
2°C goal, 9, 12, 15–16, 35–36, 134, 158, 166–167, 170

45Q tax credits, 115, 147

Absorbers, in amine process, 43–44

Absorption processes, 52, 54

Acid rain, 51

Adaptation strategies, 8, 13–14

Adelman, Morris [Morry], 30–32

Adsorption processes, 53–54

Afforestation and reforestation (AR), 15, 118, 119, 133

Alberta, Canada, 106, 148

Allam cycle, 64, 66

Alstom Power, 149

American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, 146

Amine processes, 39, 42–51

costs associated with, 46–50

effectiveness of, 45

examples of, 95, 107–110, 114–115

explanation of, 43–45

problems and solutions in, 43, 45–46

purpose of, 42

Aquistore Project, 109

AR5 (IPCC), 120, 134

Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), 107–108

Arrhenius, Svante, 3, 5

Australia, 100, 105, 148, 151

Barents Sea, 104

Barrow Island, Australia, 105

Basalts, 90

Battery storage, 165–166

BECCS. See Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage

Biochar, 16, 118

Bioelectricity, 123–125

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), 16, 120–128, 168

bioelectricity, 123–125

biofuels, 125–128

biomass production, 121–123

Biofuels, 125–128

Biomass feedstock, 121

Biomass Integrated Gasification (BIG), 125

Biomass production, 121–123

Bipartisan Budget Act, 147

Bitumen, 106

Boundary Dam, Saskatchewan, 62, 108–111, 141

BP, 103–104, 153–154

Bravo Dome, New Mexico, 71

Brazil, 100, 125

Brundtland, Gro Harlem, 98

Bush, George H. W., 150

Canada, 148

Cap-and-trade policies, 142–143

Capillary trapping, 76–77

Carbon budget, 9

Carbon capture, 39–66. See also Carbon storage

adsorption processes for, 53–54

alternative technologies for, 51–66

amine processes for, 39, 42–51

areas of application for, 168–169

benefits of, 37, 39–40

best uses of, 40–42

climate change mitigation as purpose of, 103–108, 157–158

costs associated with, 46–50, 62

cryogenic processes for, 56–58

defined, xiii

ease/difficulty of, 40, 42

economies of scale in, 40–41

examples of, 99–115

future of, 167–170

history of, 39–40, 138–141

industrial sector projects in, 105–108

membrane processes for, 54–55

as mitigation strategy, 13

oxy-combustion, 62–66

pioneer projects in, 103–105

post-combustion, 42–58

power sector projects in, 108–115

pre-combustion, 58–62

public awareness of, xv

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Act, 147

Carbon capture and utilization (CCU). See Carbon utilization

Carbon cycle, 7

Carbon dioxide (CO2)

concentrations of, 4–5

conversion of, to fuel, 92–93

for EOR, 71

as greenhouse gas, 2

persistence of, in atmosphere, 9

processes for removing, 42–66

production of, 92, 99–102

source of, xiii, 4

storage of, 67–91

transport of, 69–70

utilization of, 91–94

Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). See Carbon capture; Carbon storage

Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), 8, 15–16, 117

Carbon footprint

of Alberta oil sands, 106

of biomass feedstocks, 122, 126

of fossil fuel use, 25–29

reducing, 8–13

Carbon intensity, 24–25

Carbon pricing, 142–145, 170

Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum, 141

Carbon sinks, 8. See also Natural sinks

Carbon storage, 67–91

in coal seams, 91

examples of, 95–98

geographic distribution of options for, 87

geologic, 70–87

history of, 138–141

mineral trapping for, 89–90

ocean-based, 87–89, 138

public acceptance of, 87

strategies for, xiii, xv

transport and, 69–70

Carbon tax, 142, 144

Carbon utilization, 91–94

CCPI. See Clean Coal Power Initiative

CCS. See Carbon capture; Carbon storage

CDR. See Carbon Dioxide Removal

Chemical absorption, 52

Chemical looping, 64

Chemical scrubbing, 43, 50–51, 57–58

Chevron, 105

China, 12, 29, 87, 100, 148, 151, 153

Clean Air Act, 58

Clean Coal Power Initiative (CCPI), 111, 115

Clean coal technology, 59

Clean Development Mechanism, of Kyoto Protocol, 133

Clean Power Plan, 160

Climate change, 1–19. See also Global temperature

CCS projects for addressing, 103–108, 157–158

consensus on, 1

fossil fuels as contributor to, 35–37

future of, 166–167

greenhouse effect and, 2–3

intervention strategies for, 8–19

Climate sensitivity, 5, 9

Climeworks, 132–133

CO2 flooding, 71


biomass compared to, 123–124

carbon per unit of energy of, 24–25

chemical makeup and properties of, 23

emissions associated with, 12

Industrial Revolution based on, 21–22

use of, 12

Coal gasification processes, 52, 59–62, 111–113

Coal seams, carbon storage in, 91

Contract-for-differences, 149

Cool Water IGCC Demonstration Plant, California, 59

Criteria pollutants, 58, 60–61

Cryogenic processes, 55–58

DAC. See Direct Air Capture

Decatur Project, 107–108, 126, 141

Deep saline formations, 74

Denmark, 29

Direct Air Capture (DAC), 16, 128–133

Direct emissions from land-use change, 122–123

Distillation, 55–56

Duke Energy, 61

Earth Summit (1992), 98

Edwardsport Power Station, Indiana, 61

Efficiency. See Energy efficiency


biomass as source for, 126, 128

carbon capture and, 168–169

constraints on production of, 163–164

fuel input/output for, 28–29

German policies and practices concerning, 162–164

Emissions Trading System (European Union), 148

Energiewende, 162–164

Energy crops, 121–122

Energy efficiency, 11, 25

Energy penalty, 47, 49–50, 58

Energy Policy Act, 125

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technologies, 71–72, 100–102, 115, 145

Environmental Protection Act (Canada), 109

EOR. See Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technologies

Ethanol, 125–126

European Union, 148

Feed-in tariffs, 146

First International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Removal, 140

Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD), 51

Flue gases

amine processes for, 39–40, 42–46, 50

cryogenic processes for, 56

DAC compared to carbon capture from, 128–131

market incentives for capture of, 99–100

oxy-combustion processes for, 62–63

Fossil fuels, 21–37

climate change in relation to, 35–37

energy supplied by, 21

fundamentals of, 23–25

geographic variables in uses of, 29

history of, 21–22

as source of CO2, 3, 4

supplies of, 30–35

uses of, 25–29

Gas. See Natural gas

Gasification. See Coal gasification processes

Geoengineering, 8, 138. See also Carbon capture; Carbon Dioxide Removal; Solar Radiation Management

Geologic storage, 70–87

capacity of, 84–87

characteristics of target formations for, 72–74

and induced seismicity, 82–84

leakage from, 78–79, 81–82

security and monitoring of, 78–82

trapping mechanisms for, 74–78

Germany, 12–13, 29, 151, 162

Global temperature

2°C goal for, 9, 12, 15–16, 35–36, 134

effects of rising, 6–7

increase of, due to greenhouse effect, 5

solar radiation management for, 16–19

Gorgon project, 105

Great Plains Synfuels Plant, North Dakota, 102

Greenhouse effect

defined, 2

global temperature linked to, 5

natural vs. manmade, 2–3, 5

runaway, 7, 15

Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies (GHGT) Conference, 140

Greenhouse gases

concentrations of, 7–8

defined, 2

from energy crops, 122–123

Heitkamp, Heidi, 147

Horizontal drilling, 33

Hubbert, M. King, 30

Hydraulic fracturing, 33

Hydrocarbons. See Fossil fuels

Hydrogen fuel, 126

IGCC. See Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle

Illinois Basin Decatur Project, 107–108

Illinois Industrial CCS Project, 107–108, 141

India, 29, 87, 100

Induced seismicity, 82–84

Industrial Revolution, 21–22

Industrial sector CCS projects, 105–108

In Salah Gas Project, 103–104

Integrated Coal Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC), 59–62

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 1, 78, 92

Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) Summary for Policymakers, 120, 134

Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, 141

International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme, 140

Intervention, in climate change, 8–19

adaptation, 13–14

carbon dioxide removal (CDR), 15–16

mitigation, 8–13

solar radiation management (SRM), 16–19

IPCC. See Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Iron fertilization, 118, 120

