In no specific order (because that requires some form of mathematical thinking, which I’m incapable of) I’d like to thank:
Christen E. Krumm. You really helped poke my brain when it shut down, sent me edits on Voxer (as if I would be able to remember them later), and most of all, walked the streets of Gossamer Grove with me.
Rachel McMillan. Who fawned over Jacobus Corbin before I ever did, who retracted in an awkward moment when I compared him to my husband, and then returned to swooning when I explained he really wasn’t my husband, he was more like Benedict Cumberbatch.
I will pause now in these acknowledgments for you all to swoon. . . . Okay. Moving on.
Dan Gunderson. Who’da thunk I’d be thanking my childhood buddy who let me play as one of the boys when I was little, christened me as the honorary James West, and fed me historical research for this novel like the pretty cool nerd he is? Thank you for sharing my passion of history, for giving me the word bombastic to use because it’s a freakishly cool word, and for always being in my life from the day I was born. A mentor, a friend, and brother.
And to the Sauk County Historical Society, for allowing Dan access to the records of our colorful community.
There are so many I want to thank, but I’m going to resort to a shorter list now or my editor will start including my acknowledgments in the maximum word count.
My agent, Janet Grant. We started with a rush and it hasn’t stopped. Thanks for answering my incessant emails, interpreting hoaxes versus actual real people, and being a fabulous woman!
My editor, Raela Schoenherr. Book two! This has been a lot of fun so far. I hope you’re not tired of me yet. Though I wouldn’t blame you. My emails do tend to ramble on pointlessly.
To the Bethany House team of amazingness. Luke, Amy, Noelle, Jennifer, and all, you make this happen. You really do. I wish you’d let me plaster your names on the book cover too, ’cause you totally deserve to be on it.
Oh gosh. The music is starting to play, isn’t it? I’ll wrap this up.
My Clutch friends. You are awesome.
My mentors Colleen Coble and Erica Vetsch. You both keep me grounded. Love you both!
Sisters-of-the-Traveling-Us. We seem to miss each other often. Sarah. Alaska, really? And Kara, New Zealand? But regardless, we still find a way to talk EVERY DAY. I would be lost without my Anne Love, Laurie Tomlinson, Kara Isaac, Sarah Varland, and Halee Matthews.
Mom and Dad, and Mom and Dad—I have two complete sets. Not everyone is blessed to be able to claim that. Thank you for modeling marriage, even though at times we all roll our eyes.
Cap’n Hook. Here’s to you. My unsentimental, pragmatic man who keeps me grounded and empowers me.
My CoCo and Peter Pan. Let’s go for a midnight adventure.
And to Jesus. Need I explain? You gave me grace, You have my soul.