Throughout this book, we refer to specific spiritual healing methods, so this chapter, which is akin to the “Ingredients You Will Need” section of a cookbook, lists and describes them all in detail.
Read through each method to gain greater insight. Then, learn how each method can be applied in specific situations. Choose a number of these tools to support your overall health, or select just one. Make sure you trust your intuition, and ask the angels to give you signs that you’re choosing the right options. You can use any or all of the following healing methods to enhance your detox.
Archangel Raphael’s Addiction Release
Archangel Raphael provides a powerful clearing method for substances you’re willing to release. Please reflect on whether you’re ready to let these substances, foods, or beverages go. However, the healing still works even if you don’t think you’re ready yet. By acknowledging that your life would be better without dependency, you allow the angels to step in. When the angels give
you messages about which items to release, trust in these feelings and choose to let them go.
The angels ask you to release these addictions in order to bring you greater joy. Don’t look upon this process as if you’re losing
something—you’re not, you’re gaining!
Your Divine life purpose is an important mission that only you
can complete. Therefore, God needs you to be in your healthiest state.
Find a quiet space to sit peacefully. Begin by breathing deeply, taking your breath all the way down to your stomach. Exhale fully and completely as you let go of tension. Continue this deep breathing for several minutes. Now visualize the foods, substances, and beverages that you’d like to release. See them sitting above your lap, hovering in front of your stomach area. You may clairvoyantly see thin, sticky fibers extending from your body to these items. They are cords of addiction that are anchoring the unhealthy items in your aura. Now call upon Archangel Raphael by saying:
“Archangel Raphael, please release me from these cords of addiction now. Please take these items out of my aura and into the light.”
You may see or feel Raphael clearing your body. He uses a white, cleansing foam that dissolves the cords. As he releases the cords of addiction, remain in a relaxed state by breathing deeply. See or feel the unhealthy substances leaving your body and being dissolved into the light. Ask for Raphael’s healing by saying:
“Raphael, please send your healing, emerald-green light into my stomach area. I know and trust that this will prevent cravings or desires for these substances in the future. Thank you.”
Sense Raphael’s healing light warming your abdomen. Visualize the unhealthy foods floating away. The angels now
guide you to release those foods and substances in a gentle and supportive manner.
Archangel Michael’s Spiritual Vacuuming
Vacuuming is a spiritual clearing method channeled from Archangel Michael. It’s extremely effective for releasing negativity. Michael dispels psychic attacks and blocks by using his etheric suction tube, which resembles a vacuum. By inviting Archangel Michael into your life, you give him permission to help you. Ask him to vacuum your body, aura, or home and he will remove unwanted negativity for you. His tube also suctions away fear, and at the other end of the tubing is the Band of Mercy—a group of smaller angels who accompany Archangel Michael in his clearing work. They transmute all lower energies to a higher vibration and work to instill love and peace.
Call on Michael by saying:
“Archangel Michael, please be here with me now. I ask you to please vacuum
[my body, my home, my office, the planet, etc.].
Please suction away the lower energy of fear. Release all darkness to awaken the light. I ask you to now lift away all traces of negativity, leaving behind only love.”
See, in your mind’s eye, Michael clearing away any negative energy. By doing so, he reveals the beauty of your Divine light. You can ask him to amplify or reduce the speed with which he suctions away fear. Ask him to switch the vacuum to low, medium, high, or extra high. Continue working with Michael until you feel that all traces of fear are removed.
Next, infuse the area with additional healing light
“Michael, please send your pure, loving light of God into
[my body, home, office, etc.].
Please protect me from lower energies and remind me to call upon you for guidance and support. Thank you.”
Archangel Michael can be with everyone simultaneously. Call upon him for yourself, and also ask him to help loved ones who need clearing. Michael cannot interfere with others’ free will, so he will only conduct healings if people are willing to receive them.
When you undergo a spiritual vacuuming, you raise your vibration, and as a result, you will crave higher-energy substances. So, this process helps you align yourself with natural, nutritious foods and drinks. You’ll also find yourself aligning with like-minded individuals.
The angels are happy to clear you as often as you need it, and they may gently guide you to avoid situations causing you pain. By becoming a clean and clear vessel, you intensify your sensitivity. Soon you’ll identify the situations or people that lower your vibration; and when you’re around them, you may notice headaches, fatigue, constant yawning, itchy skin, or difficulty concentrating. Take these as signs from your angels to avoid these people and situations, as they’re only causing you harm. Sometimes the most healing thing you can do is to extract yourself from unhealthy environments.
