Preface to the Paperback Edition
1 Some of these attacks have been described and analyzed in the author’s Indoctrination U: The Left’s War Against Academic Freedom. They are also described in articles the author has written, including “The Strange Dishonest Campaign Against Academic Freedom,”, and “Intellectual Muggings,”
2 New York Times, July 23, 2006
3 Analyses of more than a hundred examples of such indoctrination curricula can be found under the category “Indoctrination Studies” at
4 Joan Wallach Scott, Gender and the Politics of History, 1999, introduction.
5 For details on Tariq Ramadan, see Paul Berman, “Who’s Afraid of Tariq Ramadan?”
6 Jane Adas, “Princeton Panelists Share Cautionary Tales of Dangers to Academic Freedom,” Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, December 2005. See the author’s discussion of Joan Wallach Scott in Indoctrination U., 39–45
7 A transcript of the debate can be found at:
8 Cary Nelson, “Ignore This Book,” Academe, November-December 2006
9 The organizations included the ACLU, People for the American Way and Campus Progress—a student organization created by George Soros and former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta.
11 See page l in the Preface to the Paperback Edition.
12 The fact that their activism is oriented towards the left is explained by the well-documented absence of conservatives on liberal arts faculties. For documentation of the vanishing presence of conservatives on university faculties, see: .
13 These can be found on his blog at and in Jennifer Jacobson, “Dangerous Minds,” Chronicle of Higher Education, February 17, 2006. Jacobson interviewed Berube about the book.
14 Berube subsequently wrote a book defending the academic Left called What’s Liberal about the Liberal Arts? in which he continued his attacks on the author. A review of Berube’s book by the author can be found here:
15 Berube also conceded that the profile of himself which claimed that he viewed the classroom as a vehicle of social transformation and which he ridiculed as an ignorant misrepresentation of his views were criticisms of his work also made by Stanley Fish in Professional Correctness , a book which drew a very different response from Berube.
17 Cf., Cary Nelson, op. cit.
19 Ibid.
20 Bettina Aptheker, Intimate Politics, 2006 and David Horowitz, “The Political Is Personal.”
21 Aptheker, 405–06.
22 Ibid.
23 Laksin is a colleague of the author and employee of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
24 Ibid.
26 This was a blurb that appeared on the jacket of the hardcover text.
27 The politician was Lenin.
29 Ibid.
30 Robert Post, “The Structure of Academic Freedom,” in Beshara Doumani, ed. Academic Freedom After September 11, New York, 2006.
31 This event is described in David Horowitz, Indoctrination U, 122.
Trials of the Intellect in the Post-Modern Academy
1 Scott Smallwood, “Inside A Free Speech Firestorm: How a Professor’s 3-year-old Essay Sparked a National Controversy,” Chronicle of Higher Education, February 18, 2005.
2 Ward Churchill, “Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens,” Pockets of Resistance #11, September 2001
3 The term was coined by Roger Kimball in a book of the same name.
4 When I was at Columbia College in the 1950s, there was a reluctance to look at events more recent than twenty-five years in the past because of the dangers of “present-mindedness” and the fear that events so fresh could not be examined with “scholarly disinterest.”
5 These templates can be found in university catalogues. When I visited the president of Brandeis College, Yehuda Reinharz, he had throw pillows on his office sofa inscribed with the words, “Peace” and “Social Justice.” Brandeis professors profiled in this volume include Gordon Fellman and Dessima Williams.
6 Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers raised Kathy Boudin’s child during the twenty years she was in prison. For an account of the Weather Underground, see Peter Collier and David Horowitz, Destructive Generation , 1996.
7 David Horowitz, “Prisoners of War,”, September 5, 2001.
8 James Taranto, “A Terrorist at Duke,” OpinionJournal, January 16, 2003.
9 Jacob Laksin, “Terrorist Teacher,”, December 2, 2004.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
12 Confidential faculty source.
13 Smallwood, “Inside a Free Speech Firestorm,” op. cit.
14 Ibid.
15 At a speech at the University of Michigan, which I gave in the spring of 2002, university officials provided twelve armed guards and a German shepherd. In the previous spring during a controversy over my opposition to slave reparations paid to living Americans who had never been slaves, the University of California, Berkeley assigned thirty armed guards to maintain security at a speech I gave there. David Horowitz, Uncivil Wars: The Controversy over Reparations for Slavery, 2001.
16 Scott Jaschik, “Fallout at Hamilton,” Inside Higher Ed News, July 5, 2005.
17 Interview with Colorado University regent Tom Lucero.
18 Profiled in this volume.
19 I, myself, filed an amicus brief in behalf of Jeffries, precisely because it was a free speech issue. I also wrote an op-ed column for the Denver Rocky Mountain News defending Ward Churchill’s free speech rights, which were separate from the question of whether he had the qualifications to be a tenured professor.
20 “And the Verdict: He’s Got to Go,”, June 10, 2005; “Rocky Mountain News Earns Reader Respect,” Discarded Lies, June 22, 2005; Berny Morson, “The Charge: Mischaracterization,”, June 8, 2005.
21 Rafael Renteria, “Petition on Ward Churchill and Academic Freedom,” University of Dayton, February 2005; Jacob Laksin, “Churchill’s Champions,”, February 28, 2005; Elizabeth Mattern Clark, “Ad Demands Halt to Review,” buffzone, February 26, 2005.
23 “Faculty Action in the Ward Churchill Case,” American Association of University Professors, (Updated) March 2005
24 Dan Werner, “200 Teachers Sign Ad Asking that Churchill Inquiry Be Dropped,”, February 26, 2005 (Updated March 3, 2005); Charlie Brennan, “Churchill Throws Down Gauntlet at Speech in Boulder,”, February 9, 2005; Craig Gima, “Churchill Attacks Essay’s Critics,” (Honolulu), February 23, 2005.
25 Lawrence Stone, “Prosopography” in F. Gilbert and S. Graubard, eds., Historical Studies Today, W. W. Norton & Co., New York, 1972.
26 One hundred and two, if one includes Ward Churchill and Cornel West.
27 This is a troubling indicator of the support of faculty abuses by university administrations on more than one count. Sensitivity towards and respect for the “Other” is the most cherished and enforced ethical value on university campuses today. The enforcement of “sensitivity” begins with orientation guidelines for freshmen, stipulating required and forbidden behavior (at the University of Connecticut at Storrs, this includes warnings against “inappropriate smiling”). It continues in the curriculum, with an ever-increasing smorgasbord of “diversity” courses to which faculty resources are devoted. There is also guidance at great length in faculty handbooks, which are issued to all new professors by administrations–about what to say, how to act, and to whom to report violations. Sensitivity, finally, is formally enshrined in official and written and often lengthy university rules, and there is usually a substantial enforcement bureaucracy to back it up (sometimes called “The Office of Human Relations”). “Embrace Diversity!” and “Be Sensitive to Others!” are slogans endlessly repeated on campuses across the country.
28 The incident is discussed in the conclusion to this volume.
29 Todd Gitlin, “Varieties of Patriotic Experience” in George Packer, ed. The Fight Is For Democracy: Winning the War of Ideas in America and the World, Perennial Books, 2003.
30 Collier and Horowitz, eds., Surviving the PC University, Center for the Study of Popular Culture, 1996.
31 An email from the panel chair, Professor Dvora Yanow of California State, Hayward, described the proposed session in these words: “The panel, which is co-sponsored by the Conference Group on Theory, Policy, & Society, the Latino Caucus, New Political Science, and the Women’s Caucus, emerged from a question that [Professor] Kathy Ferguson started asking last winter-spring (at ISA and WPSA) to focus on both substantive aspects and strategic/tactical ones: Is there theoretical-definitional grounding to make a claim for the present US administration as fascist, and is it useful, critically, to use that language at this point in time? One of the original intentions was also to create a teaching tool out of this discussion—a handout that presents these questions and offers relevant information to students to think about it for themselves.” The panel included professors from the Universities of Hawaii, California and Colorado, among other schools, and the suggestion that the “questions” should be handed to students—undigested—indicated an intention to disseminate their views of the Bush administrations to undergraduates, again for obvious political reasons. The email was relayed to the author by political scientist John Earl Haynes.
32 For a hundred more, see:
33 The profiles appear in alphabetical order.
34 Cf, Richard Rorty, Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America, Harvard University Press, 1998.
35 Paul Campos, “Finding Responsive, Responsible Leadership at CU is Just a Dream,” Denver Rocky Mountain News, January 29, 2005.
36 Stanley Fish, “Save the World on Your Own Time,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, Jan. 23, 2003; Fish has written a book on the same subject, Professional Correctness, Oxford University Press, 1995.
37 See, for example, the profiles of professors Anton and Gordon in this volume.
38 Jim Downs and Jennifer Manion, eds., Taking Back The Academy!: History of Activism, History as Activism, Routledge Books, 2004.
39 Profiled in this volume.
40 Ibid. p. xi
41 Ibid. p. 188. [Emphasis in original]
42 Ibid.
43 Sokal was himself a leftist, disturbed over what he (correctly) saw as the corruption of “progressive” thought.
44 Profiled in this volume.
For a book on the controversy, see Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont, Fashionable Nonsense: Post-Modern Intellectuals’ Abuse of Science, Picador Books, 1998.
46 Cass Sunstein, “The Law of Group Polarization,” Social Science Research Network—University of Chicago Law School, December 1999
47 Daniel Klein and Charlotta Stern, “Surveys on Political Diversity in American Higher Education”; Daniel Klein and Charlotta Stern, “How Politically Diverse Are The Social Sciences and Humanities?”
48 Vincent Carroll, “Republican Professors? Sure, There’s One,” Wall Street Journal, May 11, 1998; Rob Natelson, “Academia Locks Out Conservative Professors,” The Billings Outpost, February 17, 2005; David Horowitz and Eli Lehrer, “Political Bias in the Administrations and Faculties of 32 Elite Colleges and Universities,”
49 Daniel Klein and Charlotta Stern, “Surveys on Political Diversity in American Higher Education,” They conducted a separate study of junior faculty at both schools reflecting this disparity.