Japan, 87–88, 100, 140, 148, 151

JX Nippon Oil and Gas Exploration, 113

Kemper County Energy Facility, Mississippi, 62, 111–113

Korea, 87

Krechba Formation, 103–104

Kyoto Protocol, 133

Land availability, for energy crops, 121–122

Land-use changes, 122–123

Liquefied natural gas (LNG), 104–105

Low-/no-carbon energy sources, 11–13

Marchetti, Cesare, 138

Market pull policies, 142–145, 170

McElmo Dome, Colorado, 71

Membrane processes, 54–55

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), 53


as greenhouse gas, 7

as natural gas component, 23

occurrences of, 34–35

for oil upgrading, 107

Methane hydrates, 34–35

Middle East, 29

Mineral carbonation, 89–90

Mineral trapping, 77

Mitigation costs, 49, 133–134, 143

Mitigation strategies, 8–13, 103–108

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, 115

Mount Simon Sandstone, 107

Natural gas

carbon per unit of energy of, 24–25

chemical makeup of, 23

emissions associated with, 12

source of, 22

use of, 12, 22

Natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plants, 48–50

Natural sinks, 15–16, 118–120. See also Carbon sinks

Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs), 117–135

BECCS, 120–128

DAC, 128–133

overview of, 15–16, 117–120

role of, 133–135

NER300 program, 148–149

NETs. See Negative Emissions Technologies

New Entrants Reserve (NER), 148

NGCC. See Natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plants

Nitrogen, 50, 55–56, 60, 62

North American Chemical, 39, 43

North Sea, 70, 85, 95–98, 140

Norway, 70, 95–98, 104, 148, 151

No-till farming, 16, 118

NRG, 113–114

Nuclear power, 12–13, 137


carbon in, 7–8

carbon storage in, 87–89, 138

NET utilizing, 16, 118–120

Offsets, 133–135, 168


carbon per unit of energy of, 24–25

chemical makeup and properties of, 23

origins of industrial production of, 22

Oil and gas reservoirs, 73–74

Our Common Future (Brundtland Commission), 98

Oxy-combustion capture, 62–66

Oxygen, distillation of, 55–56

Paris Agreement, 9, 12, 13–14, 158–161

Peak oil, 30–33

Permeability, 72, 104

Permian Basin, Texas, 70–71

Peterhead project, 153–154

Petra Nova Project, Texas, 62, 113–115

Physical absorption, 52

Pipelines, 69

Plant Berry, Alabama, 115


future of, 157–162, 169–170

market pull, 142–145, 170

need for, 36–37

renewable-energy vs. climate-mitigation, 164

technology push, 145–150

Politics, 144–146, 150–155, 169–170

Post-combustion capture, 42–58

adsorption processes, 53–54

alternative technologies for, 51–58

amine processes, 42–51

cryogenic processes, 55–58

economic viability of, 99–102

membrane processes, 54–55

Power sector CCS projects, 108–115

Power Systems Development Facility, Alabama, 111

Pre-combustion capture, 58–62

Production of CO2, 92, 99–102

Pulverized coal (PC) power plants, 59–60, 62–63. See also Supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) power plants

Quest Carbon Capture and Storage project, 106–107, 148


climate policy debate concerning, 164–165

drawbacks of, 163–164

in electricity input/output, 28–29

German policies and practices concerning, 29, 151, 162–164

policies on, 29, 145–146, 151

politics favoring, 146, 153–154

research and development of, 137

Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), 140

Reserves, hydrocarbon, 33–34

Residual trapping. See Capillary trapping

Resources, hydrocarbon, 34

Rochelle, Gary, 51, 57–58

Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado, 83

SaskPower, 109–111

Saudi Arabia, 100, 106

Schwarze Pumpe plant, Germany, 63

Scotford Upgrader, Alberta, 106–107

Scottish and Southern Energy, 149

Searles Valley Minerals plant, California, 39, 99

Seismic techniques, for monitoring CO2 storage, 79

SES Innovation, 56–58

Sheep Mountain, Colorado, 71

Shell, 149

Sherwood Plot, 131

Ships, CO2 transport in, 70

Sleipner project, 95–99, 103, 110, 140

Snohvit project, 104

Solar energy, 12, 145

Solar Radiation Management (SRM), 8, 16–19

Solubility trapping, 77

Southern Company, 62, 111–113, 115

SRM. See Solar Radiation Management

Statoil, 96, 104

Steam methane reforming, 107

Strippers, in amine process, 43–46

Structural trapping, 76

Sulfur dioxide (SO2), 23, 51

Supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) power plants, 48–50

Synfuel programs, 102

Syngas, 59, 61

Tanker trucks, CO2 transport in, 69

Target formations, 72–74

Tax credits, 145. See also 45Q tax credits


future of, 165–166, 169–170

improvements in, for fuel extraction and use, 32–33, 37, 71, 105

neglect of, 161

policies based on, 145–150

Temperature. See Global temperature

Town gas, 22, 59

Transportation, energy needs and sources of, 27–28

Transport Integrated Gasification (TRIG), 111–112

Trapping mechanisms, 74–78

United Kingdom, 148, 149, 151, 153

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 36, 98, 150

United States, 12–13, 27, 29, 100, 125–126, 145–147, 158

Upgrading, 106–107

US Department of Energy (DOE), 90, 107, 111, 141, 147

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 79–81, 108

Class VI injection permit, 141

Utsira Formation, 95

Vattenfall, 63

Volumetric method (for estimating storage capacity), 84–85

Water-gas shift reaction, 61

Weathering, 16, 89, 119

Weyburn project, 102

White, David, 30

Wind energy, 12, 145

Zeolites, 53