
Thanks are due to Christophe Bonneuil, Gauthier Chapelle, Élise Monette, Olivier Alléra, Daniel Rodary, Jean Chanel, Yves Cochet and Flore Boudet for their attentive, courageous and benevolent readings, with a special mention for Yves Cochet, who offered us the postscript, and our editor Christophe Bonneuil, who believed in our ideas and our project and who guided us with unfailing patience. Thanks also to Sophie Lhuillier and Charles Olivero at Le Seuil for their close and patient work. The idea for the final poem goes back to our brother Gauthier Chapelle, an essential link in the networks in these difficult times, and now a seasoned collapsologist. Thanks also to Agnès Sinaï, Yves Cochet (again) and to friends of the Institut Momentum for creating a place and opportunities for such fertile exchanges around these taboo topics, and to our friends at Barricade, Etopia, Nature & Progrès, BeTransition, Imagine and Réfractions for allowing these ideas to live before we wrote our manuscript. The material conditions of research and writing were particularly difficult at the end of 2014, and so we feel an immense gratitude for our partners, families, friends and neighbours who supported this birth by creating the right material and psychological conditions for us. Thank you, therefore, to Élise, Stéphanie, Nelly and Michel, Chantal and Pierre, Brigitte and Philippe, Monique, Benoît and Caroline, Antoine and Sandrine, Thomas and Noëlle, Philippe and Martine, Pierre-Antoine and Gwendoline, and the B’z! Finally, thank you to everyone who came to talk to us after the conferences, workshops and training sessions and who encouraged us to continue this research.