24˝ × 24˝ FINISHED
Inspired by Fresh in Camille Roskelley’s book Simply Retro with Camille Roskelley
9 PRECUT 10˝ SQUARES (4 complementary, 5 white/background)
• Cut 2 white/background precut 10˝ squares into 4 squares 4½˝ × 4½˝ each.
• Cut each remaining precut 10˝ square into 4 squares 5˝ × 5˝.
Designate the 4 complementary precut 10˝ squares A, B, C, and D.
Make the following half-square triangle (HST) units (refer to Easy Half-Square Triangles, Make Two at a Time, and trim to 4½˝ × 4½˝:
• 8 fabric A / white HST units
• 8 fabric B / white HST units
• 4 fabric C / white HST units
• 4 fabric D / white HST units
• 4 fabric C / fabric D HST units
Make 8 HST units fabric A / white.
Make 8 HST units fabric B / white.
Make 4 HST units fabric C / white.
Make 4 HST units fabric D / white.
Make 4 HST units fabric C / fabric D.
Each block is made from 4 identical quadrants (see below). For 1 quadrant: Sew the HST units and 2 white 4½˝ × 4½˝ squares into 3 rows arranged as shown.
Repeat to make 4 quadrants. Sew the 4 quadrants together to make the block.