BC rode up and out of the water. Kai looked at the sea floor. It was really shaking. What’s going on? he thought. Kai looked all around him.

He could see strange blobs. They were falling into a nest of slime.

Kai saw glowing green eggs in the nest.

Kai watched as the water around the nest began to turn. It turned around and around. The eggs and slime came together in the water. They were turning around with the water.

The water was so strong it was pulling Kai into it. Kai turned his under water pack to top speed. He pushed away from the turning water.

Then the water stopped. Everything went still. Kai couldn’t see what was going on. Then a big sucking sound began.

The water was being sucked out from under Kai. It was very strong. And the thing doing it was huge and ugly. It was a beast. And it was right in front of Kai.

Kai took a photo of the beast with his orb. The BMC sent back a beast card.

The little beast has become something else, thought Kai.

Kai went above the water. He jumped on the hover board with BC. ‘The beast is about to attack,’ said Kai.