
An Eye for Art was written by Nathalie Ryan with Molly Dalessandro and Heidi Hinish, with significant contributions from Sarah Stewart and Emily Hagan Lazaro. Staff members across the division of education likewise contributed to this project. In particular we wish to thank the many members and interns in the department of teacher, school, and family programs who assisted with the research and production of the NGAkids Quarterly over a decade and who drafted a new context for this publication: Anna Alexander, Nicole Anselona, Lorena Baines, Elizabeth Diament, Kim Hodges, Anastasia Karpova, Paula Lynn, Gina O’Connell, Emily Pegues, Zev Slurzberg, Katrine Solli, Elizabeth Tunick, Brandy Vause, and Jason Vrooman. We are grateful to the staff of the Gallery’s publishing office, led by Judy Metro and Chris Vogel, including the book’s designers, Wendy Schleicher and Rio DeNaro; editor Nancy Eickel and assistant editor Lisa Wainwright; photo coordinator Sara Sanders-Buell; production assistant Mariah Shay; as well as Amanda Sparrow, Julie Warnement, and Caroline Weaver for their earlier work on the NGAkids Quarterly. We also thank members of the department of imaging services for their essential support: Peter Dueker, Lorene Emerson, Barbara Wood, Ira Bartfield, and Kate Mayo. Finally, we thank the curators who reviewed the texts—Nancy Anderson, David Brown, Deborah Chotner, Harry Cooper, John Hand, Kimberly Jones, and Arthur Wheelock—and the entire National Gallery of Art curatorial staff, whose scholarly research was the source from which this book’s content was drawn.