
Kenna stared at me like a frightened rabbit. It was the only thing that kept me from rushing to drag her into my arms. I ached to hold and comfort her—hell, to let her comfort me, but she was clearly too heartbroken about Jett to accept anything from me. Damien had spooked her with his comments.

I hated that his conversation with her had given me hope for a relationship. I didn’t want the stain of him coming between us, but he was right. Kenna had been unable to deny her attraction to me.

Finding out Dee Dee had been responsible for part of her past interactions with me had been disturbing. How much of it had been her, and how much was Kenna? And who was this crazy ancestor of mine Dee Dee believed me to be? Could I have known this woman in another life? Was that even possible?

I sighed heavily.

“What’s the matter?” Kenna asked, still huddled on her side of the cage.

“I’m just trying to figure out how everything got so crazy in my world.”

Sadness filled her features. “You met me.”

“Kenna,” I said, moving toward her, but stopped when she shrank back. “Please stop blaming yourself for all this. It’s happening to you, too. You aren’t the cause of our problems. Others have inflicted their will on both of us and your friends and family. None of this is your fault. There’s no possible way you could’ve stopped any of this. You didn’t even know your grandpa was alive.”

“I knew Dee Dee was haunting the house and didn’t tell my dad,” she replied. “He might’ve been able to get rid of her.”

“Did you know she intended any harm to your family?”

Kenna shook her head.

“Okay. So, you did nothing wrong. I’m the one to be blamed for Dee Dee, apparently. She’s my ghost, not yours. You were victimized by her because you met me.”

“You didn’t even know she existed,” Kenna said in a rush.

“Exactly. Quit taking all this on your shoulders and put the fault where it lies. You were manipulated by Dee Dee and captured by your grandfather. They’re the guilty parties. The only culpability you and I have is being stupid enough to follow a shapeshifting wolf.”

Kenna gave a slight snort and grinned a little. “Yeah, that was pretty stupid, wasn’t it?”

“Very stupid. But hey, we survived one battle. We’ll survive this, too.”

“Do you really think so?”

I nodded. “Yes. I refuse for my life to end in a filthy crypt, nor will I agree to the same fate for you. Trust me, Kenna. I’ll do everything I can to help get us out of here. Both of us are smart, capable witches, even if we are temporarily powerless. We’ll put our heads together and figure something out. We just need to watch and wait for our opportunity.”

Kenna sighed. “I wish I was as optimistic as you. Knowing what I do about my grandfather, I realize how badly the odds are stacked against us.”

“Knowledge is power, Kenna. I think it’s time you tell me everything you know about him. The better I understand your family’s history, the more I might be able to help.”

“My dad didn’t like talking about him. I don’t know every detail. I found out some of the things because my mom filled me in.”

“You never can tell what might be useful. Just share whatever you remember.”

“It might take some time.”

I chuckled. “My schedule appears to be clear for the next long while.” I adjusted my position, leaning back against the bars on my side of our small prison. Folding my arms, I stared at her.

Shifting into a corner, she got comfortable and started talking, filling me in on her family’s past. My eyes never left her, watching as her body relaxed the more she spoke. I attempted to stay calm and nonchalant, even when she said things that surprised me. I knew she was under a lot of pressure, and I didn’t want to do anything to spook her again. I needed her to trust me. It could be vital to our survival.

Here and there, I interjected questions just to understand her story better. For the most part, I simply let her talk.

Her voice was like therapy for me. Listening to her speak could bring me joy for the rest of my life. I wanted her to always be near me, no matter the circumstances. I knew we were both mourning Jett, but my feelings for Kenna were so strong that I’d take whatever I could get. Even if she never got over him, I’d willingly stay by her side, helping in any way possible. It would be better to be her friend than nothing at all.

I had no way to gauge passing time, but it seemed like hours went by before she was finished. I was silent for a few moments trying to take it all in.

“Damien’s an evil man,” I finally managed.

“The worst,” she added.

The door opened, and both of us glanced toward it. Damien appeared carrying a tray.

