
First and foremost, I would like to thank my editor, Emilia Rhodes, for her unending support and encouragement while I wrote many versions of this book. I’ll never forget your faith in me and I am so happy to be working with you and your entire staff. I feel so honored to be part of the HarperCollins family!

I would like to thank my amazing agent, Kristin Nelson, for always cheering me on and continuing to make sure my books find the best homes possible. And to Pete Harris, who held me up and never let me fall. Your emails that said simply “Call me, I’m here for you!” throughout this process helped me more than you will ever know. You’re a wonderful person and I definitely owe you a drink and a spa day the next time I come to LA!

Dalila and Ryan came alive due to some very important people! Claudia was a great sensitivity reader who provided valuable insight on the Latino community and Mexican culture to make this book the best it could be. Maria Perez-Chavez was a fan who became my beta reader who helped so much with the book. You are an amazing woman and I am so thankful for your input! And to my fan Jose Ibarra and his stunning wife, Natalie, who helped when I was out of ideas. I miss you both and am still honored that I stood up as a bridesmaid in your wedding!

I am in awe of Margie Longoria, a devoted librarian from Texas who has dedicated her life to putting books in the hands of teens. Your input helped make Dalila and Ryan’s journey magical. Margie, you are a role model for all librarians and I wish everyone had your passion. You are a true gem!

I don’t know what I’d do without my friends Cynthia Singer, Nanci Martinez, and Mindy Berman. You are all strong, incredible women who give me strength, comfort, and a shoulder to cry on when I need it. Nasien, thank you for your encouragement and support.

Finally, I want to thank my mom, Fran, who is annoying and crazy and wonderful and my rock. My children, Brett and Samantha, make sure my life is never dull. You both challenge me and drive me nuts but I’ll go to the ends of the earth to make sure you’re safe, happy, and healthy.

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