For example, you may find that you can no longer listen to, or be around, people who complain a lot or who create lots of drama. By releasing those individuals, you’re not being a bad friend—you’re merely attempting to raise your vibration. You’re making the choice to only allow positive energies to come into your life.
You may feel guided to modify other types of relationships as well. This, too, is part of the natural process of developing your spirituality. For example, certain people might abuse alcohol and/or drugs, which you realize is a form of self-harm. Many convince themselves that they’re not addicted, and that they can stop
anytime they like. But your inner knowingness and Higher Self tells you otherwise.
Trust this higher guidance. You’re a beautiful example of God’s love, and you have the ability to shine your light upon those in need, but you don’t have to join them on a path of despair to do so. You can’t help your friends if you involve yourself in their crises and dramas. Doing so will only create more
people in need of healing.
Archangel Michael’s Cord Cutting
Etheric cords are negative, or fear-based, attachments. They look like tubes connecting you to other people, places, or objects; and can make you feel tired and lose motivation. They’re responsible for unexplained pain, so if there are no clear physical causes for your discomfort, it may be due to an etheric-cord attachment.
Many people have experienced instantaneous relief after cutting these cords, which can affect you by both transmitting and absorbing energy. These cords suction your energy and vitality and give it to others. Think of friends who are draining, or people who make you feel physically and mentally exhausted. This is due to fear-based cord attachments. These individuals are siphoning off your energy reserves in order to keep themselves going.
On the other hand, if the other party becomes angry or stressed, these emotions tumble down the cord to you, and you suddenly experience them for no logical reason. They may hit you quite suddenly and confuse your energy. One minute you’re fine, and the next you feel intense anger or pain.
Cords frequently attach to helpers; so if you enjoy assisting others, or have a healing business of some sort, you may have formed etheric-cord attachments. That’s why it’s so important to cut your cords regularly. Otherwise, you may be overcome with negative attachments, which will drain you and make you feel chronically fatigued and burned-out
From a clairvoyant standpoint, these cords look like tubes going from one person to another. They begin as thin, string-like cords. As time progresses and the relationship develops, the cords grow.
The underlying energy of cords can stimulate thoughts and feelings such as:
What if they aren’t there the next time I need help?
I’m jealous and want what they have.
They made me feel so good. I must talk to them again to feel that way.
I don’t want them to leave me.
I feel resentment toward them.
They’re the source of my power.
They’re the source of my healing.
Archangel Michael severs the cords of fear, releasing you from the unhealthy part of the relationship. To start this process, find a quiet space and begin by breathing deeply. Consider lighting a white candle for purification. Or, you can sit in front of a bunch of white roses.
Start to bring your attention to your physical body. Begin by using your intuition. Notice anywhere that feel tighter or more restricted. Become aware of areas on your body that feel warmer than others. Next, take your dominant hand (the hand you naturally write with) and scan it around your aura. Again, pay attention to changes in air pressure, tingling, or heat. All of these sensations are clues that there are etheric-cord attachments. Call upon Archangel Michael by saying
“Archangel Michael, please sever and release any cords of fear. I am willing to let go of this unhealthy, unbalanced energy. I choose instead to align myself with love and light. I ask you to remove any negative energies from my body. Please release all effects of these cords now. Thank you.”
Follow Michael’s energy as it scans your body. Be aware of the areas of tension that are being dissolved. You may receive flashes of people or situations that cords were connected to. Let these feelings move through your body, letting them go. This is all part of the detox process.
Archangel Michael will take excellent care of you and help you feel more comfortable. Remember, you can ask him for additional support at any time. By working with Michael, you will sever these cords of fear from your body. Relax, and allow him to do his work.
If you feel that certain cords weren’t released, ask your angels why. They may show you images or give you feelings about the person connected to a particular cord. Visualize a peaceful conversation with this individual. Say everything that’s on your mind and in your heart. You may get a sense of what this person would say in turn. When complete, tune in to your body again. Notice the subtle differences and the greater energy you now feel. You’ve successfully released a negative, unbalanced relationship! Tell the Universe that from this moment on, you will only accept loving people into your life.
Archangel Metatron’s Sacred Beam of Light
Your chakras (your centers of life force and vital energy) are like sponges that absorb energy, some of which may not always be for your highest good. To ensure that you hold only positive and loving energies, it’s a good idea to clear your chakras.
The following is a method offered by Archangel Metatron, who brings balance to all areas of your life. He works to correct the amount of work, rest, and play you partake in. He also brings an energetic and spiritual balance to your chakra system. Whenever you feel stuck, blocked, or clouded, ask Archangel Metatron for healing.
Find a quiet space and begin by breathing deeply. Close your eyes and relax. Call upon Metatron by saying:
“Archangel Metatron, please cleanse and balance all of my chakras using your Sacred Beam of Light.”
