
Academy of Music, New York, 18

Adams, Abigail, 55–56

Adams, Brooks, 56

Adams, Henry, 56

Adams, James Truslow, 58

Adams, John, 56

Adams, John Quincy, 56

Adopt-a-Family Committee, 241

Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, 282

Allom, Charles, 36

Always Room at the Top (Walska), 139, 142–43

American Medical Association, 140

American Oil Treating and Hardening Company, 158

American Register, 201

American Tobacco Company, 45

Anderson, Marian, 103, 111

Aquitania, 138–39

Arizona (Thomas), 228


American Renaissance in, 74–75, 282

for art’s sake, 131

Boston society’s views on, 67, 68

European patrons of, 67

New York society’s views on, 18

tastes in, 217

art collections, American:

American Renaissance represented in, 74–75, 282

dealers for, 220, 241

of European works, 59, 211–12

fraud and forgery in, 240–41

French and Italian works favored in, 59

grandes dames as custodians of, 10–11, 67, 280–81

guilt feelings associated with, 211, 212

IRS stipulations on, 280

matriarchal domination in, 59

New American Masters in, 74–75

patriotism in, 74, 211

prices paid for, 86, 211, 240–41

Ascoli, Marion Rosenwald, see Rosenwald, Marion

Ascoli, Max, 111

Astor, Brooke, 282

Astor, Caroline:

dinner parties given by, 17–19, 127

in New York Society, 17, 49, 213, 223, 227

operas attended by, 18, 27, 243

personality of, 17

social decline of, 19–20, 244

Astor, Vincent, 282

Atlantic Monthly, 79, 91

August Belmont & Company, 224

Austerity Castle, 116–17

Austin Statesman, 187

Bacon, Mrs. Robert Low, 282

Bakhmeteff, George, 236

Baltzell, E. Digby, 24, 25

Barbizon School, 68, 212

Bar Harbor, Maine, 42, 43, 48

Barnard College, 159

Baron de Hirsch Fund, 201

Barrie, James M., 229

Barrymore, John, 230

Barrymore, Lionel, 230

Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, 71

Baume, Germaine de, 50

Bayou Bend, 268–69, 276–77

Beatles, 275

Beaux, Cecilia, 75

Beebe, Lucius, 267

Belmont, August:

art collected by, 226

background of, 223–25

children of, 231

Christianization of, 225–26

death of, 226

as Jewish, 224, 247

marriage of, 225–26

in New York society, 226–27

race track built by, 226

Belmont, August, Jr.:

background of, 231

death of, 247

first marriage of, 231

race horses owned by, 237–38

second marriage of, 231–32, 233, 234

Belmont, Caroline Slidell Perry:

background of, 226

children of, 231

marriage of, 225–26, 236

in New York society, 227

Belmont, Eleanor Robson:

as actress, 92–93, 228–29, 230, 232, 281

appearance of, 247–48

art collected by, 241

background of, 227–28

death of, 254

entertaining by, 235

honors received by, 253–54

mansions of, 233–34, 253

marriage of, 231–32, 233, 234

as opera patroness, 241, 242, 247, 248–50, 251–52, 254, 266

philanthropy of, 238, 239–40, 241, 252–53, 280

as racing enthusiast, 236–38

Shaw’s relations with, 229–30, 241

as society hostess, 235–36

Belmont, Fredericka Elsaas, 225

Belmont, Oliver Hazard Perry, 231

Belmont, Perry, 231

Belmont, Simon, 225

Belmont mansion, 234, 253

Belmont Park Race Track, 226

Berenson, Bernard:

background of, 78–79, 218

classic work by, 220

Duveen’s relations with, 214–15, 217–19

Gardner’s relations with, 83–84, 86, 91, 215

as Italian Renaissance art expert, 83, 166, 215–16, 220, 241

memoirs of, 219

Berenson, Mrs. Bernard, 218

Biddle, Mrs. Alexander, 48

Biddle, Edward, 25

Biddle, Emily Drexel, 25

Bigelow, Henry J., 61

Big Four, The (Lewis), 198–99

Billy Rose Sculpture Garden, 120

Birley, Oswald, 209

blacks, Rosenwalds and, 103, 105, 110, 111

Blashfield, Edwin H., 199

Blue Boy, The (Gainsborough), 207, 211, 216

Bockius, Morris, 44

Bohemians, opera and, 244

Borgia, Lucrezia, 15

Boston Assemblies, 64

Boston Brahmins, 281

Boston Opera House, 59

Boston society:

arts viewed by, 67, 68

as “conventionally independent,” 56

Germans in, 64

intellectual life in, 55

liberalism of, 55

old families in, 60

Philadelphia society vs., 55

ritual visiting in, 63

Sewing Circle in, 63–64

wealth in, 55, 60

Boston Transcript, 260

Botticelli, Sandro, 84, 217

Broadnax, Lucius, 269, 270

Brooklyn Museum, 195

Browning, Robert, 230

Bunche, Ralph, 103

Bunker, Denis, 77, 78

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 232

Burt, Nathaniel, 37, 41

By-the-Sea, 234, 253

Calder, Alexander, 120

Callas, Maria, 131

Cameron, Evelyn, 227, 228

Carew Tower, 158

Carmody, Deirdre, 254

Carnegie Museum, 104

Carter, Boake, 43

Carter, Morris, 86

Cartier, Pierre, 41, 128, 220

Caruso, Enrico, 245

Casals, Pablo, 91

Cassatt, Alexander, 42

Cassatt, Mary, 75

Central Pacific Railroad, 185, 205

chandeliering, 64

Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad, 192


Charity Ball in, 127

crime in, 102–3, 126

music in, 130–31, 132–33

psychoanalysis in, 144–45

public morality in, 132–33

society life in, 126–28

Chicago Institute of Art, 127

Chicago Opera Company, 128, 130–131, 132–33, 134, 137, 138, 139, 144

Chicago Tribune, 103, 150

Chicago with Love (Meeker), 148

Child Guidance Center of Houston, 274–75

Children of the Ghetto (Zangwill), 228

Children of the King (Crawford), 71


early years of, 155–56

ethnic composition of, 159

as Losantiville, 155

old families in, 156

philanthropy in, 163–65, 166

prosperity of, 156–57

Cincinnati Art Museum, 168, 179

Cincinnati Enquirer, 173, 174–78, 179–180

Civil War, U.S., 164, 190, 226

Cleveland, Grover, 16

Clews, Elsie, 235

Clifton, Chalmers, 166, 179n

coal mining, 39

Cochran, Alexander Smith, 138–40

Colby, Olive, 149

Colton mansion, 199

Congress, U.S., 185

Connally, John, 276

Connally, Nellie, 278

Conried, Heinrich, 245

Cook, Augustus, 227

Cook, Madge Carr, 227, 228

Coolidge, Calvin, 116

Cotton Exchange, 106, 117

Crawford, Frank Marion:

background of, 69–70

escape of, 73, 75–76

Gardner’s relations with, 70, 71–74, 77, 81, 91

as novelist, 71–72, 75

Crocker, Charles, 185, 186

Cromwell, Charles Thorn, 16

Cromwell, Doris Duke, 45, 50

Cromwell, James Henry Roberts, 233

background of, 38–39

on Eva Stotesbury, 42–43, 45, 47–48, 49–51, 279

first marriage of, 40–41, 45, 50

as New Dealer, 45–46

on Philadelphia society, 49

poverty viewed by, 39

Cromwell, Louise, 20, 21, 50

Cromwell, Oliver, 17

Cromwell, Oliver, Jr., 50

Cromwell, Oliver Eaton, 16, 17, 20, 21

Custom of the Country, The (Wharton), 74

Daisy Miller (James), 68

Damrosch, Walter, 140

dances, customs at, 64

Daniel Frawley Stock Company, 227–228

Dato, Edward, 147, 148

Davison, Henry P., 240

Dawn of Tomorrow, The (Burnett), 232

Dedmon, Emmett, 133

d’Engor, Arcadie, 138

Depression of 1929, 43, 44, 148, 179, 246–47

Devereux, Mrs. Arthur, 173–74

Devereux, Marion, 173, 174–78, 179–180, 195

Dickens, Charles, 160

Dillard University, 111, 112

Dillingham, Barbara, 257, 275

Dillman, Hugh, 45

Djordjadze, Dmitri, 177

Dodge, Anna, 40, 41, 45, 48, 220

Dodge, Delphine, 40, 45

Dodge, Geraldine Rockefeller, 133–34

Dodge, Horace, 40–41, 45, 212, 233

Dodge, Marcellus Huntley, 125

Dodge Corporation, 45

Douglas, Alfred, 132

Dr. Claudius (Crawford), 71

Drexel, Anthony J., 22, 25

Drexel and Company, 22, 45

Duke, Doris, 45, 50

Duke, James Buchanan, 45

Duke, Nanaline Inman, 45

du Maurier, Gerald, 230

Dürer, Albrecht, 214

Duveen, Elsie, 213

Duveen, James Henry, 193

Duveen, Joel Joseph, 215

Duveen, Joseph:

in art-dealer rivalry, 241

background of, 218

Berenson’s relations with, 214–15, 217–19

collecting eminence of, 220

Huntington’s relations with, 199–200, 201, 206, 207, 208, 211, 213, 214, 216–17, 220

in lawsuits, 214–15

Stotesbury’s relations with, 33–34, 36, 38, 42, 47, 84, 86, 167–68, 220

tactics of, 212–13

Edgar B. Stern Family Fund, 117–19

Edgecliffe, 159–60


for blacks, 103, 105

English model for, 59

for preschoolers, 127

private philanthropy for, 238

as progressive, 109

for women, 159, 171

Eiffel Tower, 196

Eldridge, William, 23

Eliot, T. S., 78

Ellis, A. Caswell, 273

El Mirasol, 41–42, 48, 51

Emergency Unemployment Relief Committee, 241, 252

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 91

Emery, Albert, 161

Emery, Audrey, 177

Emery, John Josiah, 156, 157–58, 177

Emery, Julia, 157

Emery, Kezia, 157

Emery, Mary:

