Pincushion in a Pickle

In just a few moments, Evie and Sparkles were cantering through the forest on Willow’s back, with Arwen flying above. As they went deeper into the forest, Willow had to jump branches and trees that had fallen across the path.

“I love the way you help Willow jump, Evie,” Arwen called down. Evie leant forward as Willow took off over a branch.

“If there’s something in the way you have to make sure you’re going at it straight and steady. It’s the same for you, Arwen, when you’re flying over obstacles.”

“I think Willow trusts you because you never push her too hard.”

“I trust her too,” smiled Evie. “We look out for each other.”

It was true Willow trusted Evie; the brave little pony didn’t mind if she couldn’t see where she was going to land after taking off over a fallen branch because she knew Evie would never ask too much of her.

Arwen flew above them, the wind whistling through her hair.

“Hold on to your crown Evie,” she called down to her friend as they raced through the trees.

After a short while, they came to a clearing with a tall sycamore tree. Evie stroked Willow’s neck.

“Good girl,” she smiled as she and Sparkles hopped down from the saddle.


“Now all we need to find is a pincushion,” said Arwen, landing gently and looking through the piles of autumn leaves.

But the friends couldn’t find anything like a pincushion.

“Maybe we’re not in the right place after all,” said Evie.

They began to walk through the shady forest, searching the mossy floor when Sparkles’ whiskers began to twitch.

“Whatever’s the matter, Sparkles?” said Evie.

Willow stopped and the little kitten jumped about and started searching around in the roots of a tree.

Evie spotted a shiny nose and a pair of bright eyes peeping at them from the shadows – and out popped a baby hedgehog!

“A little pincushion!” she cried. “Sparkles, you’ve solved the riddle!”

The little hedgehog came out of his hiding place and began making excitable squeaky noises.


“How are we going to help this little hedgehog out?” said Arwen.

“What on earth is he trying to tell us?” asked Evie.

Arwen whisked out her wand and performed the translation spell:

“Blow wind blow,

Prickly hedgehog do not squeak.

Flow words flow,

Little hedge pig try to speak.

Leaves shiver, leaves fall,

Forest creature tell me all.”

Tiny green sparks fizzed and whizzed again from the tip of her wand and floated above them.

“Follow me. Come along, I want to show you something. I’ve been working hard all day. Come and have a little look, come and see what I’ve built. It’s beautiful, my new house. I’ve tried to wake up my friends to show them but they’re all asleep. They usually wake up around now to look for some nice berries to eat. Come on, keep up...” The little hedgehog’s words tumbled out.


“What a chatterbox!” giggled Evie.

They had quite a job keeping up with the little creature who was nattering away as he led them along the forest path. He was surprisingly fast and it seemed that he was in quite a hurry.

“I never knew hedgehogs could move so quickly,” said Arwen.

He brought them to a pile of very untidy sticks and leaves.

“Here it is!” he said, proudly. “My new home.”

Arwen and Evie looked at each other, not sure what to say.

Evie peeped inside and could see a muddy puddle.

“It’s not very cosy,” she said.


“It’s my first hibernation and I’ve worked very hard collecting all these leaves and sticks. It’s taken me a long, long, long time to build this.”

Evie didn’t want to hurt the little hedgehog’s feelings.

“How very clever of you to disguise your house to look like a pile of old leaves,” she smiled. “But when the winter comes and it gets colder, I’m sure you’d like it to be nice and dry inside.”

“Perhaps we could build your nest somewhere else, somewhere drier,” said Arwen. “I think Sparkles may have found just the spot!”

Sparkles was sitting in a sheltered patch beneath a little bush, next to some brambles.

“Perfect,” said the hedgehog. “I love blackberries!”

“You won’t have to go far for lunch!” agreed Arwen.

The friends set to work, helping the little hedgehog to build his winter nest.

“We’ll need lots of dry leaves, little sticks, grass and some moss,” said Evie.

“These might do,” said Arwen with an armful of leaves.

Suddenly, the girls heard the sound of a rotten branch snapping. They froze. It felt like someone was watching them – but who could it be?


Arwen took hold of her wand and searched the undergrowth. The air began to shimmer and, all of a sudden, Holly appeared!

“I didn’t know you could make yourself invisible!” laughed Evie, relieved to see it was her friend.

“I’ve come to see how you’re getting on,” said Holly.

“We’ve started our crowns,” said Arwen. Evie and Arwen showed Holly their handiwork, “But we need to help this little pincushion before we can finish them.”

“I’m so pleased you’re helping a forest creature,” said Holly. “Keep up the good work! I can’t wait to see your beautiful crowns when they’re finished.” And with that Holly gave them both a quick hug and was gone!


Arwen and Evie helped the hedgehog to make a pile with the leaves, moss and grass they had collected. The little hedgehog then climbed to the top of the mound and burrowed inside, turning round and round, packing the leaves flat.

Together, they had made a beautiful cosy nest with thick walls.

“Let’s celebrate with a feast!” said the delighted hedgehog and they all helped themselves to the delicious blackberries growing on the bramble next door.


They were very juicy and soon Evie, Arwen and the little hedgehog were covered in the berries’ purple juice.

“I’ll see if I’ve got anything to wipe our fingers with,” said Evie as she opened up her rucksack of useful things. She pulled out a pink silk handkerchief and, as she did so, a single woollen mitten fell out too.

“I don’t think that’ll be any good at cleaning us up,” laughed Arwen, “but it might help a little hedgehog keep snug in the winter.”

Arwen was right! It made a perfect bed for the hedgehog. Evie carefully laid it in his nest.

“Do you know the quickest way back to the phoenix?” asked Evie. But the little hedgehog didn’t hear her as he was already scurrying away to wake up his friends and invite them to his nest-warming party!

“We’ll find our way back,” said Arwen. “I feel like I’m getting to know the forest.”

“It won’t take us long,” said Evie. “Especially with Willow to take us!”