50 Paul Krugman, “An Academic Question,” New York Times, April 5, 2005.
52 Klein and Western, op. cit.
53 Stanley Rothman, S. Robert Lichter, Neil Nevitte, “Politics and Professional Advancement Among College Faculty,” The Forum, Vol. 3, Iss. 1, Art. 2, 2005
54 Rothman, Lichter, Nevitte, op. cit.
55 On the importance of these committees see Chapter 4: The Representative Nature of the Professors Profiled in this Volume, below.
56 Herbert Marcuse, “Repressive Tolerance,” 1965.
57 This and the following anecdote were related to the author personally.
58 “Politics in the Classroom,” The Skidmore News, April 29, 2005.
59 Professor Shortell is profiled in this volume.
60 Daniel Klein and Andrew Western, “How Many Democrats per Republican at U.C. Berkeley and Stanford?,” “Surveys on Political Diversity in American Higher Education”
61 Mike Adams, “Fear and loathing in faculty recruitment,”, June 2, 2004.
62 The anthropology professor is Robert Moore and the question was asked by the author of this book on a visit to Rollins.
63 David French, “More on Viewpoint Discrimination,” Fire’s The Torch, April 6, 2005.
64 Cindy Yee, “DCU Sparks Various Reactions,” The Chronicle Online, February 10, 2004.
65 Andrew Peyton Thomas, The People v. Harvard Law, 2005; David Horowitz, Campus Blacklist (booklet), Students for Academic Freedom, Washington, D.C., 2003.
66 Thomas, op. cit. pp. 126-127.
67 Martin Trow, “Californians Redefine Academic Freedom,” Academic Questions, Summer 2003; David Horowitz, “California’s Betrayal of Academic Freedom,”, September 14, 2004; (Two incidents precipitated the change in U.C. policy on academic freedom. The first was the complaint of a student at U.C. Berkeley that her Middle Eastern studies lecturer had told students that the notorious Czarist forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, was true. The Protocols describes a Jewish plot to control the world and was a document used by the Nazis to justify the extermination of Jews. The student’s complaint was dismissed by university authorities. An official of the U.C. academic senate defended the professor’s preposterous and bigoted statement as coming under the protection of “academic freedom.” The second incident involved a required freshman English writing class conducted by instructor Snehal Shingavi discussed below.
68 Roger Kimball, “The Intifada Curriculum,” OpinionJournal, May 11, 2002; Marc J. Rauch, “America-Hating Professors,” FrontPageMag. com October 14, 2002. Shingavi is the head of the International Socialist Organization, a group that describes itself as “Leninist” and calls for violent revolution. He is also head of Students for Justice in Palestine. Shingavi organized an anti-American demonstration on September 11, 2001, after the World Trade Center attacks and has been arrested for leading illegal and violent demonstrations on campus.
69 The author has personally interviewed students about such courses on scores of college campuses.
70 E.g., Penn State and Ohio State (and indeed, nine of eleven public colleges and universities in Ohio). .
71 See page 369.
72 National Center for Education Statistics 2003:
Chapter 1
One Hundred and One Professors
1 “Northeastern University Prof Likens 9/11 Hijackers to American Founding Fathers,” Jihad Watch, December 30, 2004.
2 M. Shahid Alam, “Testing Free Speech in America,” CounterPunch, January 1/2, 2005.
3 Robert Spencer, “Northeastern U’s Professor of Jihad,” Jihad Watch, January 5, 2005.
4 Russell Schoch, “A Conversation with Hamid Algar,” California Monthly, June 2003.
5 Message of Thaqalayn, Vol. 1, No. 4, 49–57, Published by Ah al-beyt (‘a)World Assembly, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, October 1994.
6 Ibid.
7 Schoch, op. cit.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 Ibid.
11 Joseph D’Hippolito, “Jihadism Is the Modern Equivalent of Nazism”, Mid-East Realities, November 14, 2004.
12 Joseph D’Hippolito, “A Front for Jihad,”, September 22, 2004.
13 Jacob Gershman, “Columbia Lists Said Donors—UAE Contributes to Chair Named for Israel Critic,” Campus Watch, March 29, 2004.
14 Amba Datta, “Officer of Said Chair to Khalidi Draws Fire,” Columbia Spectator, November 14, 2002.
15 “A South African Conversation on Israel and Palestine,” The Institute for African Studies, Columbia University–Economics Department, September 20/21, 2002.
16 Lisa Anderson, “President’s Letter,” Campus Watch, February 2003.
17 Hugh Fitzgerald, “Lisa Anderson: Apologist for Academic Radicalism,”, May 3, 2005.
19 Interview with Gil Anidjar by Nermeen Shaikh, “Religion, Race and Ethnicity,” Asia Source, 2003.
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid.
22 Hugh Fitzgerald, “Columbia Teaches ‘Hate’,” History News Network, June 6, 2005.
23 Ibid.
24 Interview with Gil Anidjar by Nermeen Shaikh, “The Problem of Universalism,” Asia Source, 2003.
25 National Day of Action against Israeli Apartheid, Columbia University , November 13, 2002.
26 Gil Anidjar, “Columbia Strike Too”, Censoring Thought, 2005.
27 Ibid.
28 Fitzgerald, op. cit.
29 Jennifer McNulty, “Faculty Panel Debates the Lecture as a Tool of Instruction,” U.C. Santa Cruz Currents Online, February 18, 2002.
30 Barbara McKenna, “Landmark Women’s Studies Program Turns 25 This Year,” U.C. Santa Cruz Currents Online, March 27, 2000.
33 Professor Davis is profiled in this volume.
34 Jennifer McNulty, “Hundreds Gather for Teach-in about the War,” U.C. Santa Cruz Currents Online, April 7, 2003.
36 Leila Beckwith, “Bias Colors U.C. Santa Cruz Department,” The Jewish Journal, February 4, 2005.
37 Cited in state of Michigan, Washtenaw County Circuit Court, Case 02-1150-CZ, Richard Dorfman and Adi Neuman v. The University of Michigan.
38 Steven Emerson, “American Jihad: The Terrorists Living among Us,” Free Press, 2002, pp. 109 et seq.
39 Both men are profiled in this volume.
40 Robert Spencer, “Al-Arian: Terrorist Professor and His Campus Allies,”, February 26, 2003.
41 Eric Boehlert, “The Prime-time Searing of Sami Al-Arian,”, January 19, 2002.
42 Ken Timmerman, Preachers of Hate, p. 273; Ron Radosh, “The Case of Sami Al-Arian,”, February 8, 2002; Jonathan Schanzer, “Professors for Terrorist Al-Arian,”, February 24, 2003.
43 The AAUP’s position is analyzed in Nathan Giller, “American Association of University Professors: Lobby for the Left,” FrontPageMag. com, June 4, 2003.
44 New York Sun, December 7, 2005
45 David Horowitz, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left, Regnery Publishing, 2004.
46 Lee Kaplan, “The Foothills of Hatred,”, March 15, 2004 (Kaplan audited the course).
47 Ibid.
48 Ibid.
49 Ibid.
50 Kaplan audited Armitage’s class.
51 The Sokal article is discussed in the introduction to this volume.
52 “The Loafing Class” in David Horowitz, Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes, Spence, 1999.
54 See Derrick Bell profile below.
56 Ibid.
57 Zazy Ivonne Lopez, Univ. of Penn. Law School
58 Heather MacDonald, “Law School Humbug,” City Journal, Autumn 1995.
59 Ibid.
60 Interview with Professor Regina Austin conducted by Randy Lee, October, 21, 1999;
61 Ibid.
62 Ibid.
63 Ibid.
64 Ibid.
65 Ibid.
66 Jay Nordlinger, “The Perfect European, K-mart’s Good Deed, a Personal Story, &c.,” National Review Online, September 17, 2001.
67 Collier and Horowitz, Destructive Generation, Free Press, 1996 ed. p. 68
68 Ibid.
69 Thomas Ryan, “RNC Forecast: Severe ‘Weather’ Watch,” American-Daily , September 2, 2004.
70 Ibid.
71 Paul Sperry, “Homeland Insecurity,” WorldNetDaily, August 11, 2003.
72 Major Study Of American Muslims To Be Released, The Institute For Social Policy And Understanding, April 2, 2004.
73 Alison Bethel, “Metro Muslims Eschew Radicalism,” The Detroit News—, April 6, 2004.
74 Daniel Pipes, “The Moderation of American Muslims,”, April 8, 2004.
75 Ibid.
76 Daniel Pipes, “Reply to CAIR’s Attack on Daniel Pipes,”
77 Joel Mowbray, “CAIR’s Message of Violence,”, March 18, 2004.
78 Free Muslims March against Terror, The Dead Hand, April 18, 2005.
80 Jerry Gafio Watts, “Amiri Baraka: The Politics and Art of a Black Intellectual,” New York University Press, August 2001—reviewed by Justin Driver,, April 25 2002.
81 Ibid.
82 Jeff Jacoby, “New Jersey’s Bigot Laureate,” Boston Globe, October 13, 2002.
83 Jerry Gafio Watts, “Amiri Baraka: The Politics and Art of a Black Intellectual,” op. cit.
84 Sara Russo, “Bigoted Poem by SUNY Professor Emeritus Sparks Outrage,” Accuracy In Academia, November 2002.
85 Compiled by James Lubinskas, “Expressions of Ethnic Animosity,” American Renaissance.
86 Daniel Won-gu Kim, “In the Tradition: Amiri Baraka, black Liberation, and Avant-garde Praxis in the U.S—Critical Essay,” African American Review, Summer-Fall, 2003.