“I figured the two of you are probably hungry.”

“We’ll pass on the poison,” Kenna said. “My dad filled me in on your food tricks.”

Damien shook his head. “Test it with your magic.”

“We can’t,” I reminded. “You tied our abilities.”

“There’s been a drug slowly working its way from your systems. In it was a binding agent. Your powers should begin returning to full strength in a couple of hours if you wish to wait. Before you get too excited, this room is completely reinforced. Your magick won’t help you escape. I would say don’t bother trying, but I’m sure it wouldn’t do any good. Go ahead; wear yourselves down trying to break free. Once you decide you’re too drained to continue, you might enjoy these items.”

Waving his hand, a simple wooden table and two chairs appeared outside the bars. He set the tray down and faced the opposite wall. With another flick, a bed covered in linens and furs manifested, and after that, a stone tub full of steaming water. Beside the tub was a table with some soap, folded fabric, a wooden water pitcher, and fresh clothes.

“I could’ve done all that,” I said, unimpressed, wondering if he knew manifestation was also one of my gifts.

“Actually, you can’t. The spells on this room prevent you from calling anything in or out. My powers are the only ones that can penetrate these walls.” He glanced between us. “You can choose whether or not you want a hot or cold dinner or bath. As I said before, I have important plans for the two of you, so poisoning is completely counterproductive. If you need anything, ring the bell.” He suddenly burst into laughter. “Just kidding. I don’t give a shit if you need anything. Enjoy your night. Oh, and there’s a chamber pot behind the curtain in the far corner. Got to keep the appearance of good hygiene, right kids?”

It was dark enough in that direction that I hadn’t even noticed the curtain there before now. It blended in perfectly with the color of the wall.

I glanced back to Damien and watched the door close behind him before turning to Kenna.

“So, is he trying to torture us some more? We’re still in this cage. How are we supposed to even utilize these things?” As soon as the words left my mouth, the bars dissolved away as if they’d only been an illusion.

Kenna held up her hand, and the tiniest spark lit her palm, sputtering as it tried to burst into a flame. Following her lead, I stuck a finger in the dirt floor, calling for a vine to come forth. A small twig with one leaf popped up.

“Looks like he was telling the truth in this case,” I said. “Although this is a pretty pitiful display of our powers.”

Kenna surprised me when she suddenly laughed. “I feel like such a wimp.”

“Yeah, me too.” My chuckle joined hers. “Should we trust the food? It smells good. Looks like some meat and vegetables.” My mouth was watering.

“Oh, heck no,” Kenna replied. “I’m not touching that until my magick is at full strength and it’s been fully tested. I don’t care how hungry I am. That bath, on the other hand, looks amazing. I’m all for getting cleaned up while we wait.”

“You go first while the water’s hot,” I said, trying not to let my imaginings of a wet, naked Kenna run rampant in my mind. “I’ll keep my back turned and practice . . . growing things.”

“Are you sure? If my magick is returning, I can reheat the water for myself.”

“You can also do it for me.” Or the scalding lustful blood inside me could. I smiled innocently, not wanting to clue her in on my private thoughts.

“If you’re sure.”

“Go for it. Take your time, seriously. I’m just gonna check out this bed. It actually looks pretty comfortable.” I turned away but could hear her rustling out of her clothes. Soft splashes sounded as she sank into the water. Honestly, this was the worst torture I’d experienced since we’d been captured.

“You don’t have to keep your back to me,” she said. “With the low lighting and the depth of the water, I’m pretty covered.”

A groan escaped me. Kenna might be safe from my eyes, but not my imagination. “I don’t want to intrude.”

“Really, Seth. It’s fine. I’m not that much of a prude. I used to skinny dip in the forest lakes in Oregon during the summer.”

Not helping, my brain cried out. I swallowed thickly. “Oh? That sounds like fun.”

“It was wonderful. I loved the way the cool water ran over my skin. Seth, you can turn around.”

Can I, though? Reaching for a rolled ball of furs serving as a pillow, I placed it over my lap and shifted around. I leaned against the wall behind the bed, stretching my legs out in front of me. Hesitantly, I cast a quick glance in her direction.

