Bibliographical Note

There are two standard histories of Ukraine currently in English. Orest Subtelny's Ukraine: A History (University of Toronto Press) was first published in 1988 and was in its third edition by 2000. Paul Robert Magocsi's A History of Ukraine (University of Toronto Press, 1996), is longer, but has more chapter sub-divisions.

There is little in English on the late Kuchma era and its dramatic end, other than the strictly academic. An important exception is J.V. Koshiw, Beheaded: The Killing of a Journalist (Artemia Press, 2003), which is a special study of the Gongadze scandal.

Early comment pieces on the Orange Revolution include Adrian

Karatnycky, ‘Ukraine's Orange Revolution’, Foreign Affairs, vol. 84, no. 2

March/April 2005, pp. 32–52, and several analyses in academic journals: the special issues of Problems of Post-Communism, vol. 52, no. 2, March–April

2005; Journal of Democracy, vol. 16, no. 2 April 2005; and Communist and Post-Communist Studies, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 131–292 (June 2005) – the last entitled ‘Ukraine: Elections and Democratisation’, edited by Taras Kuzio and Paul D'Anieri. There is one eyewitness account in French, by Alain Guillemoles, Même la neige était orange: La révolution ukrainienne (Les Petits Matins, 2005). Etienne Thévenin, L'enjeu ukrainien – Ce que révèle la Révolution orange, (CLD, 2005) is largely historical. In German there is Ingmar Bredies (ed.), Zur Anatomie der Orange Revolution in der Ukraine: Wechsel des Elitenregimes oder Triumph des Parlamentarismus? (Stuttgart: Buchhandel/Ibidem, Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 2005). In the pipeline is Michael McFaul and Anders Åslund (eds), Revolution in Orange: The Origins of Ukraines's Democratic Breakthrough (Carnegie Endowment, January 2006), as is Askold Krushelnychy, An Orange Revolution: A Personal Journey Through Ukrainian History (Harvill Secker, 2006). A history of Pora, ‘PORA – Vanguard of Democracy’, is available on the web at

The best available source for up-to-date English language news from Ukraine is The Ukraine List, which can be obtained via email from Dominique Arel at, and is being progressively archived at