87 Richard Poe, “‘What Kind of Skeeza Is A Condoleeza’ And So On,”, October 12, 2002.
88 Watts, op. cit.
89 Robert Hanley, “Black Poet Says Faculty ‘Nazis’ Blocked Tenure,” The New York Times, March 15, 1990, p. B3.
90 Statement By Amiri Baraka, New Jersey Poet Laureate, “I Will Not ‘Apologize’, I Will Not ‘Resign!,’” October 2, 2002.
91 John Perazzo, “Racist Yale Laureate,”, July 24, 2003.
93 Ibid.
94 David Barash and Charles Webel, Peace and Conflict Studies, op. cit., p. x.
95 Ibid., p. 498
96 Ibid., p. 499
97 Ibid., pp. 14-15, emphasis added.
98 GDP Per Capita: 1999 CIA World Factbook,
99 Barash and Webel, op. cit., p. 211
100 Ibid., p. 80
101 Ibid.
102 Ibid., p. 81
103 Ibid.
104 David Horowitz, “One Man’s Terrorist” in David Horowitz and Ben Johnson, Campus Support For Terrorism (pamphlet), Center for the Study of Popular Culture, Los Angeles, 2004.
105 Jonathan Calt Harris, “Hatem Bazian: Calls for an Intifada in the United States,” History News Network, May 14, 2004.
106 Ibid.
107 Anonymous, “UCLA Sponsors of Terrorism,”, April 4, 2003.
108 Rory Miller, “UC Berkeley: A Safe Harbor For Hate,” FrontPageMag. com, September 5, 2002.
109 Aleza, Goldsmith, “Swastika Stirs New Concerns at Washington High School,” Jewish Bulletin News, June 2002.
110 Jonathan Calt Harris, “Hatem Bazian: His Record of Hatred for Jews and America,” History News Network, April 15, 2004.
111 Jonathan Calt Harris, “A Berkeley Prof’s ‘Intifada’ Against America,”, April 15, 2004.
112 Press Release and Statements, Report on May 31, 2003 Historian Against The War Meeting.
113 Ibid.
114 Marc Becker, “Columbus Day,” October 12, 2003
115 Ibid.
116 Alyssa A. Lappen, “Stanford’s Islamist Threat,”, December 21, 2004,
117 Ibid.
118 Stanley Kurtz, “Get Real,” National Review Online, December 7, 2002.
119 Ibid.
120 William E. Hudson, “We Must Always Remain Critical,” The Stanford Review, Volume XXX, Issue 1, February 26, 2003.
121 Joe Fairbanks, “Beinin Watch,” The Stanford Review, Volume XXX, Issue 3, March 13, 2003.
122 Lappen, op. cit.
123 University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Jim Scheurich, Introduction to Systems of Human Inquiry, Spring 2001, The History of Critical Race Theory Project
124 Ibid., p. 21
125 Ibid., p. 35
126 Ibid., p. 34
127 Ibid., p. 35
128 See Regina Austin profile in this volume. In an essay called “The Black Community, Its Lawbreakers, and a Politics of Identification,” published in 1992. Regina Austin compared “street women [who] accept the justifiability of engaging in illegal conduct to rectify past injustices and to earn a living” to political revolutionaries such as Malcolm X. She called for “a legal praxis ... [that] would find its reference points in the ‘folk law’ of those black people who, as a matter of survival, concretely assess what laws must be obeyed and what laws may be justifiably ignored.” See Regina Austin, “The Black Community, Its Lawbreakers, and a Politics of Identification,” 65 S. CAL. L. REV. 1769, 1771-72 (1992). According to Austin the politics of identification promotes an empathy with lawbreakers as rebels against oppression.
129 Thomas, op. cit., p. 41
130 Ibid., p. 42
132 Marvin Berlowitz, “The Chickens Will Come Home to Roost,” Cal. State—A Justice Site, March 9, 2001.
133 Ibid.
135 Marvin J. Berlowitz, “Racism and Conscription in the JROTC,” Peace Review 12, September 2000—reprinted on Liberal Slant.
136 Jacob Laksin, “Midwest Marxists,”, April 15, 2005.
137 Ibid.
138 Dawn Fuller, “Conflict Management Course Open to Ohio Schoolteachers,” University of Cincinnati News, March 26, 2001.
139 Laksin, op. cit.
140 Ibid.
141 Ibid.
143 Books, Articles, Other Writings,
144 Mary Frances Berry, “Judging Morality: Sexual Behavior and Legal Consequences in the Late Nineteenth-Century South,” The Journal of American History, Vol. 78, No. 3, December 1991, 835–856.
145 Linda Chavez, “Bush Finally Fires Mary Frances Berry,” Human Events Online, December 14, 2004.
146 Ibid.
147 John J. Miller, “‘A Threat to Our Domestic Institutions’ High Times for a Racial Ambulance Chaser,” National Review Online, April 2, 2001.
148 Ibid.
149 News & Notes with Ed Gordon, “Roundtable: Courtroom Security, Cuba Criticized, Silicone Implants,” National Public Radio (NPR), April 15, 2005.
150 Joseph McLaughlin, “Still a Lot More to Do,” Penn Arts & Sciences , Spring 2005.
151 Crime and the Black Community, Albany: The Governor’s Advisory Committee for Black Affairs, December 1987.
152 George E. Curry, “Mary Frances Berry: A Fearless Warrior for Civil Rights,” Chicago Standard Newspapers—Part of the BlackPressUSA Network, December 16, 2004.
153 Ibid.
154 Michael Berube, “Should I Have Asked John to Cool It? Standards of Reason in the Classroom,” Chronicle of Higher Education, December 5, 2003.
155 Michael Berube, “Peace Puzzle,” News—Boston Globe, September 15, 2002.
156 Michael Berube, “Teaching Postmodern Fiction without Being Sure that the Genre Exists,” Chronicle of Higher Education, May 19, 2000.
157 Ibid.
158 Michael Berube, “Days of Future Past,” Modern Language Association—Association of Departments of English, Bulletin 131, Spring 2002, 20–26
159 (Orig. publ. in American Literary History, 1998).
160 Jonathan Calt Harris, “The Middle East Studies Left,” FrontPageMag. com, November 6, 2003.
161 Martin Kramer, “Profs Condemn Israel in Advance,” FrontPageMag. com, December 27, 2002.
162 Martin Kramer, “Middle East ‘Scholars’ Unleash a New Brand of Bias,”, November 26, 2004.
163 Ibid.
164 “Time for a Change of Course,” CounterPunch, October 12, 2004.
166 (One wonders about the extent of her outrage at Abu Zarqawi’s fatwah announcing that Muslim civilians can be killed if they get in the way of Jihad, a religious pronouncement recently carried through in the deaths of 18 children in Bagdad on July 12, 2005).
169 SUNY at Binghamton, RATS—Radical Archaeology Theory Seminar , October 17-18, 2003.
171 Russell MCulley, “Bad for Business?”, August 1, 2004.
173 Ibid.
175 David Gulliver, “Academic Teach-In, Not.”, November 4, 2002.
176 Ibid.
177 “Castellano Named Head of Criminal Justice,” Rochester Institute of Technology—News Events, Volume 36, Number 6, November 6, 2003
178 Larissa MacFarquhar, “The Devil’s Accountant,” New Yorker, March 31, 2003.
179 Anders Lewis, “Chomsky’s Stalinist Arguments,” History News Network, April 9, 2004.
180 Noam Chomsky, What Uncle Sam Really Wants, Odonian Press, 2002, 59.
181 Keith Windschuttle, “A Disgraceful Career,” The New Criterion, Vol. 23, No. 1, September 2004.
182 Robert Faurisson, “World Famous French Professor Says from All His Research Nazi Homicidal Gas Chambers Did Not Exist,”, July 18, 2004.
183 Noam Chomsky, “War In Afghanistan,” World Confrontation Now, January/February 2002 (This article is an edited excerpt, with notes, from the Lakdawala Memorial Lecture “Peering Into the Abyss of the Future,” presented by Noam Chomsky on November 3, 2001 in New Delhi, under the sponsorship of the Institue of Social Sciences, New Delhi, India).
184 Adapted from Peter Collier’s Introduction to The Anti-Chomsky Reader, Collier and Horowitz, eds., Encounter Books, 2004, vii–xv.
185 David Horowitz, “Black Murder Inc.” in Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes, 1999.
186 Weckea Lilly, “Kathleen Cleaver Speaks in Baltimore,” Independent Media Center, May 11, 2005.
187 Kathleen Cleaver, “Black Panthers Today,” interview from the PBS film by Aaron Matthews, “A Panther in Africa,” PBS POV, September 21, 2004.
188 Hugh Pearson, Shadow of The Panther, Perseus Books, 1994.
189 Ibid.
191 Ibid.
192 Ibid.
193 Aaron Shuman, “A Sit-down with Kathleen Cleaver,” Bad Subjects, Issue #60, April 2002.
194 Ed Rampell, “3rd Degree—Kathleen Cleaver,” Los Angeles City Beat, February 12, 2004.
195 Ibid.
197 Dana Cloud, “UT Professor on Terrorism,” Progessive Activism in Austin, TX, September 13, 2001.
198 Ibid.
199 Ibid.
200 Dateline Durban: Anti-Semitic Materials/Slogans Proliferate On Opening Day of UN Conference, Anti-Defamation League, August 31, 2001.
201 Herbert Keinon, “Festival of Hate,” Jerusalem Post, September 7, 2001, cited in Timmerman, op. cit., 25.
202 Dana Cloud, “UT Professor on Terrorism,” op. cit.
203 Ibid.
204 Jay Nordlinger, “The Luxury of a Movie Star, the Democrats’ Odd Glee, Decapitating Margaret, &c.,” National Review Online, July 8, 2002.
206 David Cole, “Enemy Aliens and American Freedoms,” The Nation, September 5, 2002.
207 “Statement of Conscience Against War and Repression,” Not In Our Name, April 15, 2003.