Visualize a pure white beam of light coming down toward you from Heaven. Relax, and watch as Metatron guides this healing energy in through the top of your head. See or feel yourself filled with pure white light. Sense this energy filling all of your cells with the purity of angelic love. You may see ancient symbols being sent through the beam, so if you do, allow them to work their healing magic within your soul. You may recognize some of the symbols, and others may be new to you. It’s not important for you to understand everything. Instead, trust in the angels and God.
Next, allow the beam to pass out through your root chakra, which is the area at the base of your spine (see illustration on facing page). Notice as it transforms into a ruby-red color. This red light clears away blockages and fully awakens your root chakra.
When the clearing is complete, Archangel Metatron will guide the beam out through your sacral chakra. Here, it takes on a vibrant orange. Feel the orange light dissolving all darkness and healing your sacral chakra
Continue working with Metatron through the rest of your chakras:
• Solar plexus—yellow
• Heart—green and pink
• Throat—sky blue
• Third eye—dark blue
• Ear—red-violet
• Crown—purple and
white When you feel ready, thank Metatron for his healing by saying:
“Thank you, Archangel Metatron, for this healing and clearing. Please continue working with me as I release all old energies that have held me back. I am now ready to embrace my light and follow the guidance of God.”
The more you work with this method, the smoother and faster it will become. Initially, it may take five minutes or more for each chakra center. With regular clearing, there’s not as much stagnation and psychic debris to remove. So, you can eventually move through the entire process in just a few minutes. Metatron clears away negative energy whether you’re aware of it or not. And, of course, as the Law of Free Will dictates, the angels must have permission before they can assist you.
Healing Crystals
Crystals are healing stones that carry an inherent energy within them. As your spiritual gifts awaken, you feel a gentle pulse of energy as you hold a crystal. They store and direct healing energies, which you can greatly benefit from. Your body easily
absorbs their vibration. Sit with your crystal and set your intentions, which gives the stone a way to direct its love.
Some wonderful crystals and stones for detox include:
Provides protection from toxic energies.
Clear quartz:
Great for a general detox of anything and everything.
Green stones
(jade, emerald, malachite, etc.): Provide healing support.
Helps you release and let go.
Grounds you so that you don’t feel spacy. Helps with focus and concentration.
(metal shavings and quartz crystal set in resin): Protects you from geoengineering weather-modification aerial spraying of aluminum and barium nanoparticles (“chemtrails”).
Rose quartz:
Heals emotions and gives you hope and faith.
Smoky quartz:
Wonderful for clearing away toxic relationship energy, especially with respect to people from your past.
You can wear, hold, work, or sleep next to these crystals to receive their healing support.
Crystals are sensitive tools that can easily absorb negative energies; therefore, it’s best to cleanse your crystals the first time you bring them home. Also, cleansing is a nice little to show them that you appreciate them.
And, be sure to cleanse your stones if you haven’t done so for some time. Think of how many times you walk past your crystals every day. Crystals are like sponges. Since they want to help, they clear heavy and lower energies from you. This is a lovely service that the crystals do for you, so cleansing them regularly is your way of repaying them for the healing they’ve been giving you unknowingly
In addition, cleansing your crystals removes all past associations—that is, the energies of previous owners, countries, and environments, leaving behind pure healing energy. Crystals come from all over the planet and have endured being lifted from the Earth, miners sorting them, wholesalers packing them, retailers pricing them, and then finally making their way to you. They can be depleted and drained from their long journey.
The ancient Lemurians, a highly spiritual civilization that preceded Atlantis, worked closely with crystalline energies and learned effective methods of cleansing crystals. They recalibrated the crystals’ energy so that it functioned at the best possible frequency and worked with the crystals’ “internal circuit board.” The Lemurians had a highly developed knowledge of how crystals worked. They easily and effectively corrected all energy imbalances and repaired any negative energy that the crystals may have absorbed.
To have the Lemurians cleanse your crystals today, simply call on them and ask them to do so by saying:
“Lemurians, please help me cleanse my crystals now. Refresh and intensify their energies so they may become tools used for my highest good. Thank you.”
There are many ways in which you can cleanse your crystals. Asking the Lemurians to cleanse them is just one method, but you can also try smudging, which is an old method of clearing energy that uses smoldering herbs, namely white sage, in order to lift energy.
Archangel Michael is excellent at clearing negative energies from your crystals, too. Call upon Michael by saying
“Archangel Michael, I ask you to send your purifying energy into my healing crystals. Please awaken their inner knowledge to heal and inspire. Please prepare my crystals for healing work and align them with my energy now. Thank you.”
