Thank you to my agent, Sarah Davies, who encouraged this idea when it was just a one-sentence pitch, who offered invaluable advice along the way, and whose unwavering support and belief in this project helped bring it to life.
Thank you to my editor, Sarah Knight, who saw exactly how to make this book stronger and showed me how to get it there. I’m so grateful for your sharp eye and your insight. And to the entire team at Simon & Schuster, especially Trish Todd and Kaitlin Olson.
Thank you to Megan Shepherd, who read so many drafts of this book that I’ve lost count, and to Elle Cosimano, Ashley Elston, and Jill Hathaway, for all the brainstorming sessions, the feedback, and the friendship. Huge thanks also to everyone at Bat Cave 2014, for your insight and encouragement on this project.
And last, thank you to my husband, Luis; my parents; and my family, for all of your support.