art collected by, 161, 167–68, 179, 215

background of, 158–59

children of, 161–62

city planning by, 171–73, 178–79, 180–81

death of, 178–79

Devereux’s relations with, 177–78

Livingood’s relations with, 161–62, 166–67, 168, 169, 179

mansions built by, 159–61

marriage of, 158, 159

personality of, 159, 161

philanthropy of, 162, 163–66, 167, 168, 169, 170–73, 178–79, 280

young protégés of, 166

Emery, Sheldon, 161

Emery, Thomas, 156, 157

Emery, Thomas Josephus, Jr.:

background of, 156

business affairs of, 157–58

death of, 162

marriage of, 158, 159

Memorial Fund for, 163–64, 179, 180, 181

Emery Auditorium, 164–65

Emery Candle Company, 157, 158

Emmet, Alida Chanler, 282

England, 59, 253

Erté, 149

Evans, Cerinda W., 188–90

Fabric of Memory, The (Belmont), 232

Fabulous Chicago (Dedmon), 133

Farrar, John, 252

Farwell, Arthur, 132

Fate of Marvin, The (Hogg), 258

feminism, 127, 171, 193, 281, 282

Fenway Court, see Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Field, Marshall, 100

Filson, John, 155

Finletter, Thomas K., 236

Finn, Mickey, 126

Fish, Mrs. Stuyvesant, 235, 236

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 179

Flagstad, Kirsten, 250–51

Fleischman, Gladys, 112n

Fleming, John F., 208

Ford, Henry, 101, 212, 280

Ford Foundation, 280

Four Hundred, origin of, 17–18

Fraenkel, Joseph, 138

Franks, Bobby, 112n

Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, 263

Franz Josef, Emperor, 263

Frawley, Daniel, 228–29

Freud, Sigmund, 136–37

Frick, Henry, 211, 212, 215

Frick Museum, 104

Fuller, Melville W., 16

furniture, American, 261–62

Gambetta, Léon, 76

Gamble, James, 157

Garden, Mary, 131, 132–33, 137

Garden Clubs of America, 112

Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 227

appearance of, 56–57, 61

art museum built by, see Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

as art patroness, 66–68, 76–77, 83–85

background of, 56–58, 59

Berenson’s relations with, 83–84, 86, 91, 215

in Boston society, 63–64, 69, 74, 77–78

Crawford’s relations with, 69–70, 71–74, 75–76, 77, 81, 91

at dances, 64–65

in Europe, 58, 59, 61, 66, 82

illnesses of, 63, 64, 65, 66, 76, 85

inheritances of, 82, 85

James’s relations with, 68–69

marriage of, 62, 69, 76, 83

nervous breakdowns of, 66, 76, 85

salon founded by, 67–68, 69

Sargent’s portraits of, 80–81, 91

Sargent’s relations with, 77, 79

sexual life of, 72–73

son born to, 65–66

unconventional behavior of, 55, 61–62, 77–78, 82–83

Whistler’s portrait of, 67–68

youthful protégés of, 78, 166

Zorn’s portrait of, 90

Gardner, John Lowell, 58, 65

Gardner, John Lowell, Jr.:

background of, 60–61

in Boston society, 69, 74

business affairs of, 60, 82

child born to, 65

Crawford’s relations with, 72, 73–74

death of, 85

in Europe, 66, 82

marriage of, 62, 69, 76, 83

portrait withdrawn by, 81

Gardner, John Lowell, III, 65

Gardner, Joseph, 60

Gardner, Julia, 58, 60

Gatti-Casazza, Giulio, 245, 246, 251

Gautreau, Madame, 76

General Motors Corporation, 118

Gereuth, Maurice de Hirsch de, 201

Germans, Boston, 64

Giorgione, Il, 218

Gizycka, Felicia, 127

Gizycki, Count Josef, 127

golf, 234

Gould, Jay, 223

grandes dames:

as art custodians, 10–11, 67, 280–81

as displaced by corporations, 280

essential qualities of, 9–11, 15, 281

feminism and, 281, 282

government’s discouragement of, 280

new vs. old types of, 282–83

philanthropy of, 11

Proud Possessors vs., 10–11

selection of, 11

sexist view of, 257

as tough, 9, 15, 281

as “vanishing breed,” 279–83

Grant, Frederick Dent, 127

Grant, Ulysses S., 127

Gréber, Jacques, 36

Greeley, Horace, 224–25

Green, Marion, 166

Grey, Edward, 263

Guest, Edgar, 99

Guest, Joseph, 167, 168

Guggenheim Foundation, 280

Hackett, Charles, 166

Hammerslough family, 101

Hammerstein, Oscar, I, 246

Happy Profession, The (Sedgwick), 79–80

Harlow, Alvin, 180

Harriman, E. H., 20, 203, 223

Harriman, Mary, 238–39, 240

Harris, Leon, 120

Harrison, Benjamin, 231

Harte, Bret, 230

Havemeyer, Frederick C., 197

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 196

Henderson, Isaac, 194

Henderson, Nathalie, 239

Hepworth, Barbara, 120

Hess, Tom, 113

Heyneman, Julie Helen, 77

Histoire Héliodore, 129

Hogg, Ima:

