ADD Accumulated Degree Days (Forensic)
ADS Advanced Dressing Station
CCS Casualty Clearing Station
CMG Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George
CP Collecting Post
CWGC Commonwealth War Graves Commission
DH Sir Douglas Haig's great push
DSO Distinguished Service Order
FOO Forward Observation Officer
GHQ General Headquarters
GS General Service
HTMB Heavy Trench Mortar Battery
IR Infanterie Regiment (German)
IWM Imperial War Museum
KW Kinematograph Weekly
MC Military Cross
MDS Main Dressing Station
MGC Machine Gun Corps
NCO Non-commissioned Officer
OH History of the Great War based on Official Documents
RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
RAP Regimental Aid Post
RIR Reserve Infanterie Regiment (German)
RMO Regimental Medical Officer
SAA Small Arms Ammunition
SC Screen
TBS Total Body Score (Forensic)
TF Territorial Force
TMB Trench Mortar Battery
VC Victoria Cross
VN IWM Viewing Notes