208 Larry Neumeister (AP), “N.Y. Lawyer Convicted of Aiding Terrorists,” ABC News, February 10, 2005.
209 David Cole, “The Lynne Stewart Trial,” The Nation, February 17, 2005.
210 Ibid.
211 Chris O’Donnell, “Cole Condemns University Action Against Al-Arian,” Academic Free Speech, March 29, 2002.
212 Ibid.
213 David Cole, “National Security State,” The Nation, November 29, 2001.
214 David Cole, “Terrorizing Immigrants in the Name of Fighting Terrorism,” American Bar Association—Human Rights Magazine, Winter 2002.
215 Juan Cole, “Kwiatkowski on the Neoconservative Coup at the Pentagon,” Informed Comment, February 23, 2004.
216 Jonathan Calt Harris, “Juan Cole, Media—and MESA—Darling,”, December 7, 2004.
217 Juan Cole, “Wolfowitz Throws Tantrum at France, Germany, Russia and Canada: The Failure of Emotional Intelligence,” Informed Comment , December 12, 2003.
218 Cole, op. cit.
219 Juan Cole, “Reply to Yglesias on Palestine,” Informed Comment, February 3, 2004.
220 Juan Cole, “No WMD. Nada. Bupkes*,” Informed Comment, January 9, 2004.
221 Juan Cole, “Arguing with Bush,” Informed Comment, April 14, 2004.
222 Ibid.
223 Juan Cole, “The Passion of Christ in the World Religions,” Informed Comment, February 26, 2004.
224 Juan Cole, “200,000 Israeli Fascists Demand Colonization of Gaza,” Informed Comment, July 26, 2004.
225 Juan Cole, “The US 3rd Infantry Division Has Entered Southern Iraq Virtually without Opposition,” Informed Comment, March 21, 2003.
226 Jonathan Calt Harris, “Juan Cole: The New Head of the Middle East Studies Association,” History News Network, December 7, 2004.
227 Jonathan Calt Harris, “Juan Cole, Media—and MESA—Darling,”, December 7, 2004.
228 Miriam Cooke, “War, Its Machines and the Women Who Fight Them,” Duke University Forum: Faculty Viewpoints, October 17, 2001
229 Ibid. This is the same hysterical and discredited accusation made by Noam Chomsky (see profile above).
230 Sally Hicks, “Miriam Cooke: Crusade! I Mean Democracy! You Know: Women!,” Duke University News, April 3, 2003.
231 Cinnamon Stillwell, “Duke Feminist Gives Thumbs Up to Taliban,” Campus Watch, September 27, 2004.
232 Hicks, op. cit.
233 Stillwell, op. cit.
234 Ibid.
235 Ibid.
236 Patrick G. Coy, “The Incarnational Spirituality of Dorothy Day,” Sprituality Today, Vol. 39, Summer 1987, 114–125.
237 Patrick G. Coy, Gregory M. Maney and Lynne M. Woehrle, “Contesting Patriotism by the Post-9/11 Peace Movement in the United States,” Fellowship of Reconciliation, (First published in Peace Review: A Transnational Quarterly, Volume 14, Number 4, 2003, 463–470).
238 Ibid.
239 Patrick G. Coy, “American Liberalism’s Achilles Heel,” Common Dreams, June 1, 2004.
240 Member New: Patrick Coy, International Peace Research Association , March 2005.
241 Interview with Hamid Dabashi conducted by Nermeen Shaikh, Asia Source, June 12, 2003.
242 Hamid Dabashi, “For a Fistful of Dust: A Passage to Palestine,” Al-Ahram , September 23-29, 2004, Issue No. 709.
243 Ibid.
244 On the eagerness of the Columbia University administration to punish certain types of “insensitivity” though obviously not anti-Semitism, see Donald Alexander Downs, Restoring Free Speech and Liberty on Campus, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, Chapter 3.
245 Douglas Feiden, “Climate of Hate Rocks Columbia University,” New York Daily News, November 21, 2004.
246 Shaikh, op. cit.
247 Xan Nowakowski, “Students Organize Sit-In to Support Palestinians,” Columbia Spectator, April 18, 2002.
248 Daniel Pipes and Jonathan Schnanzer, “Extremists on Campus,” History News Network, July 1, 2002.
249 Hamid Dabashi, “The Hallowed Ground of Our Secular Institution,” Columbia Spectator, May 3, 2002.
250 Hamid Dabashi, “Forget Reds Under the Bed, There’s Arabs in the Attic,” University of Cork (Ireland) Palestine Solidarity Campaign, October 18, 2003.
251 Margaret Hunt Gram, “Professors Condemn War in Iraq At Teach-in,” Columbia Spectator, March 27, 2003.
252 Ibid.
253 Shaikh, op. cit.
254 Ibid.
255 Ibid.
256 Geneive Abdo, “In Shi’ite World, Anger Toward US Seen Growing,” The Muslim News, April 12, 2003.
257 Shaikh, op. cit.
258 See Targ’s profile below.
259 The interviewer was David Horowitz, who was doing background research for the portrait of Newton in Destructive Generation, 1989.
260 Angela Yvonne Davis biography,
261 Lawrence Cott, “San Rafael Shootout: The Facts Behind the Angela Davis Case, “ Human Events, June 17, 1972.
262 Gwyneth E. Hambley, “The Image of the Jury in Popular Culture,” Legal Reference Services Quarterly, The University of Texas at Austin—Tarlton Law Library, Volume 12, Number 2/3, 1992
263 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Warning to the West, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1976, 60–1.
264 Beth Potier, “Abolish Prisons, Says Angela Davis,” Harvard University Gazette, March 13, 2003.
266 Gregory Dawes, “Objectives of Our Journal,” A Contracorriente—University of North Carolina.
267 Gregory Dawes, “Against the Grain,” A Contracorriente, Vol. 1, No. 1, Fall 2003.
268 Ibid.
269 Ibid.
270 Ibid.
271 Greg Dawes, “A Critique of the Post-Althusserian Conception of Ideology In Latin American Cultural Studies,” Postmodern Culture, V. 1, N. 3, May 1991.
272 Ibid.
273 Greg Dawes, “Somewhere Beyond Vertigo and Amnesia: Updike’s Toward the End of Time and Vonnegut’s Timequake,” (Book Review), Cultural Logic, Volume 1, Number 2, Spring 1998.
274 Greg Dawes, “Realism, Surrealism, Socialist Realism and Neruda’s ‘Guided Spontaneity’,” Cultural Logic, Volume 6, 2003.
276 Ibid.
277 David Horowitz, “Moment of Truth for the Anti-American Left,”, March 31, 2003.
278 Gram, op. cit.
279 David A. Harris, “Letter from the Campus Front,” Buffalo Israel Link, June 24, 2002,
280 David Horowitz, “Allies in War,”, September 17, 2001.
281 She did so to the New York Times reporter whose profile appeared in the Times on September 11, 2001. However, no one present to hear the remark at the Flint War Council (there were several written reports on her remarks) thought she was joking. Moreover, the formal statement of Weatherman’s aims in calling for a global race war perfectly mirrors Manson’s own homicidal fantasies of such a conflict.
282 Duane Dudek, “Weather Underground Took Couple on a Strange Journey,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, January 22, 2003.
283 Collier and Horowitz, Destructive Generation, 1989.
284 The author has been interviewed by the police investigators.
285 See Ayers’s profile above.
286 Aacia Hussain, “What’s Up with Today’s Weather?” Northern Illinois University, Northern Star Online, April 4, 2003.
287 Shawn Macomber, “Graduation Gift for the Left,” Students For Academic Freedom, July 2, 2004.
288 Collier and Horowitz, op. cit.
290 Provided by Gloria Reynolds, spokesperson for the University of Northern Colorado.
291 Michael Eric Dyson biography, Thomson Gale.
292 Larry Elder, “The ‘Today’ Show Trashes Bill Cosby,” Human Events Online, May 12, 2005.
293 Ibid.
294 Ibid.
295 Lee Hubbard, “Michael Eric Dyson on Terrorism and Tupac,” Africana Gateway to the Black World, September 21, 2001.
296 Ibid.
298 Ibid.
299 Ibid.
300 Katherine Amenta, “Nova’s Political Climate, Hot Issues, Tepid Concern,” The Villanovan, September 19, 2003, 2.
301 Ibid.
302 Paul Grobstein, “11 September 2001,” Bryn Mawr College Serendip, September 18, 2001.
303 Paul Erlich, “Getting at the Roots of Terrorism,” Stanford University News Service, November 15, 2002.
304 “Causes of 9/11: U.S. Troops in Saudia Arabia?” Council on Foreign Relations, 2004.
305 Ben Johnson, 57 Varieties of Radical Causes: Teresa Heinz Kerry’s Tax Exempt Donations (booklet), Center for the Study of Popular Culture, 2004.
306 Ernst Zundel, “Good Morning from the Zundelsite:,” The Zundelsite , December 10, 2000.
307 Ernst Zundel, “Good Morning from the Zundelsite:,” The Zundelsite , March 6, 2001.
308 Press Release, “Second Annual Palestinian Film Festival Dallas, Texas,” PRWeb, September 14, 2004.
309 “Deir Yassin Remembered,” Board of Advisors,
310 Marc E. Ellis, “Speaking Truth to Power,” Al-Ahram Weekly Online, Issue 649, July 31-August 6, 2003.
311 Steven Plaut, “Lying about Deir Yassin,”, April 11, 2005.
312 Steven Plaut, “Baylor University’s Anti-Jewish Liberation ‘Theologian’,”, May 5, 2005.
313 Mark Ensalaco, “Terrorism Course Added to Winter Semester Offerings,” University of Dayton, September 21, 2001
314 Mary Beth Marklein, “Everyone’s Seeking Answers Right Now,” USA Today—Life, October 7, 2001.
315 Marianne Wellendorf, “Dayton Council Of World Affairs,” The Guardian Online, February 11, 2004.
316 Thomas Ryan, “Channeling Churchill at the University of Dayton,”, April 19, 2005.
317 John Esposito, “Political Islam: Beyond the Green Menace,” International Islamic University, Malaysia, (Originally published in the journal Current History, January 1994).