appearance of, 259–60, 267

art collected by, 262–63

background of, 258–59, 260–61, 281

buildings restored by, 275–76

as clairvoyant, 265, 272

death of, 277–78

education of, 260–61, 262

egalitarianism of, 267

entertaining by, 269–70

as horse enthusiast, 263–64

interests of, 261–62, 265, 272–73, 275–76

mansion built by, 268–69

in mental-health work, 273–75

naming of, 257–59

oil wealth of, 265

personality of, 257–58, 270–71

as spinster, 259

Symphony Society founded by, 266–67

WPA supported by, 270–71

Hogg, James Stephen, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 265, 266, 273

Hogg, Mike, 258, 259, 261, 266, 268

Hogg, Sallie Stinson, 258, 259

Hogg, Thomas Elisha, 258

Hogg, Tom, 258, 259, 261, 266n

Hogg, Will, 258, 259, 261, 266, 268, 273, 274

Hogg Foundation, 273–75

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 281

Homans, Abigail Adams, 55–56

Homestead, The, 197

Honeymoon Cottage, 275

Hopkins, Mark, 185, 186

Hopkins, Mary, see Emery, Mary

Hopkins, Richard H., 159

horse racing, 237–38

Hotchkiss, Maria, 212

Hôtel de Hirsch, 201, 202

Hotel Emery, 157, 158

Houdini, Harry, 235

Houston, 262, 266

Houston Museum of Fine Arts, 263, 276–77

Houston Post, 272

Houston Symphony Society, 266–67

Howe, Julia Ward, 69

Howe, Maud, 73, 75

Hubbard, Elisha Dyer, 146

Hundred Year Association, 254

Hunt, Myron, 206

Hunt, Richard Morris, 197–98

Huntington, Arabella Duval Yarrington Worsham:

appearance of, 187–88, 196, 209

art collected by, 199–200, 201, 207, 208, 210, 211, 216

background of, 187–90, 191–92, 281

Birley’s portrait of, 208–9

Collis Huntington’s marriage to, 196–97

Collis Huntington’s premarital relations with, 188, 192–93, 195–196

death of, 209

Duveen’s relations with, 199–200, 201, 206, 207, 208, 211, 213, 214, 216–17, 220

entertainment by, 196

Henry Huntington’s marriage to, 202–3, 204, 206–7, 213–14

houses owned by, 194–95, 197, 201

in libel trial, 201–2

mansions built by, 197–99, 206

in New York society, 213–14

wealth of, 200, 201

Huntington, Clara, 187, 200–201

Huntington, Collis Potter:

art collected by, 199

background of, 185–86

death of, 200, 203

first marriage of, 186, 192, 193, 196

mansions owned by, 197–99

in New York society, 213

in railroad business, 185–87, 192, 205

tastes of, 195–96, 198–99

Worsham’s marriage to, 196–97, 203

Worsham’s premarital relations with, 188, 192–93, 195–96

Huntington, Elizabeth T. Stoddard:

