WITH ALL the chaos going on outside the Citadel, it wasn’t hard for Jyn, Cassian, and K-2SO to find their way to the data vault. All the stormtroopers had been ordered outside to deal with the rebel assault, leaving only a skeleton crew of officers to staff the place.

When they reached the data vault, only a single officer stood between them and their target. He looked up at them curiously, surprised to find people trying to access the data vault when they probably should have been trying to help repel the attack.

“Can I help you?” he said.

“That won’t be necessary,” K-2SO said.

The droid stepped forward and clocked the officer on top of the head with a steely hand. The man collapsed without another word.

K-2SO set to work at the console where the Imperial officer had been standing. According to what he had downloaded from the local security droid, getting into the data vault required at least two people. One person had to work the console while someone else walked into the actual data vault.

He sent Cassian and Jyn ahead of him while he took control of the console. “Take him with you,” he said. “You’ll need his handprint to open the inner door to the vault.”

Cassian and Jyn grabbed the officer, each taking him under an armpit, and dragged him through the outer door to the vault, which stood open. At the other end of a short tube, they came to the hand scanner K-2SO had described to them, and they put the officer’s palm on it.

The door didn’t budge.

“It’s not working!” Cassian shouted.

K-2SO knew what the problem was without even looking. “Right hand.”

Cassian grabbed the officer’s other hand and slapped it on the scanner. A moment later, the inner vault door opened.