Old Friends

“What a beautiful forest,” gasped Evie as they came into a clearing of tall trees.

Willow’s coat swirled with autumn colours and her mane was decorated with shining berries and sparkling dewdrops glimmered like diamonds along her brow-band.

A gentle breeze blew through the trees but Evie was nice and warm. She was wearing a scarf, as delicate as a cobweb and a pale green felt jacket that tied at the waist with a ribbon the colour of blackberries. Her skirt was layered with different shades of pink silk like the petals of a wild rose.


Willow neighed as they came to a halt.

“You’re right Willow, we have been here before – for the forest fairy fashion show. We helped the forest fairies to make their outfits with spiders’ webs and dewdrops.”

“And you helped us to solve the mystery of the stolen dresses,” said a voice from above, “welcome back.”

Evie looked up.

“Holly!” laughed Evie, “how lovely to see you again!”

The forest fairy fluttered down from her branch and gave Evie a hug. She was a little bit older and taller than Evie and her blue eyes sparkled with happiness to see her friend again.

“I’m so glad you’ve come back,” said the forest fairy stroking Willow’s muzzle. “We’ve got a busy day ahead of us. Let’s go to the Acorn Cafe and I’ll tell you all about it.”

Holly led the way, flying in and out of the trees. Evie felt the warm autumn sun on her face and the fresh crisp air. It wasn’t long before Evie and Holly were busily catching up on each other’s news.

“I’ve been chosen to teach all the new fairies how to become magic forest fairies,” said Holly. “They’ll be arriving in a little while. As it’s their first day at forest fairy school, I’ll help them settle in with a fun task, before teaching them all about forest magic.”

“I’m starting a new school, too,” said Evie. “I’m feeling a bit nervous about it.”

“When do you start?” asked Holly.

“Tomorrow,” said Evie. “I hope my new teacher will be as kind as you, Holly and gives us time to settle in.” Holly fluttered down and held Evie’s hand.

“I feel so unsure about everything. There are so many things I want to know,” said Evie trying to smile. “What will the other girls be like? What happens at break times? The more I think about it, the more fluttery I feel!”

Holly smiled at her friend. “What you’re feeling is completely natural. All the new fairies will be feeling nervous today, but it won’t take long for the fun to start and the friendships to begin. Just you see.”

In no time at all, they arrived at the Acorn Café.


“Here we are, Willow,” said Evie, giving her pony one of the windfall apples from Starlight Castle’s orchard and some fresh water.

“Mmmm, let’s order some hazelnut shakes,” said Holly looking at the menu. “They’re yummy!”

They sat down at a table with their delicious shakes. Holly made a list of things to do with her magic quill, which was made from a magnificent golden feather.


“We have got a busy morning ahead of us!” said Evie, looking at the long list. “We’d better get started.”

“Let’s split up,” said Holly, finishing her shake. “That way we’ll get everything done quickly. Willow can take you into the forest to collect birch bark and firewood for the campfire. See you back in the Magic Dell!”