Chapter 10

Without stopping to catch our breath, Asuna and I ran to the safe zone that was set up somewhere in the middle of the Labyrinth Area. I had the feeling that we'd been targeted by monsters several times along the way. But to tell the truth, we weren't in the right state of mind to fight them.

We burst into the large room that had been designated as the safe area and slid to the floor with our backs side-by-side, leaning against the wall. After releasing a huge breath, we looked at each other and...


Both of us started laughing at the same time. If we had checked the map, we could have known straight away that the boss hadn't left its room. But we hadn't thought of stopping to check.

“Ahahaha, ah— we ran away really fast!”

Asuna laughed in an exhilarated tone.

“It's been a long time since I've run as if my life depended on it. Well, you were even more exaggerated than me!”


I couldn't contradict that. Asuna kept laughing at my sullen face. It took her a lot of effort to stop; and then she said,

“...That, looked pretty tough.”

Asuna said, with a serious face.

“Yeah. It looked like it had only a great-sword as its weapon, but it probably has special attacks as well.”

“We'll have to gather a lot of forwards with high defense and have them keep switching.”

“We'll need about ten people with shields... Well, for the moment we should just keep jabbing at it and work out how it fights.”

“A... shield.”

Asuna looked my way thoughtfully.

“Wh-What's the matter?”

“You're hiding something.”

“What do you mean all of a sudden...?”

“But it's weird. The biggest advantage of using one-handed swords is being able to hold a shield with the other hand. But I've never seen you with one. I don't, because it would slow my attack speed, and some people don't because they're more worried about style. But you're neither of those... It's suspicious.”

She was spot on. I had a hidden skill. I'd never used it even once in front of other people.

It wasn't only because skills were an important way to survive, but also because I thought it would make me stand out even more if others found out.

But, if it was her— If she found out, it should be okay...

With that in mind, I opened my mouth to say something.

“Never mind, it doesn't matter. Digging around about other people's skills is rude anyways.”

She just laughed it off. Now that I had lost my chance, I simply mumbled a few words in my mouth. Then, Asuna's eyes grew wide after checking the time.

“Ah, it's already three. It's late, but let's eat lunch.”


I couldn't hide my excitement.

“I-Is it handmade!?”

Asuna smiled wordlessly and quickly manipulated her menu. After removing her glove, she called forth a small basket.   So there was at least one good thing about partying with her   —as that rude thought passed my mind, Asuna suddenly glared at me.

“...What bad thoughts were you having just now?”

“N-none. More importantly, let's eat.”

Asuna pouted, nevertheless she took two paper packages out of the basket and then handed one over to me. I opened the package and found a sandwich made with lots of vegetables and grilled meat stuffed between two thin slices of round bread. An aroma like that of pepper came from it. Suddenly, I felt really hungry and I took a large bite.

“It's... really good...”

I bit into it twice, thrice in a row, and then uttered my sincere appreciation. The shape seemed somewhat European, like the food that the NPC restaurants offered, but the taste was different. The slightly sour and sweet flavor was definitely similar to the Japanese fast food that I had eaten until two years ago. I ate the huge sandwich quickly, feeling like I was about to cry from the nostalgic taste.

After finishing the last piece and downing the tea that Asuna gave me, I gave a sigh.

“How did you manage to make that flavor...?”

“It's the result of a year of training and experimentation. I made it after analyzing the data on how alllllllll of the herbs affect the taste reproduction engine. This is glogwa seed, shuble leaf, and calim water.”

As she said this, Asuna took out two small bottles from the basket, opened one of them, and stuck her index finger in. The finger came out with some indescribable substance on it that was sticky and purple. Then she said,

“Open your mouth.”

I didn't know what it was, but I opened my mouth on reflex, and Asuna flung the substance into it. The gooey substance flew into my mouth accurately and its flavor amazed me.

“...It's mayonnaise!”

“And this is abilpa beans, sag leaves, and uransipi bones.”

The last one sounded like the ingredient for an antidote, but the liquid flew into my mouth before I had any time to think about it. Its taste shocked me even more than the previous one. This was definitely soy sauce. I was so ecstatic that I grabbed Asuna's hand and put her finger in my mouth.


She screamed and snatched her hand out while glaring at me. But then she started laughing at my expression.

“That's what I made the sandwich with.”

“...It's amazing! Perfect! You could make a fortune with this!”

To tell the truth, the sandwich tasted even better than the Ragout Rabbit meal I had yesterday.


Asuna smiled sheepishly.

“No, it'd be better not to sell them. Then there wouldn't be any left for me.”

“Uwa, you're so greedy! ...If you want, I'll make it again for you sometime.”

She added the last bit quietly and leaned slightly against my shoulder. As a calm silence filled the room, I even forgot that we were in the front-lines, a place where we fought with our lives at stake.