318 More useful terms are Islamic revivalism and Islamic activism.
319 Campus Watch, “Esposito: Apologist for Militant Islam,” FrontPageMag. com, September 3, 2002.
320 John L. Esposito, The Islamic Threat: Myth or Reality?, Oxford University Press, New York, 1992—Review by Daniel Pipes, Wall Street Journal, October 30, 1992.
321 Campus Watch, op. cit.
322 Andrea Levin, “Conflict of Interest Fits NPR Bias,” Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA), October 2, 1995.
323 David W. Lesch, 1979: The Year that Shaped the Modern Middle East, Westview Press, 2001—Review by Jonathan Schanzer, The Middle East Quarterly, Volume IX, Number 4, Fall 2002.
324 Campus Watch, op. cit.
325 Interview with John L. Esposito conducted by Nermeen Shaikh, Asia Source, May 13, 2002.
326 Ron Riggins, “Dean’s Greeting,” Fairhaven College—Western Washington University,
331 Isolde Raftery, “MV Schools Set Meeting to Discuss Diversity,” Skagit Valley Herald, May 20, 2005.
332 Ralph de Unamuno, “The Facts Behinds the Myths: Fox News, the GOP, and MEChA,” AztecaNet, 2004.
333 MEChA Constitution—Article II, Section 1, American Patrol, June 8, 2005.
334 Ibid.
335 Carol Denker, “Ethnic Studies Convention in Philadelphia,” Center City’s Weekly Press, April 7, 2004.
336 Ibid.
337 Scott Jaschik, “Showdown in Colorado,” Inside Higher Ed News, February 3, 2005.
338 Ibid.
339 Ethnic Student Center—Western Washington University
342 Shara Smith, “Lack of Cultural Studies Upsets Professors,” Western Front Online, October 23, 2003.
343 Edmund Levin, “Reagan’s Victory? How Did the Cold War End?” Weekly Standard, November 15, 2004.
344 Cornell Peace Studies Program
346 Franklin Crawford, “Matthew Evangelista is Named Director of CU’s Peace Studies Program,” Cornell Chronicle, July 25, 2002
347 Kirshner, Strauss, Fanis and Evangelista, “Iraq and Beyond: The New U.S. National Security Strategy,” Cornell University—Peace Studies Program, January 2003, p. 21 This despite the fact that the equipment of violence in Saddam’s military and secret police came primarily from france, Germany and Russia (who receive no blame from Evangelista) —and none of it came from the United States.
348 Ibid., 22
349 Ibid., 26–27
350 Matthew Evangelista, “Living in a State of Perpetual War,” Cornell Daily Sun, October 22, 2002.
351 Joseph Sabia, “Today’s Lesson: Peace at Any Price,” FrontPageMag. com, October 24, 2002.
353 Ibid.
354 Franklin Crawford, “Panelists Speak Out Against War on Iraq and on Civil Liberties,” Cornell Chronicle, February 20, 2003.
355 Ibid.
356 Ibid.
357 “The Perils of Occupation,” Coalition for A Realistic Foreign Policy, October 28, 2004.
358 Richard Bernstein, “No Sympathy for Terrorists, but Warnings about Overreaction,” Common Dreams, October 6, 2001.
359 Steven Hayward, The Real Jimmy Carter (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2004), 128.
360 Richard Falk, “Will the Empire be Fascist?” The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, March 24, 2003.
361 “Resisting the Global Domination Project: An Interview with Prof. Richard Falk,” Waging Peace—Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, April 18, 2003.
362 Falk, “Will the Empire be Fascist?” op. cit.
363 Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss, “Globalization Needs a Dose of Democracy,” Earth Rainbow Network, (From the International Herald Tribune, October 5, 1999, 8).
364 Richard Falk and David Krieger, “No War Against Iraq,” CounterPunch , August 24, 2002.
365 David Krieger, “Security in the Post 9/11 World,” Waging Peace—Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, December 30, 2002.
366 “US Iran Policy,” An Interview with Sasan Fayazmanesh by Foaad Khosmood, Znet, April 14, 2004.
367 Ibid.
368 Ibid.
369 Bruce S. Thornton, “The Absurdity of Campus ‘Middle East Forums’,”, January 16, 2003.
370 Joe R. Feagin, Racist America: Roots, Current Realities and Future Reparations, Routledge, 2000, 16.
371 Ibid., 2.
372 Nijole V. Benokraitis and Joe R. Feagin, Modern Sexism: Blatant, Subtle, and Covert Discrimination, Prentice Hall, 1994, 184–210.
373 Joe Feagin, Racist America, op. cit., 5.
374 Rhiannon Meyers, “Prof Says Racism Still Present in Colleges,” Texas A&M—The Battalion, October 21, 2004.
375 Adam Benson, “Feagin: Whites Need to Address All Racism Issues,” University of Utah—The Daily Utah Chronicle, April 14, 2003.
376 Jake Maynard, “Professor Says Racism Is Subconscious, but Present,” Texas A&M—The Battalion, October 29, 2004.
377 Joe Feagin & Hernan Vera, “Reparations for Catastrophic Human Waste,” Poverty & Race Research Action Council, (From Poverty & Race, September/October 1994).
378 Ibid.
379 Benson, op. cit.
380 Feagin, Racist America, op. cit., 4
381 Ibid., 162
382 Jeannine Gage, “Racism Still Confronts Hispanics,” Deltona Diver-sidad , July 12, 2004.
383 Meyers, op. cit.
384 Benson, op. cit.
386 Thomas Ryan, “Leftist War Studies at Brandeis,” FrontPageMag. com, July 21, 2004.
387 Ibid.
388 Ibid.
389 Gordon Fellman, “The Starr Bangled Banner,” Brandeis University, 1998
390 Benjamin Freed, “Brandeis Divided over Impending War Against Iraq,” Brandeis University—the Justice, March 18, 2003.
391 Ryan, op. cit.
392 Richard Baehr, “DePaul’s Jihad Against Academic Freedom,” The American Thinker, April 18, 2005.
393 “Interview with Controversial Prof. Norman Finkelstein In Die Welt, February 6, 2000,”, February 8, 2001.
394 Ibid.
395 Ibid.
396 Don Atapattu, “A Conversation with Professor Norman Finkelstein—How to Lose Friends and Alienate People,” Kaos2000, CounterPunch , December 13, 2001.
397 Ibid.
398 Steven Plaut, “DeNial at DePaul—the Thomas Klocek Affair,”, April 18, 2005.
399 Eric Foner, “11 September,” London Review of Books, Vol. 23, No. 19, October 4, 2001.
400 David Horowitz, “Moment of Truth (for the anti-American Left),” Jewich World Review, March 31, 2003.
401 Robert Spencer, “Exposing Leftists’ Radical Islam Connection,” Human Events, September 29, 2004.
402 Eric Foner, “Rethinking American History in a Post-9/11 World,” History News Network, September 6, 2004.
403 John Patrick Diggins, “Fate and Freedom in History: The Two Worlds of Eric Foner,” The National Interest Magazine, September 1, 2002.
405 David Horowitz, Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left, (Washington, DC: Regnery) 2005.
406 Interview with John Bellamy Foster, Monthly Review, Vol. 56, Number 6, November 2004.
407 John Bellamy Foster, “The End of Rational Capitalism,” Monthly Review, Vol. 56, Number 10, March 2005.
408 Murray Feshback and Alfred Friendly, Jr., Ecocide in the USSR: Health and Nature Under Siege, NY, 1993.
409 Foster, op. cit.
410 Ibid.
411 Lowell Ponte, “The Art of Religious War,”, December 5, 2003.
412 Jim Martin, “America’s Al-Qaeda: The SLA-Venceremos Connection,” Flatland, 2003.
413 H. Bruce Franklin, “Discussion of Recent Controversy Over Soviet Document on U.S. Vietnam War POW’s,” The Etext Archives, appearance on CNN, April 13, 1993.
414 Rocco DiPippo, “A Scholar for Stalin,”, March 16, 2005.
417 DiPippo, op. cit.
418 Furr also vehemently denies that the Soviet government was the perpetrator of the Katyn Massacre of 15,000 Polish officers, claiming there is no “hard historical evidence” of this—even though as a result of an investigation under Gorbachev the Soviet government itself admitted to having perpetrated the massacre, and even apologized to Poland. Trained historians participating in the forum find Furr alternatively a figure of fun and an impossible irritation.
424 DiPippo, op. cit.
425 Ibid.
427 Ibid.
428 Melissa Gilbert and Michele Masucci, “Feminist Praxis in University-Community Partnerships: Reflections on Ethical Crises and Turning Points in Temple-North Philadelphia IT Partnerships,” 2004, 147.
429 Ibid.
430 “Building Connections”—Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Development—Volume 1, Number 1, July 1998.
431 Gilbert and Masucci, op. cit., 151.
432 Ibid.
433 Ibid.
434 Melissa Gilbert, “‘Race’, Space and Power: The Survival Strategies of Working Poor Women,” 1998, 595.
436 Ibid.
438 Ibid.
441 Collier and Horowitz, op. cit.
442 David Horowitz, “9/11 and the ‘Anti-War’ Left,”, September 11, 2003.
443 Gitlin, op. cit., 133
444 Ibid., 134
445 Horowitz, Unholy Alliance.
449 Ibid.
450 David Horowitz, Uncivil Wars: The Controversy Over Reparations For Slavery, 2001.
452 Cf. the profiles of Derek Bell and Regina Austin in this volume.
458 Barry Loberfeld, “Social Justice: Code for Communism,” FrontPageMag. com, February 27, 2004.
459 Alan Wall, “Who Is Jose Angel Gutierrez—And What Does He Want?”, June 2, 2004.
460 Ibid.
461 David Orland, “The Road to Aztlan,” Boundless Webzine, September 22, 2003.
462 Platform of Partido Nacional La Raza Unida
463 Wall, op. cit.
464 Ibid.
465 Hal Netkin, “Does Antonio Villaraigosa Have Two Faces?,” may-orno. com, 2004.
466 Peter Ford, “Europe Cringes at Bush ‘Crusade’ Against Terrorists,” Christian Science Monitor, September 19, 2001.
467 Jonathan Dowd-Gailey, “Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad: America’s Islam ‘Sensitivity’ Trainer,” History News Network, December 14, 2004.
