THE SHADOW of the Death Star fell over Jedha, and Krennic reveled in the sight. He’d worked so hard to get that far—to make the battle station operational—and his moment of triumph was finally within his grasp. The presence of Grand Moff Tarkin, though, prevented him from fully enjoying it.
“The Emperor is awaiting my report on what transpires here,” Tarkin said, as if they didn’t both know that and what he really meant.
Tarkin considered the Death Star to be his project, despite the fact that it would never have happened without Krennic. He was like the man who bought a landspeeder and paraded around in it as if he’d created it.
If Krennic could have gotten away with it, he’d have tossed Tarkin out of one of the Death Star’s airlocks. Instead, he did as he always had and showed Tarkin a respect he didn’t feel. “One had hoped that he and Lord Vader might have been here for such an occasion.”
Tarkin almost clucked his tongue at Krennic. “I thought it prudent to save you from any potential embarrassment.”
Krennic knew that meant Tarkin wanted to oversee the Death Star’s initial operations by himself, to make sure it was in working order before he attempted to take over. Otherwise, he couldn’t be sure that he didn’t need Krennic any longer. But Krennic was far too wise to let the man get rid of him that easily.
“Your concern is hardly warranted,” he told Tarkin.
Tarkin smirked at him. “If saying it would only make it so.”
Krennic wondered exactly how much the Emperor would miss his favorite grand moff should he suddenly disappear. He decided to ignore the dig and address the rest of the people in the room instead.
“All Imperial forces have been evacuated, and I stand ready to destroy the entire moon.”
Tarkin arched an eyebrow at Krennic. “That won’t be necessary. We need a statement, not a manifesto. The Holy City will be enough for today.”
Krennic stifled a retort. He knew now what the Grand Moff’s game was. He would take over the Death Star once Krennic had proved it would work. And then he would take credit for using it to annihilate an entire planet.
Krennic promised himself he would find a way to leave Tarkin disappointed in that regard. For the moment, though, he still needed to play along with the Grand Moff’s power grab.
He moved to the Death Star’s command console and issued his order. “Target Jedha City,” he said. “Prepare single reactor ignition.”
That would be enough to wipe the ancient city from the face of the moon. If only the Emperor—or even his emissary, Lord Vader—had been there to bear witness to the destruction. As it was, news of Krennic’s triumph would only reach them through Tarkin, who would be sure to take as much of the credit as he could.
Krennic strove not to let such personal setbacks color the moment. Either way, he had a job to do.
“Fire when ready.”