Next, charge your crystals with positive energy. You can do so through prayer. Open your heart to the healing crystals and express your gratitude. Or, leave your stones in the light of the sun or moon for four hours.
Now, your crystals are ready to be programmed with your loving thoughts. To achieve this, work with
the crystals. Speak to the stones as if they’re loving friends, which they are. Pour your heart out and admit to any concerns or fears. Let the crystals know exactly what you hope for. Also, share your previous experiences. Include in your prayer that you’re willing to accept something greater that God and the angels may bring. If they see an easier method for success, be open to it! You needn’t use any special words or phrases to program your crystals; it’s all about your intention. When your intention is pure, you’ll receive the best possible outcome. Have the courage to step out of your comfort zone and speak from your heart.
Flower Therapy
Flowers are physical representations of love from our Creator. They serve as reminders of the Heavenly presence that surrounds us in nature.
As you go through your day, you might notice a single flower peeking out from a crack in the sidewalk. Or, you may observe some stunning blooms in a neighbor’s garden. Previously you might never have noticed that they were there, yet today you’re captivated by them. The angels say that in these cases, the flowers have been placed there just for you.
It’s part of their sacred purpose to heal you. And, as you acknowledge the presence of the angels
and flowers, they are given permission to help you. So, take a moment to literally stop and smell the roses. Your mind will become clearer and more focused.
At times you may become overwhelmed with the chaos and drama of your everyday life. These feelings appear as a psychic fog within your aura. When you’re encased in this fog, it’s very difficult to tell which way is up, what direction is forward, and where you want to travel. First, you must lift this cloud away so you can clearly see the road ahead, and flowers can help you do so. By welcoming flowers into your environment, negative energy is instantly lifted.
To begin working with flowers, bring fresh blooms into your home. You can also plant them in your garden, or print pictures of them to display around your house or apartment. (To discover more healing ways to connect with the angels of nature, see our book
Flower Therapy.
We also discuss detoxing your emotions with flowers in
Chapter 8
Tree Therapy
Trees are powerful healers and teachers for those who are sensitive enough to hear the voice of the tree. I (Doreen) sat beneath trees and wrote about their messages in my book Healing with the Fairies.
I find that (like people) each tree has a specific life purpose. Some trees help boost confidence, others help with relationship issues, some help manifest abundance, and so forth. Just silently ask a tree about its purpose, and then trust the answer you receive in your mind.
Trees also perform physical healings. If you feel tired, ill, or injured, you can place your back against a tree (either sitting or standing). The tree will immediately begin absorbing toxins, pain, and low energies. You’ll feel this process! And don’t worry—this won’t hurt the tree. Just as trees transmute carbon dioxide into fresh air, so too do they transmute and purify old pain energy
Connecting with Nature
We saved one of the best detox methods for last: Mother Nature. A lot of toxins are accumulated because so many of us live and work indoors, which isn’t natural for any creatures, including humans. We aren’t meant to breathe air-conditioned air or work under artificial lighting. In fact, studies show that many modern illnesses came into being precisely at the time that artificial lighting became commonplace!
We need sunlight in moderation to trigger the brain’s production of the feel-good chemical serotonin.
Serotonin is also the precursor to melatonin, which the body needs in order to sleep, and repair itself. Without enough melatonin and serotonin, we wake up feeling tired, grumpy, and hungry for junk food.
We also need sunlight to ensure that we’re getting adequate vitamin D in our system. Breast cancer and other serious diseases have been associated with vitamin D deficiencies.
The angels say that full-spectrum lighting is necessary for optimal health, and that the rainbow prism within full-spectrum sunlight feeds each of the colors within the chakra system (since it’s a rainbow, also). So, for example, if you’re having stomach issues or power struggles, the yellow light within the full-spectrum rainbow would support the healing of these issues, since yellow is the color of the solar plexus, which is associated with these issues.
While you never want to get sunburned, the opposite (avoiding the sun too much) is equally dangerous. Also, please read the ingredient lists on sunscreens carefully before applying them. Many of these products are loaded with toxic chemicals. Always be sure to choose organic sunscreens, available at your local health-food store or online.
In addition, the angels say that moonlight, starlight, sunsets, and sunrises also increase our overall wellness:
The angels say that watching a sunset helps our chakras become relaxed, and prepares us for a good night’s sleep
The angels say that being outside beneath the stars triggers our creativity, and helps us be more artistic.
Since ancient times, our ancestors have stood beneath the full moon as a powerful method of releasing everything that is toxic from their lives.
The angels say that watching a sunrise awakens the chakras, providing a natural boost of energy.