468 Ibid.
469 Ibid.
470 J.R. O’Dwyer, “‘Anti-Americanism’ Is on the Rise in the Middle East,” O’Dwyer’s PR Daily, November 1, 2002.
471 Ibid.
472 Dowd-Gailey, op. cit.
473 Ibid.
474 Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad, “The Quest for ‘Moderate’ Islam,” American Perspectives on the Middle East, March 2, 2004.
475 Dowd-Gailey, op. cit.
476 Ibid.
477 Associated Press, “Bin Laden Provides Fodder for Jokes,” FOX News, October 15, 2001.
478 Chris Fusco, Mark Skertic, “Crushing Terrorism Will Require Careful Aim,” Chicago Sun Times, September 16, 2001.
479 Paul Harris, “America Increase Pressure on Annan Over UN Scandals,” The Guardian, December 5, 2004.
480 “Iraq: Decades of Suffering, Now Women Deserve Better,” Amnesty International, February 22, 2005.
482 &ie=UTF-8 .
484 Chris Werner, “Activist Claims U.S. Trying to Create Empire,” Wisconsin Badger Herald, October 4, 2002.
485 Tom Hayden, “It’s Empire Versus Democracy,” AlterNet, September 10, 2002.
486 Ibid.
487 Tom Hayden, “How to End the Iraq War,” AlterNet, November 23, 2004.
488 Ibid.
491 Ibid.
492 Ibid.
495 Ibid.
498 Ibid.
499 Ibid.
500 Ibid.
502 Ibid.
504 Karen Welsh, “Buffalo’s Bullying Professor,”, June 14, 2005.
505 Omer Bartov, “A Tale of Two Holocausts,” New York Times Book Review Desk, August 6, 2000.
506 Welsh, op. cit.
507 Mitchell Bard, “Myths & Facts Online—The Palestinian Uprisings,” Jewish Virtual Library, 2005.
508 Ibid.
509 Welsh, op. cit.
510 Ibid.
511 Mike Adams, “Cornel West and Friends,”, June 7, 2004.
512 bell hooks, “Rebel’s Dilemma,” Shambhala Sun Online, November 1998.
513 bell hooks, A Killing Rage: Ending Racism, Henry Holt Publ., 1995. Cf. the analysis of Hooks’s essay in Horowitz, Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes, 1999.
514 David Ryan, “Author bell hooks Challenges Power Structure,” Oregon Daily Emerald, May 14, 1999.
515 University of Washington Graduate Diversity Fellows Dinner, March 2, 2005.
516 bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom , Routledge Books, 1994.
517 Ibid.
518 Ibid.
519 Marc Levin, “Majoring in Political Correctness: Commencements of 2002 Achieve New Degree of Wackiness,” Texas Education Review, Spring/Summer 2002.
520 Jamie Glazov, “bell hooks and the Politics of Hate,” FrontPagemag. com, June 12, 2002.
521 Marc Levin, “Commencements of 2002 Achieve New Degree of Political Correctness, “ Political USA, June 18, 2002.
522 Leslie Heineman, “Women Studies Winning Status,” Boulder (Col.) Community Network, September 28, 1995.
523 Alison Jaggar, “On the Standpoint of Women,” Feminist Politics and Human Nature, 1983.
524 Rosemarie Tong, Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction , Westview Press, 2nd ed., 1998, 114–129.
525 Jaggar, op. cit.
526 Anne Maloney, “Say You Want a Revolution? Pro-Life Philosophy and Feminism,” Feminism & Nonviolence Studies, Fall 1995.
527 Mark Shiel, “Why Call Them ‘Cult Movies’? American Independent Filmmaking and the Counterculture in the 1960s,” University of Nottingham—Institute of Film Studies, August 2, 2003.
529 Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism: Or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Verso Books, 1990.
531 Ibid.
532 Fredric Jameson, “Fredric Jameson on September 11,” InterActivist Info Exchange, October 5, 2001.
533 Ibid.
534 Ibid.
535 Ibid.
536 Fredric Jameson, “The Dialectics of Disaster,” Duke News, September 2002.
537 “The Future of Utopia: Is Innovation Still Possible in Politics, Culture, Theory?” Humanities and Social Sciences Online, Commencing April 24, 2003.
538 Lawrence Auster, “The Regents’ Round Table,” National Review, December 8, 1989.
539 “Anti-Semitism Among Black Student Groups,” Jewish Virtual Library. (Originally published as Schooled in Hate: Anti-Semitism on Campus, Anti-Defamation League, 1997).
540 Leonard Jeffries, “Our Sacred Mission,” National Black United Front, (Text of a speech given to the Empire State Black Arts and Cultural Festival in Albany, New York, July 20, 1991). “Anti-Semitism Among Black Student Groups,” op. cit.
541 Jeffries, op. cit.
542 Ibid.
543 Ibid.
544 Ibid.
545 This information was revealed in an interview by Jacob Laksin with the president of Greek life at Lafayette.
546 Jeffries, op. cit.
547 Ibid.
548 Robert Jensen, “Real Hope Is Radical,” Thinking Peace, 2005.
549 Robert Jensen, “A Defeat for an Empire,” Common Dreams, December 9, 2004.
550 Joe Wilson, “A Texan Ward Churchill,”, March 21, 2005.
551 Ibid.
552 Steve Brown, “High Noon in Texas for Leftist Academics,” Cybercast News Service, November 6, 2003.
553 Ibid.
554 Los Angeles Times, May 14, 1971.
555 Ann Coulter, “Kwanzaa: A Holiday from the FBI,” Jewish World Review, December 26, 2002.
556 Brown, op. cit.
557 Maulana Karenga, “Statement on Peace, Justice and Resistance to War,” The Organization Us (United Slaves), February 28, 2003.
558 Sean Emery, “Faculty Enters War Conversation,” California State University, Long Beach—49er On-line, Spring 2003.
559 Karenga, op. cit.
560 March 28, 1997
561 Maulana Karenga, Introduction to Black Studies, Kawaida Publications, 1982.
565 HNN Staff, “The Historian Who Denounced the Military for ‘Baby-Killing’ Tactics,” History News Network, November 17, 2002.
566 Peter Kirstein, “Re: Not a Fair Comparison,” History News Network , April 10, 2005.
567 Peter Kirstein, “Kirstein Denounces Potential Iraq War,” History News Network, December 10, 2002.
568 Peter Kirstein, “Responding to Mr. Baker,” History News Network, December 23, 2003.
569 Peter Kirstein, “My Turn Mr. Smith,” History News Network, January 7, 2004.
570 Peter Kirstein, “How I Define Patriotism,” History News Network, October 13, 2003.
572 Jamie Glazov, “Symposium: Bush’s Decision to Go to War. Was it Justified?,”, July 4, 2003.
573 Owen Jubandang, “Smoke Screen,” Arab News, April 9, 2004.
574 Peter Kirstein, “Nations to Be Admired and Condemned for Being Part of the Coalition of the Vassals I,” Peter N. Kirstein Blog, July 29, 2005.
575 Sara Russo, “Professor Disparages ‘Baby Killing’ Military; Calls Cadet a ‘Disgrace’,” Accuracy in Academia, December 2002.
576 David Horowitz, “Ideological Indoctrination at UCLA,” History News Network, April 25, 2005.
577 David Horowitz, “Bias in the California University System,” History News Network, September 14, 2004.
578 Vinay Lal, “Terrorism, Inc, or the Family of Fundamentalisms,” The little magazine, Vol. II, Issue 5, September/October 2001.
579 Ibid.
580 Ibid.
581 “Holy Cross Experts Available for Special Commentary and Analysis of Hot Button Political Issues this Election Season,” College-News. org, 2004.
582 Jack Shafer, “Drooling on the Vietnam Vets,” Slate, May 2, 2000.
583 Derek Summerfield, “The Invention of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Social Usefulness of a Psychiatric Category,” British Medical Journal, 2001.
584 Ibid.
585 Jerry Lembcke, “We Are What We Remember,” Holy Cross Magazine , Volume 33, Number 2, April 1999.
586 Jerry Lembcke, “Why This Election Is All About Vietnam,” History News Network, October 2004.
587 Ibid.
589 Mark LeVine, “Melting Away the Matrix: Modernity, Terrorism and Us,” TikkunOnline, October 2001.
590 Mark LeVine, “The UN Arab Human Development Report: A Critique,” Middle East Report Online, July 26, 2002.
591 Mark LeVine, “The Death of Rachel Corrie,” Tikkun, March 24, 2003.
592 Tzvi Kahn, “The Marxist Strikes Back,”, April 7, 2005.
593 Ibid.
594 Thomas Ryan, “Teaching and Terror at DePaul,”, May 12, 2005.
595 Tzvi Kahn, “Academic Marxist Rock Star,”, March 31, 2005.
596 Robert McChesney, “The Media Crisis of Our Times,” Third World Traveler, April 2003.
597 Ibid.
598 Ibid.
599 Robert McChesney & John Nichols, “The Making of a Movement,” The Nation, December 20, 2001.
600 McChesney, op. cit.
601 Thomas Ryan, “The Fighting Islamists of Notre Dame,” FrontPageMag. com, February 8, 2005.
602 Ryan, “Teaching and Terror at DePaul,” op. cit.
603 Ibid.
604 Ibid.
605 Askia Muhammad, “Impact of a Nation on 20th Century America, “ The Final Call, March 10, 2000.
606 Ryan, op. cit.
607 Ibid.
608 Manning Marable, “Living Black History: Resurrecting Intellectual Tradition,” WGBH Forum Network, April 20, 2004.
610 Loberfeld, “Social Justice: Code for Communism,” op. cit.
611 Manning Marable, “Introduction,” Africana Criminal Justice Project , 2003.
612 Ibid.
613 Ibid.
614 Manning Marable, “Imprisoning Black Minds: Neoliberalism and Education Apartheid,” The Free Press, August 11, 2000.
615 Jonathan Calt Harris, “Tenured Extremism,” New York Sun, May 4, 2004.
616 Ibid.
617 Ibid.
618 Ibid.
619 Ibid.
620 Ibid.
621 Mohammed el-Nawawy and Adel Iskandar, Al-Jazeera: How the Free Arab News Network Scooped the World and Changed the Middle East, Westview Press, 2002, (Book Review), Middle East Forum, Summer 2003.
