The Film Paintings of David Lynch Challenging Film Theory
Introduction: Towards a Palimpsest
Chapter 1: Ever Died? Ever Failed? No Matter. Die Again. Fail Better. Immanence and Transcendence In Twin Peaks (With Apologies To Samuel Beckett)
Chapter 2: Reasons to be Tearful: Snapshots of Lynchian Excess
Chapter 3: Driven to Distraction: Hitching a Ride along the Lynchian Highway
Chapter 4: Pierced by the Past: Filmic Trauma; Remembering and Forgetting
Chapter 5: ‘It is Happening Again’: Experiencing the Lynchian Uncanny
Chapter 6: The Return of the Repressed: INLAND EMPIRE, DavidLynch.Com, and the Re-emergence of Film Painting
Conclusion: Stitching up Lynch