We used our proprietary formula (i.e., it is slightly better than pulling it out of a hat) to determine the top innovation markets in the Global Silicon Valley. In the following pages, we highlight the top things to know and places to go to get your idea off the ground and into the skies.
Year-over-Year Funding Growth (over 2 and 5 Years)
Year-over-Year Deal Growth (over 2 and 5 Years)
Venture Capital Funding in Q4’15 - Q3’16
Number of Deals in Q4’15 - Q3’16
Number of Exits in Q4’15 - Q3’16
Year-over-Year Exit Growth (over 2 and 5 Years)
Number of the Fortune Global 2000 in Each Region
Presence of Google and Facebook Offices in Each Region
Number of Accelerators
Number of Top 500 Global Universities
Average Internet Download Speed
GSV-Conducted Survey Responses