Endless thanks to the Ballantine team, but most especially Junessa Viloria whose enthusiasm for this book has been a ray of sunshine from day one. And to Laura Bradford, the agent with the mostest, for championing my little misfit story.
Squees, and whipcracks to the Wednesday night crew. Hugs as always to Jessica Souders for unerring support. And retroactive thanks to everyone who read this story the first time around. You know who you are, WTFers.
Thanks to my Classmates, and the Binders for talent, support, and knowing more than me. And my shocked, humbled gratitude to all the amazing readers and book bloggers out there whose contagious excitement has bowled me over.
Love and gratitude as always to my family. I couldn’t do this without you.
Although many of the locations in this book are real, I have taken some liberties with their geography and characteristics. College campuses in particular are subject to frequent change and I had to pick a point in time to set this story. Don’t throw things at me.