child adopted by, 187

death of, 196

marriage of, 186, 192, 193

Huntington, Henry Edwards, 200–201

background of, 205

books and art collected by, 207–8, 211

business affairs of, 205–6

death of, 209

mansion built by, 206, 207

marriage of, 202–3, 204, 206–7, 213–14

Huntington, Mary Alice Prentice, 200–201, 203

Huntington, Solon, 186

Huntington Art Museum, 208, 209

Huntington Library, 208

illness, attitudes toward, 66

In a Balcony (Browning), 230

Ingersoll, Anna, 37–38

Internal Revenue Service, U.S., 280

Irving, Washington, 195

Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, 112

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 104, 107

building for, 85, 86–87

collections made for, 83, 84–85

funding of, 85–86, 91–92

after Gardner’s death, 91–92

as Gardner’s home, 88–89

Italian and Dutch emphasis in, 85

opening of, 87–88

public admitted to, 88–90

staff of, 90

works in, 81, 84–85, 88

Italian Painters of the Renaissance (Berenson), 220

I Tatti, 219

Jackson, C. D., 251

Jacque, Emile, 68

James, Henry, 68–69, 75, 76, 91

Jewish Century Country Club, 117


attitudes toward, 84

in Cincinnati, 173–74

German, 103, 105, 106

as immigrants, 99, 105

in New Orleans, 107, 109

in New York, 105, 224, 225, 243, 224, 247

as philanthropists, 103, 238, 239

Joint Distribution Committee, 239

Jones, Adeline L., 163

J. P. Morgan & Company, 22, 34, 244

Jung, Carl, 136–37, 220

Junior League, 238–39

Kahn, Otto H., 103, 244, 245–46, 248, 250

Kaye, Danny, 272

Kimball, Fiske, 25, 36, 44–45, 47, 51–52, 168

Kimberly-Clark Corporation, 280

Krenn, Edwin, 144–45, 146, 147, 148

Kuhn, Loeb and Company, 244

La Guardia, Fiorello, 251

La Scala, Milan, 245

Lasker, Mary, 282

Lathrop, Francis M., 199

Ledge Rock Cottage, 253

Lehman brothers, 106

Leopold, Nathan, 112n

Lespinasse, Victor, 140–41

Lewis, Oscar, 198–99, 207, 213

Lincoln, Abraham, 226

Lippincott, Horace, 37

Lippmann, Walter, 85

Little Note in Yellow, A (Whistler), 67–68

Livingood, Charles J., 161–62, 166–167, 168, 169, 179

Livingood, Elizabeth, 162

Loeb, Richard, 112n

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 160

Longue Vue, 108, 117, 120

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 20, 92, 156, 282

Longworth, Maria, 156

Longworth, Nicholas, 156

Longworth, Nicholas, III, 156

Los Angeles, 205, 206

Los Angeles Times, 207

Lotus Land, 150

Lucien Alavoine et Cie, 49

McAllister, Ward, 17, 19

MacArthur, Louise Cromwell, 20, 21, 50

McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 125

McCormick, Edith Rockefeller:

in Chicago society, 127, 128–29, 132, 133

children of, 127, 130, 133, 146, 149

city planning by, 147–48, 171

death of, 148–49

in Depression, 148

dinners given by, 128–29, 130–31, 148

divorce of, 139

jewels owned by, 128

as Jung’s client, 137, 138, 141, 144, 145, 146–47, 220

kindergarten founded by, 127–28

Krenn’s relationship with, 144–45, 146, 147, 148

mansions decorated by, 129, 133

marriage of, 125

as opera patroness, 128, 130–31, 132, 133, 134, 144

personality of, 125, 130–31, 133, 134

psychoanalysis promoted by, 144–145, 146–47

scandal in marriage of, 134–35, 150

servants’ relations with, 130

songs written by, 134

trust fund established by, 147, 148

wealth of, 136, 146, 147

McCormick, Fowler, 127, 146

McCormick, Harold Fowler:

background of, 137–38

in Chicago society, 129

extramarital dalliances of, 134–35, 136, 137–38

first marriage of, 125, 149

Garden’s relations with, 137

rejuvenation operation of, 141

second marriage of, 141–43

Walska’s relations with, 138–40, 141–43

wealth of, 136

McCormick, John Rockefeller, 127, 130

McCormick, Mathilde, 127, 146

McCormick, Muriel, 127, 146

MacFettridge, Maxine, 50

McKinlock, G. Alexander, Jr., 146

MacMullan, Katherine, 30–32, 33, 43

Macomber, William V., 280

Madame X (Sargent), 76

Madonna and Child (Zurbarán), 83

Maher, James T., 15, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 208, 209

mail-order catalogues, 99–100, 101

Major Barbara (Shaw), 230

Manhattan Club, 226

Manhattan Opera House, 246

Mann, William D’Alton, 201–2, 220

Marie, Queen of Rumania, 148

Mariemont, 160–61

Mariemont, town of, 171–73, 178–79, 180–81

Mariemont Company, 171

Mariemont Messenger, 173

Marly, 48, 51

Marquand, John P., 236

Marshall, Louis, 105, 239

Marshall Field, 100, 104

Martha Baird Rockefeller Fund for Music, 280

Mary Garden’s Story (Garden), 137

Mary Jane Morgan collection, 199

Maudsley, Henry, 273

Medici paintings, 217

Meeker, Arthur, 148, 149

Melba, Nellie, 103

Mellon, Andrew, 215, 218

Merchants of Art (Seligman), 210

Merely Mary Ann (Zangwill), 228–29, 230, 242

Metairie Country Day School, 109–10

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 280, 282

Metropolitan Opera, 242–43, 244, 245–47, 248–52

Metropolitan Opera Guild, 251–52, 253, 266

Missionary’s Story, The (Vibert), 199

Moorish salons, 195

Morgan, Elizabeth Hamilton, 231

Morgan, J. P., 20, 22, 26, 34, 86, 215

Morris, Lloyd, 18

Mowbray, H. Siddons, 199

Mr. Isaacs: A Tale of Modern India (Crawford), 71–72

Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse (Reynolds), 207, 216–17

Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, 227

Muhlenberg, Francis Swaine, 158–59

Muhlenberg, Peter, 158

Muhlenberg College, 158

Museum of Cultural History, Houston, 270

Museum of Modern Art, New York, 125, 195

Museum of the City of New York, 195

music, social fashion and, 18

National Institute of Social Sciences, 241, 253

Nesselrode, Karl, 103

Newcomb Nursery School, 109

New Deal, 44, 46

Newman, Muriel Kallis Steinberg, 282

New Orleans:

blacks in, 110, 111

Jews in, 107, 109

Mardi Gras in, 107, 110, 121

philanthropy in, 107

political corruption in, 110–11

school system in, 109

Voters Registration Service in, 110–111, 112

New Orleans Country Club, 109

New Orleans Times-Picayune, 121

Newport, 160–61, 163, 235

New York Herald, 224–25

New York Horse Show, 242

New York society:

arts as viewed by, 18

Astor’s role in, 17–18, 19–20, 49, 213, 223, 227, 244

clubs in, 226

in Depression, 246–47, 249

fashionable districts for, 194

money as central to, 31

operagoing in, 242–44, 247

social season of, 242

New York Times, 26, 140, 254

New York Town Topics, 73, 79, 83, 202, 220

New York Tribune, 197

New York World, 201

noblesse oblige, concept of, 169–70, 283

Nolan, John, 172, 180

Norton, Lillian (Nordica), 77

Nusbaum, Aaron, 100, 101–2, 104

O’Donnell, Charles, 132, 133

Oedipus and Electra complexes, 137

Ohio Mechanics’ Institute, 165

Olmstead, Frederick Law, 194

1000 Lake Shore Drive, 126, 128, 129–30, 133, 144, 148

opera, 242–47

Opera, 150

Oser, Max, 146

Packer Collegiate Institute, 159, 163, 170–71

Palmer, Bertha, 126–27, 128

Palmer, Potter, 126

Palmer House, 126

panics, economic, 20, 224

Parsifal (Wagner), 245

Pâtissier Français, 129

Patterson, Eleanor Medill, 127

Pavlovitch, Dmitri, 177

Peabody, Endicott, 79

Peabody, Mary Parkman, 170n, 281

Pennsylvania Salt Company, 47, 48

Perry, Caroline Slidell, see Belmont, Caroline Slidell Perry

Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 226

Perry, Oliver Hazard, 226

Pershing, John, 240

Philadelphia Assembly, 25, 28, 29–30

Philadelphia Bulletin, 24, 26, 28

Philadelphia Club, 25, 26, 44

Philadelphia Gentlemen: The Making of a National Upper Class (Baltzell), 24

Philadelphia Inquirer, 28

Philadelphia Museum of Art, 44, 51

Philadelphia society:

