Monday morning, Dani knocked on the door across the hall with a rapid series of taps. High pitched barking behind the door surprised her, and she stepped back to double check the number. Nick opened the door wide, and his new roommate ran out to say hello. The small, sprightly pup ran out between his legs and barked as he ran circles around Dani in the hallway.
“You’re back!”
“I am. Who is this?"
“I'm calling him Taco. Found him in an alley this weekend. After a much-needed bath and a few solid meals, this handsome pup emerged. I need to get some signs up around town. I’m sure someone is missing him. So, I've got a temporary roommate until we find his family. How was the retreat?”
“You've had a busy weekend. He is a cutie." She reached down to pet the pup behind the ears and made an instant friend. "The retreat was wonderful! I think I have a plan.”
“Me, too. Come on in.”
“Really?” Pleasantly surprised, she followed him into the kitchen. “That’s great. What’s the plan?”
“Well, I called over to the VA this morning, and I have an appointment to see a counselor tomorrow afternoon.” She made herself comfortable at the table, while he poured her a fresh cup of coffee. He even pulled out a packet of fake sugar for her from the stash she’d tucked into his groceries. He’d remembered. She was impressed. He dropped an old sock he’d tied into knots onto the floor for Taco, and joined her at the table.
“You were right. I was avoiding dealing with it. After a few visits from the Wednesday Crew, I felt a bit better about taking that first step. I looked at the websites you pulled for me, and figured out my plan of action. So, thanks for the push.”
“That’s great, Nick. I’m glad it helped.”
“So, what’s your plan?”
“I’m going to turn Wednesday dinners into a business model. I want to open a restaurant that serves veterans a healthy, fixed-menu meal at a low price. I want to meet their nutritional needs and their social ones by providing a place to gather, eat good food, and chat with friends, new and old. What do you think?”
“You figured all that out in one weekend? I think it’s great. I can think of no group more deserving of your magic chocolate chip cookies than my fellow vets. Have you thought through a business plan yet?”
“Ha! I just had this epiphany yesterday. Jamie was a great sounding board. I don’t even know where to start. But I’m revved about something for the first time in forever, and that has to be worth something. I just need to buckle down now and do some leg work. I’m so excited!”
“That’s really great, Dani. I can see why they call you Sunny. You’re literally beaming.” Grinning, Nick reached across the small table to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She blushed and turned her head. If he kept that up, there was no way she was going to be able to keep her “just friends” promise.
“So, what do you want to do today?” Change the subject. Deflect his interest.
“I don’t know. I don’t have any plans. How about a movie?”
“Sure, as long as it’s not too violent or scary. My overactive imagination likes to keep me up at night reminding me of all the things that go bump in the night.” She imagined violent movies weren’t real high on his list right now, either. It was easy enough to give him an out.
Dani scanned the available movies on demand and settled on one they’d both seen about the boy wizard who lived. She dashed across the hall and returned with a big cozy afghan and a bowl of popcorn.
“I refuse to sit on that ugly couch.” She draped the blanket over the offending sofa with a grin. If only covering the couch could bury the memories of what had happened between them on it. If she had any chance of keeping their truce, those memories had to stay covered. Although if he wanted to uncover his abs again…No. She cut off her thoughts. She couldn’t go down that road in her mind, and then sit with him on the couch for two hours. Control. She would just have to find some. She claimed one end of the couch, resting her head on the armrest, and curled her legs towards the back of the couch. Nick took his spot on the other and propped his feet on the table. The couch wasn’t’ very big so her feet ended up touching his leg. It was very cozy and, Dani quickly realized, a big mistake. Huge.
It shouldn’t have been romantic, but it was. They were watching a kid’s movie, for goodness sake! Dani was struggling to make sense of her feelings as she thought about the last time she’d been this turned on just by touching feet with someone. During those heady hormone laden days of high school, Dani had found herself sharing a love seat with a boy she’d been crushing on for a solid month. Casually lounging, her legs tangled with his as they idly watched some horror flick at a house party. She didn’t remember a bit of the movie they’d been watching, since every shift of his toes against her leg had refocused her senses and built the tension inside her, until she was convinced he was doing it on purpose. That day had been a let down, because the boy she’d been interested in had left the party alone without ever making a move, clearly not as active a participant in her seduction as she’d hoped. The roiling emotions she’d felt that day so long ago paled in comparison to what she was fighting now.
Her toes were tucked up against his thighs, and she could feel the sinewy strength beneath them. He kept shifting trying to get comfortable, and every time he did, she had to wiggle her toes to find a new comfy spot. He pulled his feet up onto the couch, and Dani blushed again. She had to get that pesky blushing under control. The man was going to think she was a prude. It might be easier if he thought I was a prude. If he knew how badly I want to jump him right now, this cease-fire would be over before it began.
The slide of his legs along her calves sent goose bumps up her legs and was as thoroughly arousing as if he’d been stroking her bare legs with his hands, those wonderful strong hands with long, firm, agile fingers...Stop it! She reached for some popcorn and accidentally touched those tempting fingers. She yanked her hand away as if she’d been burned, the warmth traveling all the way up to her arm. We are friends. Just friends. She fought desperately to ignore the pinging sensation deep in her belly and the pressure growing between her thighs. She clenched her legs together in an effort to relieve some of the pressure, sliding her toes from beneath him and turning sideways. Focus on the movie. Ignore the sexy man under the blanket. Sure. She had no idea what was happening in the movie, as it took all of her mental powers to keep herself on her end of the couch. If he would just stay still, she could ignore these disturbing impulses.
When the movie ended, Dani leapt up from the couch.
“Let’s get some fresh air. I could use a trip to the library. You know, dive into my research. Want to come?” She mentally slapped her forehead. Had she really just asked him if he wanted to come? Her mind clearly hadn’t found its way out of the gutter, despite her two hours of effort.
“No, you go ahead. I’m going to do a few chores around here.”
She followed him to the door, and after a fraught moment where she passed too close to him and almost exploded, she made it out of his apartment, integrity intact. This “just friends” thing was going to be much harder than she’d anticipated.