622 See profile of Professor Hamid Dabashi in this volume.
623 Martin Kramer, “Saving Private Massad,” Campus Watch, January 31, 2005.
624 Joseph Massad, “The Legacy of Jean-Paul Sartre,” Al-Ahram, Issue No. 623, January 30-February 5, 2003.
625 Ibid.
626 Ibid.
627 Ibid.
628 Ibid.
629 Ibid.
630 Ibid.
631 Joseph Massad, “Semites and anti-Semites, That Is the Question,” Al-Ahram, Issue No. 720, December 9-15, 2004.
632 Ibid.
633 Ibid.
634 Joseph Massad, “Palestinians and Jewish History: Recognition or Submission,” Arab Thought Forum, Vol. 7, No. 31, March 2000.
635 Charlie Homans, “Palestinian Film Festival Draws Crowds,” Columbia Spectator, January 27, 2003.
636 Joseph Massad, “Statement in Response to the Intimidation of Columbia University,” The Electronic Intifada, November 2004.
637 Ad Hoc Grievance Committee Report, Ira Katznelson, Chair; Lisa Anderson; Farah Griffin; Jean E. Howard; and Mark Mazower, Columbia University, March 28, 2005.
638 Robin Finn, “Public Lives; At the Center of an Academic Storm, a Lesson in Calm,” New York Times, April 8, 2005.
639 Michael Capel, “Free Speech, Individualism, Due Process under Assault on Campus,” Accuracy in Academia, November 1998.
640 Mari J. Matsuda, Charles R. Lawrence III, Richard Delgado, Kim-berl è Williams Crenshaw, Words That Wound: Critical Race Theory, Assaultive Speech, and the First Amendment, Westview Press, 1993, 35.
641 Ibid., 38
642 Georgetown University—Campus Spotlight, Foundation For Individual Rights, March 2005.
643 Carl Shier, “40th Annual Debs-Thomas-Harrington Dinner,” Chicago Democratic Socialists of America, New Ground 59, July-August 1998.
645 Ibid.
646 Ibid.
648 Mari Matsuda, “A Dangerous Place,” Boston Review, December 2002-January 2003.
649 Ibid.
651 Ibid.
652 Mari Matsuda, “Memo to Bush: We Will Not Be Used,” April 1990 address to Asian Law Caucus, modelminority, February 1993.
653 Jerrold Nadler, “Nadler Criticizes American Muslim Council For Suggesting That Shuttle Disaster Was Act of G-D,” Congressional Press Release, February 5, 2003.
654 Ali A. Mazrui and Tony Kleban Levine, eds., The African: A Reader, Praeger Publ., 1986.
655 Ali A. Mazrui, “Is Israel a Threat to American Democracy?”, April 17, 2002.
656 Ibid.
657 Ibid.
658 Ibid.
659 Ibid.
660 Lindsay Sandham, “Student Files Complaint Against Prof,” MetOnline—Metropolitan State College of Denver, Volume 27, Issue 5, September 9, 2004; Sara Dogan, “Setting the Record Straight,” FrontPageMag. com, December 8, 2004.
661 Cliopatria: A Group Blog, “Student Free Speech,” History News Network, November 26, 2004.
662 Tom Elia, “Oneida Meranto’s Racist Speech,”, February 27, 2004.
663 Sharyn Obsatz, “Insult Prompts a Lifetime of Activism,” UC Riverside—In The News, November 20, 2003.
664 Armando Navarro, “El Mejor De Los Tiempos, El Peor De Los Tiempos,” La Voz de Aztlan.
665 Ibid.
666 Armando Navarro, “Latino Summit Response to Proposition 187 at UC Riverside,” California Coalition for Immigration Reform, January 15, 1995.
667 Hector Carreon, “Dr. Armando Navarro to Lead National Delegation on Zapatista March into Mexico City,” La Voz de Aztlan, February 2, 2001.
668 Brock Meeks, “Minuteman Opposition Organizes Resistance,” MSNBC, June 15, 2005.
669 Chris Richard, “Minuteman Border Project Challenged by Activists,” The Press-Enterprise, March 19, 2005.
670 Roberto Hernandez, “Hispanics Protest Bush’s Iraq Policy,” UC Riverside—In The News, October 5, 2002.
671 “Mexican Political Party Will Meet in Riverside,” UC Riverside—In The News, August 31, 2002.
672 Susan Stranahan, “Hot Air, All Around Us,” Columbia Journalism Review, April 19, 2005.
673 Ibid.
674 Harvey Klehr, John Earl Haynes, Kyrill M. Anderson, The Soviet World of American Communism, Yale University Press, 1998
675 Victor Navasky, “On The Nation and the Historical Role of the Journal of Opinion,” The New School—Transregional Center for Democratic Studies, December 5, 1996.
676 Ibid.
677 Priya Parmar, Brooklyn College—Faculty Newsletter, Volume 7, Number 1, Fall/Winter 2003, p. 8,
678 “Questions for Priya Parmar,” Brooklyn College Magazine, Spring 2004, 10,
679 Ibid.
680 Ibid.
681 Jacob Gershman, “‘Disposition’ Emerges as Issue at Brooklyn College,” New York Sun, May 31, 2005.
682 Ibid.
683 Ibid.
684 Ibid.
685 Ibid.
686 Ibid.
688 “Are Chicanos the Same as Mexicans?” AztecaNet, March 29, 2001.
689 Emma Perez, The Decolonial Imaginary: Writing Chicanas into History, Indiana Univ. Press, 1999, xiii.
690 Ibid., xiv.
691 Ibid.
692 Ibid., 126.
693 Ibid.
694 Ibid., 13.
695 Ibid., 81.
696 “On the Need to Truly Challenge Sexism Through National Liberation Focused Chicano Mexicano Struggle,” Unión del Barrio—La Verdad Publications, June 14, 1993.
697 Jefferson Dodge, “Faculty Defend Free-speech Rights of UCB Prof Amid Public Outcry,” University of Colorado, Boulder—NewMedia, February 3, 2005.
698 Emma Perez, “The Attacks on Ward Churchill,” CounterPunch, February 28, 2005.
699 Ibid.
700 David Halperin, “The Traffic in Women: Thirty Years Later,” Women’s Studies Newsletter—University of Michigan, Spring 2005.
701 Rabia Nafees Shah, “Gayle Rubin: ‘The Traffic in Wom[a]n’—My Notes on Her Notes,” Bulletin Board—University of Florida, September 10, 2003.
702 Ibid.
703 Micaela di Leonardo and Roger Lancaster, “Gender, Sexuality, Political Economy,” New Politics, Vol. 6, No. 1, Whole No. 21, 1996.
704 Gayle Rubin, “‘The Traffic in Women,’” Society for Social Research, 1975.
705 Rubin, 180.
706 Gay Shame Conference, March 27-29, 2003, lesbian gay queer research initiative—University of Michigan.
707 Bio of Gayle Rubin and description of Cuir Underground, Ambrosio’s BDSM Site.
708 Gayle Rubin, “Old Guard, New Guard,” (Excerpt of her speech given at the graduation ceremony for the Journeyman II Academy—October 4, 1997), Cuir Underground, Issue 4.2, Summer 1998.
709 Ibid.
710 “Out with the Outcasts; In with the Exiles,” Cuir Underground, Issue 3.4, April/May 1997
711 Ibid.
712 Gayle Rubin, Youth Liberation, Leaping Lesbian, 1978, NAMBLA, 2003.
713 Elaine Audet, “Elisabeth Badinter Distorts Feminism the Better to Fight It,” Sisyphe, October 1, 2003.
714 Daniel J. Flynn, “Academics Defend Pedophilia,”, September 23, 2004.
715 Ibid.
716 12th Conference of Cuban and North American Philosophers and Social Scientists, 19-23 June 2000, Havana, Cuba (sponsored by the Radical Philosophy Association),, July 13, 2002.
717 Richard D. Lamm, “Too Controversial for the University of Denver,” EducatioNation, April 15, 2005.
718 Ibid.
719 Richard Wolff and Steven Resnick, eds., Rethinking Marxism, Autonomedia, 2001,
720 “Interview with Orville Schell,” Whole Earth Review, Winter 1988.
721 Ibid.
722 Dirk Olin, (Interview with) “Orville Schell,” Mother Jones, September /October 1997.
723 Ibid.
724 Russell Schoch, “The Journalism Dean Searches for Intelligent Life in the Media,” California Monthly, 1998.
725 Center for Study of Working Class Life—State University of New York at Stony Brook,
726 “New York City Labor Against the War,” Global Policy Forum, September 27, 2001.
728 David Horowitz, “Left-wing Traitors Debase the Left and the Silence of Patriotic Liberals Earns Contempt from Those Who Care,”, May 21, 2005.
729 Michael Schwartz, “The New US Strategy After the Battle of Najaf,” Global Policy Forum, September 28, 2004.
730 Horowitz, op. cit.
731 Michael Schwartz, “Tomgram: Schwartz on Americans Rolling the Dice in Najaf,”—Nation Institute, August 11, 2004.
732 Michael Schwartz, “Tomgram: Schwartz on Symbolic Sovereignty in Iraq,”—Nation Institute, June 17, 2004.
733 Courtney McKay and Radeyah Hack, “Could You Be Drafted?” People Against the Draft, November 15, 2004.
734 Maria Russo, “Ivory Tower,”, September 27, 1999. Book Review of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, A Dialogue on Love, Beacon Press, 1999.