antiwork attitudes in, 24–25

Boston society vs., 55

entrances into, 26–28

food as center of, 31

as hypocritical, 33, 37, 49

institutions in, 25–26

old families in, 24, 37–38, 43, 48

“outsiders” viewed by, 24, 30, 43, 48–49

“playboys” viewed by, 41

Quakers barred from, 24

sang-froid of, 29

social maneuvering in, 31

philanthropy, 11, 43

corporations in, 280

as disorganized, 238, 239

government usurpation of, 279

Jewish, 103, 238, 239

“Ladies Bountiful” in, 169, 238

in New Orleans, 107

success in, 167

Philip II (Titian), 168

Philip IV (Velásquez), 168, 211

Pierce, Franklin, 226

Pine Knot Lodge, 199

Pinero, Arthur Wing, 229

Platt, Charles, 282

Platt, Jeffrey, 108

Platt, William, 108

“playboys,” 41, 137

Post, Emily, 202

Post, George Browne, 198

Post, Marjorie Merriweather, 282

pregnancy, attitudes toward, 65

Prentice, Alta Rockefeller, 125, 126

Prentice, Clara, 187

Prentice, Edwin, 187

Prentice, Ezra Parmalee, 126

Prinzip, Gavrilo, 263

Procter, William Cooper, 157

Procter & Gamble, 157, 181, 280

Prohibition, 36

prostitution, 102–3, 126

psychoanalysis, 136–37, 144

psychology, synthetic, 137

Quakers, 22, 24

Queensberry, Marquis of, 131–32

Rachford, Benjamin K., 163

railroad wars, 16

Rainey, Homer P., 274

Rancho San Marino, 206, 207, 208

Rape of the Taxpayer, The (Stern), 118

Rasmussen, Anne Marie, 142

Ravinia, 97, 102

Ravinia Summer Opera, 150

Reagan, Ronald, 253

Red Cross, 239–40, 253

rejuvenation operations, 140–41

Reporter, 111

Responsibility in Mental Illness (Maudsley), 273

Reynolds, Joshua, 207, 216–17

Rittenhouse Club (Philadelphia), 25–26

Robbins, Jessie, 231

Roberts, James Henry, 16–17

Robson, Charles, 227

Robson, Eleanor, see Belmont, Eleanor Robson

Rochefoucauld family, 129

Rockefeller, Barbara Sears (“Bobo”), 125, 141–42

Rockefeller, Edith, see McCormick, Edith Rockefeller

Rockefeller, Ethel, 125

Rockefeller, Geraldine, 133–34

Rockefeller, John D., 20, 125, 137–138, 147, 157, 195, 197

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 148, 195

Rockefeller, Nelson, 125

Rockefeller, Steven, 142

Rockefeller, William G., 125

Rockefeller, Winthrop, 141–42

Rockefeller-Dodge mansion, 133–34

Rockefeller Family Fund, 280

Rockefeller Foundation, 280

Roebuck, Alvah Curtis, 99

Roman Singer, A (Crawford), 75

Rookwood Pottery, 156

Roosevelt, Alice, 20, 92, 156, 282

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 251, 252, 272, 282

Roosevelt, Franklin, 44, 46, 50, 249, 251, 253, 270

Roosevelt, Theodore, 20, 97

Rosenbach, A. S. W., 207, 208

Rosenwald, Adele, 97

Rosenwald, Augusta Nusbaum, 97–98, 100, 102

Rosenwald, Edith, see Stern, Edith Rosenwald

Rosenwald, Julius:

background of, 97, 98, 100–101, 126

as benevolent despot, 112

black schools built by, 103, 105, 110, 111

contributions to Stern house by, 108

as employer, 102–3

as philanthropist, 103–4, 105–6

Sears, Roebuck purchased by, 101–102

Rosenwald, Lessing, 97

Rosenwald, Marion, 97, 98, 104, 111, 114, 116, 119

Rosenwald, William, 97, 98, 106, 112n, 119

Rosenwald Fellowships, 103

Rosenwald Schools, 103

Rose Terrace, 40, 41

Rothschild, House of, 224, 225

Rubinstein, Artur, 277

Rudolph Kann collection, 201

Rural Free Delivery, 98–99

Ruskin, John, 214

Saarinen, Aline, 10

Saga of American Society, The (Wecter), 223–24

Saint-Désert tapestries, 74

Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 75

Salomé (Strauss), 131, 132–33

Salomy Jane (Harte), 230

San Francisco, 204, 205

San Francisco earthquake, 204

San Francisco Examiner, 187

Santayana, George, 78

Sargent, John Singer:

in Boston society, 75

as controversial, 76

Gardner’s portrait painted by, 80–81, 91

Gardner’s relations with, 77, 79

Sarnoff, David, 252

Scarlet Letter, The (Hawthorne), 196

Schiff, Jacob, 103, 105, 239, 243, 244

Sears, Richard, 99–100, 101, 102

Sears, Roebuck & Company:

as big corporation, 118

catalogues for, 99–100

founding of, 100–101

market for, 105–6

Rosenwald’s control of, 102, 104, 112

Stern’s involvement in, 116, 117

wages at, 102–3

Sears, Willard T., 85, 86–87

Sears Tower, 121

Secrets of an Art Dealer, The (Duveen), 193

Sedgwick, Ellery, 79–80

Seligman, Germain, 210

Shangri-La (Doris Duke’s estate), 50

Shaw, George Bernard, 229–30, 241, 253–254

Shaw, Patricia, 252

Siddons, Sarah, 217

Sinton, David, 164

Sinton Hotel, 177

Sketch for a Self-Portrait (Berenson), 219

Smith, Alva, 231

Social Register, 17, 25, 200

social responsibility, era of, 40

Society for the Prevention of Useless Giving, 239

Southern Pacific Railroad, 185, 205

Speyer, Mrs. James, 239

Speyer Animal Hospital, 239

Sprague, William B., 170–71

Stanford, Leland, 185, 186

State Department, U.S., 33

Staub, John, 268, 269

Stern, Audrey, 109, 113, 118

Stern, Edgar:

background of, 106

business affairs of, 106, 114, 117

death of, 118

as Jewish, 113

marriage of, 104, 111, 112, 117

in New Orleans society, 109, 121

philanthropy of, 117–18

Stern, Edgar, Jr., 109, 113–14, 118–119, 121

Stern, Edith Rosenwald:

art collected by, 120

background of, 97, 102, 104, 281

in black rights work, 110, 111

children of, 109, 112, 113, 117

death of, 119–20

elections investigated by, 110

as Jewish, 113

mansions built by, 107–8, 116, 117, 120

marriage of, 104, 106

in New Orleans, 106–7, 108–9, 120–21

parties given by, 108–9, 115–16

personality of, 102, 104, 111–13

in progressive education, 109–10, 127

servants’ relations with, 113, 116–117

in Stern Fund work, 117–18, 119

in tax litigation, 113–14

Voters Service founded by, 110–11, 120

Stern, Philip, 109, 112, 117, 118, 119, 120

Stern Fund, 117–19

Stevenson, Adlai E., 118

Steward, LeRoy T., 132, 133

Stewart, Adelia Smith, 57–58, 59

Stewart, David, 57, 59, 62, 82

Stewart Iron Company, 57

Stillman, Anne, 146

Stones of Venice, The (Ruskin), 214

Stotesbury, Edward T. (Ned),

anti-New Deal views of, 46

art collected by, 33

background of, 22–23

business affairs of, 20, 22, 34, 39, 43, 46

death of, 46

in Depression, 43–44

first marriage of, 23

in Philadelphia society, 24–26, 27–28, 29–30, 36–37, 48

on poverty, 39

second marriage of, 23–24, 26, 41

Stotesbury, Fanny Butcher, 23

Stotesbury, Lucretia (Eva) Bishop Roberts:

