On Test Day

Test Day should contain no surprises. Test takers who feel in control of the events leading up to the test take that confidence with them into the testing center.

Leave early for the testing center, giving yourself plenty of time. Read something to warm up your brain; you don’t want the GMAT to be the first written material your brain tries to assimilate that day. Dress in layers for maximum comfort. That way, you’ll be able to adjust to the testing room’s temperature. In traveling to the testing center, leave yourself enough time for traffic or mass transit delays.

Be ready for a long day. Total testing time, remember, is about 3.0 hours. When you add the administrative paperwork before and after, and the two 8-minute breaks, you’re looking at an experience of 3.5 hours or more.

You will feel most prepared and confident if you have an understanding of how the logistics of Test Day will play out. Taking the full-length practice CATs in your online resources and those from mba.com will help you get the feel for the GMAT itself, but certain events are unique to the experience in the testing center. Here’s what to expect:

At the testing center, you will . . .

Here are some strategic reminders to help guide your work on Test Day:

What should you do if you . . .

After Test Day, you should . . .