair and level playing field. These days, unfortunately, animals lead torturous, confined lives and are slaughtered cruelly. That energy affects those who consume the resulting products.
A Naturopathic Perspective on Detoxing
Detox is a favorite word of naturopaths (holistic physicians who use natural agents to treat physical ailments). So much emphasis is placed on the liver and the miraculous work it does, and this one organ helps eliminate toxic materials from the body, concentrating them and then releasing them into the bowel for removal. The liver is one of the only human organs that can regenerate. This is because it’s so essential to a fully functioning body.
Without a good, working liver, your body will circulate toxic chemicals that will make you feel weak and fatigued, and cause headaches. Often when people visit a naturopath with multiple health concerns, the first treatment is for the liver, as naturopaths look upon it as a major detox organ. It strengthens the other detox organs of the body, including the skin, kidneys, lungs, and bowels. Each of these systems has its own way of releasing toxins. When all of them are working synchronistically, your body clears itself. Each system processes and detoxes the chemicals you come into contact with.
Looking at you holistically, naturopaths address your emotional toxins, too. Detoxing from stress and drama has a huge effect on your overall well-being. By making a commitment to release all forms of toxins, you’ll be guided to the perfect support team.
The “tools” naturopaths prescribe include herbal medicines, nutritional supplements, and lifestyle practices. When you visit a naturopath, an individual treatment plan will be created just for you. Your naturopath’s training will also impact his/her treatment style. Naturopaths have their own personal philosophies on health, so the best thing to do is to consult with practitioners who treat you as a unique human being. Even better, find a naturopath who believes in angels. This person will nurture you as a sensitive soul and help you trust your intuition.
How Often Should You Detox?
Your diet and lifestyle habits will determine how often you need to detox. Eating organic, healthful foods and maintaining a regular exercise routine means that you may only need to detox once or twice a year. However, if you eat a lot of fast or processed foods, smoke cigarettes, consume items with sugar regularly, drink alcohol, or live in a polluted area, you might think about detoxing every two months.
As you detox, your body will happily let go of unhealthful foods and drinks. Cravings for coffee may be reversed, and you might no longer enjoy drinking it. If this happens, go with the flow of energy. Let yourself release the substance, and move into greater health.
People in certain occupations might find themselves working in environments with harsh chemicals and toxins—for example, painters, hairstylists, manicurists, artists, cleaners, military personnel, and mechanics. Due to the chemicals they’re exposed to, workers in these fields would benefit by detoxing regularly.
Similarly, if you live in an area with industrial or military-generated pollution, detoxing frequently is advised. Auto exhaust, factory fumes, and geoengineering weather-modification spraying (“chemtrails” of aluminum and barium nanoparticles appearing as thick white stripes in the sky that bleed into a white, silvery sky to block out the sunlight) are toxins that need to be released for optimal health and energy levels.
As mentioned, individuals in these environments would do well to commit to regular detoxes—say, every two months to ensure health and happiness. We feel that detox is a way of life, so rather than allowing toxins to build up in the first place, avoid them altogether as much as possible.
Choose to live as healthy and chemical-free as you can. And please work with the energetic clearing methods and health tips found in this book all year long.