Bad idea.

She was a vision, sitting with water up to her shoulders, her lengthy hair floating around her. All I wanted to do was climb in there with her and kiss her senseless. She may have run off with Jett, but my brain hadn’t had the time to adjust to that fact. I was still stuck being one of the guys vying for her attention. Until the last couple of days, I’d imagined a time I might see her like this. I’d never thought Jett would win in the end because I had fully intended to make sure she picked me.

Rowan messed that up. I made a mental note to stick several spiky vines through his heart if the opportunity arose.

“You okay?” Kenna asked. “You look like you’re gonna be sick.”

“I’m fine,” I lied. “Just need to close my eyes for a minute. The lack of sleep is catching up with me.”

My words sounded completely false since we’d recently spent hours, maybe even days, drugged into unconsciousness. If she noticed it, she didn’t let on.

“Yeah, I feel exhausted, too. I can’t wait to eat. Then I’m going to curl up in that bed and sleep for hours.”

“I’ll take the floor so you can stretch out and get some rest.”

“You’ll do no such thing! I wouldn’t be able to sleep a wink knowing you’re on the hard floor.”

And I won’t be able to sleep a wink in the soft bed with you, I wanted to answer. Kenna clearly had no idea what she did to me, which was funny considering our previous very hot make-outs. We could’ve gone very far if given the opportunity. Maybe she didn’t remember because Dee Dee had been in control of her.

Thinking of Dee Dee was like splashing a bucket of ice water on my body. I almost sighed in blessed relief. “Whatever you think is best,” I replied, keeping my eyes closed because I didn’t trust myself to look at her again.

She splashed around a bit, and my imagination jumped back into overdrive. I tried to think about anything else but wasn’t having much success.



“I have soap in my eyes and can’t find the pitcher. Will you come and help me rinse my hair?”

I glanced at the ceiling, silently cursing the Universe. “Sure.” Rising, I moved behind her and lifted the pitcher, but I needed to dip it into the water. Moving to the side, I attempted to keep my gaze away from her body as I filled it. “Scoot forward a bit, so the water won’t run out of the tub.”

The soapy water kept it from being translucent, but when she shifted, the creamy swells of her breasts peeked out briefly. I froze, unable to look away as if I’d never seen a girl’s body before. Though she wasn’t fully exposed, I still thought she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen, even sitting in a bathtub with no makeup and soapy hair. She took my breath away.

“Seth?” Her voice brought me back to the task at hand. “My eyes are burning.”

“Uh, yeah.” I dumped the water over her head, trying to get it toward the front so she could rinse her face. “Want me to keep going?” I asked.

“If you don’t mind,” she replied, rubbing at her features. Oh, I minded, but wild horses couldn’t drag me away. I filled the pitcher again, this time from behind. Her hair sluiced down her back, and I discovered she was just as seductive from that side, too.

It seemed I was in for a long, hard night.

“That’s good,” she finally said, raising her arms to wring out her locks.

“Okay. I’ll just lay on the bed again and give you some privacy to get dried off and dressed.” I had to get away from her so I could calm down.

“Thanks. How’s your magic? Any better?”

Grateful for the diversion, I tested it, pleased when rapid growth sprouted from my fingers, twisting around each other. “Almost back to normal,” I replied, wondering if my overheated, raised pulse had helped push the drug from my system faster.

“Awesome. I’ll test mine as soon as I get some clothes on.”

A couple minutes later, a bright flash of light filled the room, and heat rolled through it. I hadn’t been given the all-clear from her to look in her direction, so I didn’t turn. Soon I heard the water bubbling.

“Planning to boil me in my bath?” I asked with a chuckle.

“No.” She giggled slightly. “I just figured I’d superheat it and let it cool a little while we eat.”

“Ah, gotcha. Good to know. I thought maybe you were sick of me already.”

“I could never be sick of you, Seth. You know that.”

Her words were casual, but hope bloomed even more in my heart.