
September 25, 2018

Dear Lovely _________________,

I’m up at 5:10 a.m. writing you this letter – nearly eight years to the day since I wrote that letter to myself, the one in the Preface to this book. I’m in my kitchen in London; it’s a new kitchen, but no less tied to my heart than the one in which I started my business years ago. I have a candle lit for us – to celebrate the end of our journey together.

But the truth is, it’s just the start for you. What happens after you close this book is more important than our time together has been.

Continue to go back to the words you’ve read in this book. Continue to reread the chapters. Study everything that I’ve provided you with. Take it in. And implement all the Action Steps.

As you do so, pay attention to the shifts that start to occur. They may be simple at first – you get a new idea, someone calls you out of the blue, an opportunity appears as if out of nowhere – but just like getting that plane off the ground, things are about to pick up. You’re about to soar, so hold on tight.

Trust that everything you want, wants you back. You don’t have to worry. It’s all there for the taking. Your life is there for the taking. It’s all happening as it’s meant to. You’ve always been in the right place at the right time, and today’s no different. Nothing has been or ever will be an accident. Follow your heart. And know that I can’t wait to see you shine.

Emily xx