art collected by, 33–34, 36, 44–45, 47, 51–52, 68, 84, 86, 168, 215, 220

background of, 15–16, 281

children born to, 19

death of, 51

in Depression, 43–44, 45

Duveen’s relations with, 33–34, 36, 38, 42, 47, 84, 86, 167–68, 220

fatal flaw of, 38

financial difficulties of, 46–47, 48

first marriage of, 16–17, 20, 21

jewels owned by, 26, 27–28, 32, 36–37

mansions built by, 34, 35, 37, 41–42, 107

in New York society, 17, 20–21

parties given by, 20, 31–33, 36–37, 41, 44, 49

personal sense of theatre of, 15, 32, 49

in Philadelphia society, 24, 26–28, 29–30, 31–33, 35, 36–37, 38, 48–49, 56

philanthropy of, 43

second marriage of, 23–24, 26

on social responsibility, 11, 39–40

Strauss, Richard, 131

Stud Book, 237

Sullivan, John L., 78, 131

Sulzberger, Germon, 106n

Sunset, 207

Supreme Court, U.S., 16

Sutherland, Robert L., 274

Symmes, John Cleves, 155

Taft, Annie Sinton, 156, 164, 165

Taft, William Howard, 26, 157

Temple Emanu-El, 101

Ternina, Milka, 242

Tetrazzini, Luisa, 103–4

Tharp, Louise Hall, 73, 93

Théâtre des Champs Elysées, 149

Theodore Roosevelt Association, 254

Thomas, Augustus, 228

Thomas Emery’s Sons, Incorporated, 157–58

Titian, 218

Toscanini, Arturo, 245, 246, 272

Tragedy of Lucretia, The (Botticelli), 84

Tree, Marietta, 170n

Trumbauer, Horace, 36

Tuskegee Institute, 105

Twilight of Splendor, The (Maher), 189

Twitchell Process Company, 158

Tyler, George, 230

United Appeal, 239

United Jewish Appeal, 239

Up from Slavery (Washington), 105

Vanderbilt, Consuelo, 231

Vanderbilt, Grace, 235–36

Vanderbilt, William H., 194, 197, 213

Vanderbilt, William K., 231, 245

Vanderbilt mansion, 194, 197

Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Alexander, 48

Vassar College, 159

Vedder, Elihu, 199

Velásquez, Diego, 168, 211

Vernon Children, The (Romney), 47

Vibert, Jean Georges, 199

Villa Turicum, 133, 144, 146

Violet Note (Whistler), 68

Waite, Morrison R., 16

Wallis, Gladys, 228

Walska, Ganna, 138–40, 141, 142–43, 149–51

Walt Disney World, 115–16

Warburg, Felix, 103, 105

War Council, U.S., 240

Ward, Aaron Montgomery, 99

Ward, Sam, 73

Warren, Frances, 126

Washington, Booker T., 105

Washington Post, 118

Washington society, 31

Waterford Jack (Frances Warren), 126

WDSU Broadcasting, New Orleans, 118


in Boston society, 55, 60

in Depression, 43

noblesse oblige and, 40, 169–70, 283

values associated with, 169–70, 178, 283

Wecter, Dixon, 223–24

Weeks, Edward, 91

Weidenfeld, Camille, 187

Wellesley College, 9–10

Wharton, Edith, 58, 74, 75

Wheeler, Alvin, 269

Whistler, James McNeill, 67–68

White, Stanford, 74, 75, 282

Whitemarsh Hall, 35–36, 37, 43, 44, 46–47, 48, 107

Whitney, Sarah Swan, 231

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 91

Who’s Who: A Society Register … for Cincinnati (Devereux), 173–74

Who’s Who in America, 118

Wilde, Oscar, 131–32

Wildenbourg, Prince François-Edmond-Joseph-Gabriel Vit de und von Hatzfeldt, 200

Wilson, Adah, 149

Wilson, Woodrow, 240, 246

Wingwood House, 42, 43

Wolff, Edwin, II, 208

Women’s Trade Union League, 231

Working Girls’ Vacation Association, 239

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 270–71

World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893, 100, 126, 127

World War I, 239–40, 263

World War II, 34

Worsham, Annette, 191

Worsham, Arabella Duval, see Huntington, Arabella Duval Yarrington Worsham

Worsham, Archer Milton, 191, 193, 200–201

Worsham, Johnny, 190, 191–92, 195, 197

Worth, Graham A., 156

Yarrington, Arabella Duval, see Huntington, Arabella Duval Yarrington Worsham

Yarrington, Catherine, 189, 190–91, 192, 194

Yarrington, Richard, 189

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), 163, 164

Zangwill, Israel, 228–29

Zaza (Leoncavallo), 139

Zorn, Anders, 90–91

Zurbarán, Francisco de, 83