Quarter Log Cabin
6˝ × 6˝ FINISHED
Inspired by Harmony Table Runner in Tricia Maloney’s book I Love Precut Quilts!
3 PRECUT 2½˝ STRIPS (light, medium, dark)
• Cut light strip into 1 square 2½˝ × 2½˝ (A).
• Cut medium strip into 1 square 2½˝ × 2½˝ (B) and 1 rectangle 2½˝ × 4½˝ (C).
• Cut dark strip into 1 rectangle 2½˝ × 4½˝ (D) and 1 rectangle 2½˝ × 6½˝ (E).
Sew the block together in alphabetical order, A–E.