735 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Tendencies, Duke University Press, 1993, 3.
737 Ibid.
738 John J.P. Caporaso, “Culture or Else—‘P.C.’ Pompousassism,”, August 7, 2002.
739 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire, Columbia University Press, 1985, 172–173.
741 Russo, “Ivory Tower,” op. cit.
742 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, “The Beast in the Closet: Henry James and the Writing of Homosexual Panic,” in Ruth Bernard Yeazell, ed., Sex, Politics, and Science in the Nineteenth-Century Novel, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.
743 Peter Monaghan, “With Sex and Sensibility, Scholars Redefine Jane Austen,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, August 17, 2001.
745 Ibid.
746 “Top Prof Sparks Outrage—Devout Are ‘Moral Retards,’ He Sez,” New York Daily News, May 23, 2005.
747 Timothy Shortell, “Religion & Morality: A Contradiction Explained,” in Axis of Evil: Perforated Praeter Naturam, Qualiatica Press, 2004, 106–116.
748 Ibid.
749 Shortell, op. cit.
750 Timothy Shortell, “Becoming the übermensch,” The Anti Naturals, Issue 21, 2002.
751 Christopher Flickinger, “Social Marxist Moves Up University Ladder,” Human Events Online, June 8, 2005.
752 Flickinger, op. cit.
753 Lisa Makson, “CUNY Promotes an Anti-Christian Hatemonger,”, June 1, 2005.
754 Timothy Shortell, “Brownshirts,” The Anti Naturals, Issue 24, 2003.
755 Cliopatria: A Group Blog, “The Shame of Shortell,” History News Network, May 21, 2005.
756 Harry Targ, “Building a Peace and Justice Movement in the New Age of Empire,” Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, April 10, 2003.
757 Ibid.
758 Ibid.
759 Marc Geller, “Professors Disagree on Dangers Posed by Iraq,” Lafayette (Ind.) Journal and Courier, February 9, 2003.
760 Ibid.
761 David Horowitz and Thomas Ryan, “Indoctrination at Purdue,”, December 13, 2004.
762 Ibid.
764 Ibid.
765 Horowitz and Ryan, op. cit.
766 Harry Targ (Radical Philosophy Association), “Bush Bashing vs. Class Struggle: The Two Sides of Fahrenheit 9/11,” University of Tennessee—Listserv , July 1, 2004.
767 Brent Forgues, “Lift the Travel Ban to Cuba,” Cuba Central, June 21, 2004.
768 Harry Targ (Radical Philosophy Association), “50 Years After Moncada—A Statement of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism,” University of Tennessee—Listserv, July 26, 2003.
769 Buck Wolf, “Queen B 101: College Lessons in Stardom,” ABC News, November 9, 2004.
770 Katherine Ernst, “Lil’ Kim 101,” City Journal, April 25, 2005.
771 Wolf, op. cit.
772 Greg Thomas, “Lil’ Kim: Dealing with the Trial for Real,” All-HipHop. com, March 2005.
773 Ibid.
774 Ibid.
775 Jacob Laksin, “Syracuse’s Hip-Hop Hate,”, May 26, 2005.
776 Junior M.A.F.I.A., “Get Money,” from the Conspiracy album (1995), Original Hip-Hop Lyrics Archive.
777 Wolf, op. cit.
778 Laksin, op. cit.
779 “Lil’ Kim Raps with Syracuse Students,” News & Events of Arts and Sciences—Syracuse University, November 3, 2004.
780 Thomas, op. cit.
781 Ibid.
782 Ibid.
783 Horowitz, “Black Murder Inc.” op. cit.
784 Greg Thomas Faculty page—Syracuse University.
785 Laksin, op. cit.
786 Ibid.
787 Greg Thomas, “Proud Flesh: Editorial Statement,” Proud Flesh: A New Afrikan Journal of Culture, Politics & Consciousness, 2002.
788 Laksin, op. cit.
790 Fr. Robert Sirico, “Catholics for Marx,”, June 3, 2004.
793 David Anderson, “Religious Groups Mount Last-Ditch Anti-War Effort,” Bread for the World, October 10, 2002.
794 Justice Union of Students Staff and Teachers, “Minutes for Peace and Justice Consortium,” Villanova University, November 2, 2001.
795 Ryan O’Donnell, “Hate America Professor,”, June 25, 2003.
796 Barbara Gross Davis, Tools for Teaching, Jossey-Bass Books, 1993.
797 O’Donnell, op. cit.
798 Ibid.
799 Ibid.
800 Ibid.
801 Ibid.
802 Ibid.
804 Ibid.
805 Michael Vocino, “Saw Moore’s Fahrenheit 911,” University of Rhode Island—The Forum, June 26, 2004.
807 Vocino, op. cit.
808 Nathaniel Nelson, “‘My Name Is Michael Vocino and I Like Dick,”
809 Ibid.
810 Ibid.
811 Personal communication to the author from a member of the faculty at Rhode Island University.
812 Ibid.
813 David Horowitz, “The Boys in the Bathhouses,”, November 3, 1997.
814 Marjorie King, “Queering the Schools,” City Journal, May 29, 2003.
816 Ibid.
817 Michael Warner, The Trouble With Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life, Free Press, 1999. Book Review by Peter Kurth,, December 8, 1999.
823 www.crlp.org_01_1101ngos.html’,1.
825 Tony Barker, “New Peace Studies Director Named,” Ball State University—Newscenter, April 23, 2002.
826 George Wolfe, Professor of Music Performance, Ball State University Profile.„4155—-search,00.html.
827 George Wolfe, “Message from the Director,” Ball State University—Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, April 15, 2005.
828 Philip Wilcox, “Israel and Palestine: Rescuing a Two-State Peace,” Sponsored by Ball State University, Office of the Provost—Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, February 28, 2005 and March 1, 2005.
829 “History and Mission,” Ball State University—Center for Peace and Conflict Studies,,28186—,00.html.
830 Ibid.
831 See the profile of David Barash in this volume.
832 “Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution Minor,” Ball State University—Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, article/0,,28182—,00.html.
833 Brett Mock, “Indoctrination in the Classroom,”, September 13, 2004.
834 Ibid.
835 Thomas Ryan, “Recruiting for Terror at Ball State,” FrontPageMag. com, November 8, 2004.
836 “Response from Ball State University Provost Beverley Pitts,” Students for Academic Freedom, September 23, 2004.
837 “Ball State Professors Respond to Complaints,” Muncie (Ind.) Star Press, September 27, 2004; For Mock’s response to Pitts see: “To Whom It May Concern” in The “Peace Studies And Conflict Resolution” Program At Ball State University—Indocrination or Education (booklet), Students for Academic Freedom, Washington, D.C., 2004, 29.
838 Roger Herbst, “Democracy, Plutocracy, or Hypocrisy,” Washington Free Press, September/October 2002.
840 Dan Flynn, “Master of Deceit,”, June 3, 2003. Review of Howard Zinn’s book. Zinn, A People’s History, 646: “Objectivity is impossible, and it is also undesirable. That is, if it were possible it would be undesirable, because if you have any kind of a social aim, if you think history should serve society in some way; should serve the progress of the human race; should serve justice in some way, then it requires that you make your selection on the basis of what you think will advance causes of humanity.”
841 Zinn, op. cit., 658–9
842 “Scattered Soviet materials have shown that Soviet involvement in preparing and planning an invasion after Stalin gave his reluctant endorsement in January 1950 was higher than previous writers had thought.” Bruce Cumings, Korea’s Place in the Sun, 1998, 263. As it happens, Cumings is a left-wing historian.
843 Zinn, op. cit. 59
844 Zinn, 73
845 Flynn, op. cit.
846 Malcolm Kline, “From Abject to Zinn,” Campus Report Online, September 24, 2004.
847 Flynn, op. cit.
848 Ibid.
849 Ibid.
850 Ibid.
851 Ibid.
852 Ibid.
853 Ibid.
Chapter 2
Why Administrators Fail to Maintain Academic Standards
1 The New Republic, March 6, 1995. The author of the present text has written his own critique of West and drawn a similar conclusion: David Horowitz, “Cornel West: No Light in His Attic,”, October 11, 1999.
2 Cited in Roger Kimball, “Dr. West and Mr. Summers: A Harvard Tale—Cornel West vs. Larry Summers,” National Review Online, January 28, 2002.
3 Richard Bradley, Harvard Rules: The Struggle for the Soul of the World’s Most Powerful University, Harper Collins, 2005, 97. This is an account hostile to Summers.
4 For Cornel West’s bibliography, cf.
5 Bradley, op. cit.
6 Gutmann has since been appointed the president of the University of Pennsylvania.
7 Lawrence H. Summers, Remarks at NBER Conference on Diversifying the Science & Engineering Workforce, January 14, 2005.
8 Marcella Bombardieri, “Summers’ Remarks on Women Draw Fire,” Boston Globe, January 17, 2005.
9 “The Science of Gender and Science,” The Edge Foundation—Pinker vs. Spelke Debate, May 16, 2005.
10 “Letter from President Summers on Women and Science,” January 19, 2005.
11 Lingua Franca, April 1991.
12 Opinion Editorial, “At Stake Is Academic Freedom,” New York Sun, March 17, 2005.
13 Stephan Thernstrom, “Harvard’s Crucible,” Wall Street Journal, April 11, 2005.
14 Heather Mac Donald, “Harvard’s Diversity Grovel,” City Journal, Spring 2005.
Chapter 3
The Representative Nature of the Professors Profiled in This Volume
1 The author is grateful to several professors, who wish to maintain their anonymity, for the information that follows.
2 Personal communication to the author from a tenured full professor at the flagship campus of a major state university who has himself chaired three tenure committees.