If I could eat this sort of thing every day, I could steel my resolve and move to Salemburg... right next to Asuna's house... I started thinking this without realizing it, and just as I was about to say it out loud—

Suddenly, the clanking sound of armor heralded the arrival of another group of players. We quickly widened the distance between us.

I glanced at the leader of the six-man party and relaxed my shoulders. He was the katana-wielder that I had known for the longest time in Aincrad.

“Oh, Kirito! It's been a while!”

I stood up and greeted the tall person who had started to walk this way after recognizing me.

“You're still alive, Klein?”

“You're as foul-mouthed as ever. Why are you of all people in a par-ty...”

The katana-wielder's eyes went wide under his bandana as he saw Asuna, who had stood up after quickly packing her things.

“Ah—,'ve probably already met each other during the boss fights, but I'll introduce you two anyway. This guy is Klein from the guild «Fuurinkazan», and this is Asuna from «Knights of the Blood».”

Asuna nodded lightly when I introduced her, but Klein just stood there, both his eyes and mouth wide open.

“Hey, say something. Are you lagging?”

After I jabbed him from the side, Klein finally closed his mouth and introduced himself in the politest way possible.

“H-Hello!!!!! I'm just a guy c-c-called Klein! Single! Twenty-four!”

As Klein said something stupid in his confusion, I jabbed his side again, with more strength this time. But even before Klein finished talking, his party members had rushed up and began to introduce themselves.

They said that all the members of «Fuurinkazan» had known each other even before SAO had started. Klein had protected and guided all of them, without losing even a single member, until each of them had become a capable player of the front-lines. He had managed to bear the weight that I had run away from in fear two years ago, on the day that this death game began.

Ignoring the self-hatred that had settled deep in my heart, I started speaking to Asuna,

“...Well, they're not bad people, if you ignore the leader's thuggish face.”

This time, Klein stomped down on my foot as hard as he could. Upon seeing this, Asuna started laughing, unable to hold back any longer. Klein smiled sheepishly, but then returned to his senses and asked me in a voice filled with murderous intent.

“H-H-How did this happen Kirito!?”

As I stood there with no answer coming to mind, Asuna responded for me in a clear voice:

“Nice to meet you. We've decided to party with each other for a while. I hope we get along.”

I was shocked by what I heard. As I thought   Eh!? This wasn't just for today!? , Klein and his party made expressions that switched between anger and depression.

Eventually, Klein glared at me with rage burning in his eyes and growled while grinding his teeth.

“Kirito, you bastard...”

I sagged my shoulders and thought that this was going to be hard to get out of. Then...

Footsteps resounded through the same doorway that Fuurinkazan had recently come through. Asuna tensed at the strangely uniform sound, then grabbed my arm and whispered.

“Kirito-kun, it's «The Army»!”

I immediately turned my gaze towards the doorway, and sure enough, the heavily-armed unit that we'd seen in the forest came into sight. Klein raised his hand and got his five companions to back into the wall. The group that marched into the room, still in its twin column formation, was no longer as orderly as they had been in the woods. Their footsteps were heavier, and the expressions under their helmets seemed very tired.

They stopped at the wall opposite from us in the safe area. The man in front gave the order “At ease,” at which point the other eleven people collapsed onto the floor. The man then walked towards us without even glancing at them.

Now that I looked carefully, his equipment was somewhat different from the others. His armor was very high in quality, and a crest in the shape of Aincrad was engraved onto the chest—something that none of the other eleven had.

He stopped in front of us and took off his helmet. He was pretty tall and appeared to be somewhere in his late thirties. He had a sharp face, very short hair, a pair of sharp eyes below his thick eyebrows, and a mouth that was tightly shut. He swept across us with his eyes, and then started speaking to me, the one at the front of our group.

“I'm Lieutenant Colonel Cobert of the Aincrad Liberation Force.”

What the hell? «The Army» was originally a name that people had started calling them as a way of making fun of them. When did it become their official name? And «Lieutenant Colonel»? Feeling annoyed, I answered concisely:

“Kirito, Solo.”

He nodded and asked arrogantly:

“Have you mapped the area ahead of here?”

“...Yeah. I've mapped the area all the way up to the boss room.”

“Hmm. Then I hope you would supply us with the mapping data.”

I was surprised by his attitude. But Klein, who was behind me, had gotten angry.

“What? Supply you with it!? You bastard, do you even know how hard mapping is!?”

He shouted in a hoarse voice. Maps of unexplored areas were important information. They could also be sold to treasure hunters, who sought out locked treasure chests, at high prices.

As soon as he heard Klein's voice, the army guy raised one of his eyebrows and announced loudly.

“We are fighting for the freedom of players like you.”

He thrust his chin forward and continued.