An undated letter from the treatment file of Shelly Nordling at the Bright Shining Day Group Home:

Dear Lenny,

Well here I am at another treatment place. I hope you had a good x-mas and not too lonely. Today we’re supposed to write letters to people we let down. I was sitting here thinking of a hundred people I stole from, lied to, borrowed money from and did a hundred bad things to.

But you’re the only person I ever really LET DOWN. I don’t think you can let people down who don’t expect anything from you. I think you were the only person who ever thought I could be more than I am.

I’m sorry about Uncle Albert and all of it. I don’t know how much you know, but you know me and you know how weak I am and how hard it is for me when I’m alone. Not that it’s an excuse. It’s what I am.

I wish I could pretend that I didn’t know what would happen when I came up here with him. But we’ve been around too long to be stupid anymore, Lenny. No more time for that.

You know, the day I left with him, I almost came to see you. But I couldn’t look you in the eye. I started hooking again down there, for a little crank. And up here a lot more. A couple months ago I sold your uncle’s dishes and we got into it and he beat me up a little and kicked me out. I’m glad you can’t see me now, Lenny.

I wish I hadn’t let you go down alone for my stash. I was just scared. I’ve been scared so long I don’t remember what it’s like to not be.

When I get out of here next month, I’m going to get some money together and come down and see you, even though I have no right. I got a few things to pay off but I plan on being there when you are released. I don’t expect you to want to talk to me or anything, or for us to be like it was before. I don’t expect anything, Lenny, except that it’s going to be hard to see you. I’m even scared of that.

I’m afraid I’ll look in your eyes and see how much I let you down and then I know I’ll have to get high. You will want to know what happened to me and I will have to tell you. And you will see how weak and ugly I am now. I wish I would have taken better care.

But what scares me the most is already inside me. It’s been there a long time. It’s knowing I didn’t deserve you. That I’m bad for the only person who ever made me feel good. I love you. I wish that meant more than it does, Lenny.


A note stuck with a magnetic apple to Kelly Baldwin’s refrigerator at his home in Moses Lake, Washington:

A letter typed on Spokane Police Department stationery, folded in half and slid into the mail slot of Assistant Chief of Police James Tucker:

July 26, 2001
Asst. Chief James Tucker
Office of the Assistant Chief
Spokane Police Dept.

Dear Chief Tucker,

This letter is my official request to be considered for early retirement, effective immediately and per our discussion. This decision is based on personal reasons and not on recent decisions showing a lack of confidence in my abilities as a detective.

I ask that you act on this request as expeditiously as possible, although I will continue to perform my duties as patrol sergeant for the David Sector until a reasonable conclusion can be reached in reference to this issue.

I have served the city of Spokane the last 26 years with my deepest energy and commitment. Any errors I made were with the sincere belief that my actions were taken in the best interest of the city, in the department, and in my colleagues, for whom I will continue to have the greatest respect.

Alan J. Dupree

cc: Lt. Charles Branch, Major Crimes

City of Spokane, Human Relations

Police Guild

Chris Spivey, prick