I am so grateful to my mother, Cecilia Ortega, for braving the unknown and bringing me to America, and to my stepfather, Antonio Ortega, for his encouragement and support. Beverly Horowitz is the best editor a girl could hope for, and I’m grateful to Rebecca Gudelis for answering a gazillion emails that said “Just a few more days” with aplomb. Thanks as well to Kimberly Witherspoon, Monika Drake, and the whole Inkwell team.
Gracias a mi Aunt Diana and Uncle Buster for always believing and to my prima hermana Digna as well. Jason Clampet makes me laugh and brings me empanadas. Thank you to Jerry and Mary Clampet for Flora care so I can write. Isabel Rivera and Mai El-Khoury are good friends who understand my immigrant heart. Flora already knows that cada verano tiene su historia. Querida, this one’s for you.