Footnotes - Chapter 1

1 Fulcanelli, Il Mistero delle Cattedrali , Edizioni Mediterranee 1972.

2 The meaning of the term “Synchronicity” will be explained in Chapter 5.

3 Lettre à M. Dacier ( Letter to Mr Dacier ), 1822.

4 Here used as synonym for the cards of the Tarot.

5 From Storia dei Tarocchi by Giordano Berti, the Mondadori edition, 2007.

6 From the article Du Jeu des Tarots (Of the Game of Tarots), written in 1781 in the encyclopaedia Le Monde Primitif ( The Primitive World ), volume VIII.

7 The Cabala is part of the esoterical tradition of Hebrew mysticism.

8 Ancient philosofical-esoterical system which combines elements of chemistry, physics, astrology, semiotics, medicine and mysticism.

9 Regarding this, merely as an example, suffice it to remember that in the Arthur Waite Tarot the positions of Strength and Justice, dictated presumably by astrological necessity, are inverted with respect to almost all other decks considered esoterical.

10 Raimon Panikkar, full name Raimundo Pàniker Alemany (1918-2010), was a philosopher, theologian, writer and Catholic priest, of Indian and Catalan heritage, author of more than sixty books and several hundred articles on comparative religion and interfaith dialogue.